
  • Reflecting on the Impact of Power, Privilege, and Poor Communication

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    Communication is important and yet so lacking. The consequences can be weighty, particularly when we aren't being seen clearly by those in positions of power and privilege. I've been dealing with this at work and it's rather unfortunate.

    Join me tonight as I share a personal experience navigating, and being with, the impact and effects of not being seen clearly.

    Thank you for your presence.

    Deep gratitude,


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    18 分
  • How Do You Get Back On The Path?

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    We're not always gonna be on the path. That's impossible. The nature of being human has a connection to imperfection. So we seek instead to be as aligned as we are able by way of being alert, awake to ourselves and our lives. When we find ourselves off the path, or teetering about, the inquiry and exploration becomes about our practice for returning to truth. What do you do to bring yourself back to center, back into alignment, and back on the path?

    Join me in today's episode where I openly share about my own recent teetering, and what that looked like with my partner.

    As always, thank you for being here. I appreciate you.

    Deep gratitude,


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  • This Is An Invitation To Pause and Be Present With Yourself.

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    Take a moment to pause the happenings and drop into yourself. It's far too easy to get swept up and away by the tasks and to-dos of life, that we give little to know thought to ourselves. It isn't sustainable. It just isn't. We may not yet see the effects or how grand a reality of the many things being compromised, but it's happening. Cause and effect are real.

    It's a new day, or at least we need to treat it as such. It's time to carve a new path, a path that sustains us from the inside out. No one benefits when we forsake ourselves or forgo our own needs working instead toward maintaining the status quo, or keeping that hamster wheel turning.


    In today's episode we look at the necessity and importance of implementing a pause, if only for two minutes, and connect with ourselves. No one is more deserving.

    I appreciate your presence.

    Deep gratitude,


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    14 分
  • Give Your Grief Some Love

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    Grief is such a little word of magnanimous power and presence. In the same way that it can bring us to collapse, it can crack our hearts so wide open that we see the beauty and gift of each moment. Grief is beautiful. It's devastating and heartbreaking, yes, and it is beautiful. I invite us to feel the fullness of our grief in the same way that we feel the fullness of what has arrived us at the door of our grief. Let us not abandon our deepest pain nor lose ourselves in the slippery slope of feeling like we cannot again wake to fresh and new life. We can. I believe there to be a path that leads us more in connection and closeness with our grief and less at odds or separation. For me, that path begins with sitting with my grief and turning my ear toward its expression.

    This is an invitation.

    Let's connect with our grief, so that we honor ourselves, our journeys, and our hearts. Let's give our grief some love.

    Thank you for your presence with me today.

    Deep gratitude,


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    11 分
  • Are You Experiencing an Inner-ruption?

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    Yes, you read that correctly. This episode is about the experience of having an inner-ruption. It's that dis-ease or angst or unsettled feeling or stress or insert the very thing that is disrupting your inner. It's often that feeling we feel when something has happened and remains unresolved. Perhaps we feel slighted, unseen, disrespected, disregarded, or there's an injustice of some kind, or a bit of gaslighting. It could even be that we ourselves have behaved in a way that we aren't proud of, and that has a hold on us. I know I've felt an inner-ruption before, recently in fact. I invite you to listen to a little bit of my experience.

    As always, thank you for being here.

    Deep gratitude,


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  • Keeping Steady Is a Practice in Inner Faith

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    In 2017, I quit my job and career in hospice care and moved to San Miguel de Allende, Mexico. I did this without any real planning, plan, or financial abundance. I felt moved, called, and so I left.

    What you should know, is that the leaving was easy. Letting things go and walking away, felt normal to me for whatever reason. It was the return that exercised my truest, deepest, and realist inner strength. That rebuilding journey brought me face to face with faith and what it really looked like and meant for me. The kind of faith that one needs when they have little to no means or resources. I learned not only that I possessed faith, but how to practice it.

    This episode shares a bit about my journey while also turning the reflection onto you and asking you the tough questions about your faith, and how you keep steady in your life.

    Thank you for joining me, and as always, I welcome your thoughts.

    Deep gratitude,


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    17 分
  • Ask For What You Want

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    Too often we do ourselves a disservice by keeping our wants and needs quiet, and not making them known. Interestingly, we somehow still manage to believe the other person should know. I guess it's easier to feel disappointed than it is to be vulnerable about our needs. A lack of communication, and I mean real communication, of the transparent, direct, truthfully vulnerable, and open, kind, is at the root of most interpersonal problems with intimate relationships being rather high.

    I appreciate practicing real communication. I find myself having a richer more meaningful and authentic life experience. One of the many things I appreciate about this practice, is how communication allows me to see things clearly. I also appreciate the way it enhances my personal life, be that growing in deeper connection with my partner or ending a friendship. At the end of the day, I want to be on the path of what is, not on the road of what I hope something is or will become. I value seeing clearly.

    So that's what this episode is about, in a nutshell.

    Thank you for your presence today.

    Deep gratitude,


    Ps. I appreciate any downloads and sharing should that resonate as true for you.

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  • Gratitude(.)

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    Gratitude is such a game-changer. I have found the practice of gratitude to create the kind of openings in life that it's hard not to turn toward its way. Join me for this BONUS episode where I invite you to pause and take a moment for yourself. Take a moment to reflect on where gratitude may be present in your life, or perhaps where gratitude may benefit from being present. Too often we go, go, and go that we forget to slow down and reflect; we forget to give ourselves but a few moments for ourselves. Join me in this extra episode as we turn our attention on gratitude.

    Thank you for your time and your presence.

    Deep gratitude,


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