
  • Are you setting boundaries or walls?

    Boundaries are incredibly important in allowing us to stay in our integrity, show up authentically as ourselves, and know where we "end" and someone else "begins". What about those times when we set a boundary, but it doesn't serve us in the way it's supposed to? Maybe it reinforces our fears vs. allowing for growth and connection. It becomes more of a wall, a way to keep others out, and creates isolation, hyper-independence, and stagnance. What's the difference between a boundary and a wall, and when is a wall actually necessary?

    Listen in to the conversation.

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    17 分
  • Reflecting on Words by Marianne Williamson and spoken by Nelson Mandela at his 1994 inaugural address.

    Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate.
    Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure.
    It is our light and not the darkness that most frightens us.
    We ask ourselves, who am I to be brilliant,
    gorgeous, talented, and fabulous?
    Actually, who are you to not be?

    Listen in to the conversation.

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    18 分
  • Being Successful on Your Own Terms


    What is success? The world tells you that have thousand of followers or have millionaire status. But is success on your own terms? What is success to you? What is being successful on your own terms? Listen in to the conversation.

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    13 分
  • Feed What You Value

    Are your actions and behaviors consistent with what you say you value?  Most of us don't realize how much we're investing in the opposite of what we value.  Open your minds get curious, and listen as we have this conversation.  

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    18 分
  • To whom, What, and Where are You Giving Your Attention?

    What we allow persists - And what we focus on gains traction. Building awareness around where we're investing our time and energy (yes, that includes our thoughts) is the first step in deciding to be intentional about where our attention goes. If you took an audit of your thoughts, spaces, and people right now - Would you see that you're investing in a way that is supportive, or destructive?  Listen in on the conversation.

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    21 分
  • Whom Are You Surrounded By?

    Whom you are surrounded by will have a huge impact on your beliefs, habits, and personal energy, and factor into what you do or don't think is possible.  When you look around at the people you spend most of your time with, what recurring themes emerge?  Is it a space of support?  Do you find yourself feeling defeated and overwhelmed?  Are you able to show up authentically as yourself, or do you notice that you play down certain things about yourself to avoid disrupting the dyanmics?  Listen in to the coaching conversation.

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    19 分
  • Spring Cleaning Your Life

    Usually, when spring comes it is a time of refreshing the house. What about refreshing your life. What do you need to let go of? What is cluttering your life? You might want to let go of; limiting beliefs, bad habits, energy zappers, someone in your life, or something else! Listen in as we help you Spring Clean Your Life.

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    23 分
  • The Best Nuggets of Wisdom We've Received

    We are talking about the best wisdom that we have received.  Wisdom according to the Oxford Language Dictionary is the quality of having experience, knowledge, and good judgment; the quality of being wise.  We are talking about where and the people we have received good wisdom.  Join us in the conversation.

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    18 分