• Leviticus 8 – 11 :: Priestly Duties & God's Presence in the Fire
    Welcome back to the book of Leviticus, my OOBTers! Today, we're diving into the ordination of the priests and how Jesus is Our Great High Priest. How He is right beside us. Never far off. Never distant as the priests of the Old Testament were from the Israelites. I just love that, don’t you? So beautiful. Together we'll see how Moses follows God's instructions for the ordination of Aaron and his sons, preparing them for service. In Leviticus 9 we recognize all the offerings we’ve studied already, but this time offered for the priests themselves. I can’t help but notice the order of all this: sin had to be dealt with first and THEN it happened – God’s glory appears in a miraculous fire that consumes the offering on the altar as a sign of God’s acceptance and presence dwelling with them in the Tabernacle. And then we’ll witness the Israelites fall facedown in worship (more on that in today’s episode too.) They bowed down in honor of our God who wants to be with us. So good. Honestly, friends there is so much more in today’s episode…the importance of keeping God’s fire burning, the tragic story of Nadab and Abihu, and many laws about clean and unclean animals. Through all of this, we'll uncover the deep significance of holiness and obedience in our relationship with God. And there’s that word again… holiness. My how that one has become such a valuable part of our studies in the book of Leviticus! Annndddd please be sure to listen in to the very end of this one as I have an important last-minute announcement about the podcast to share with all of you… about what one of those unexpected things life throws our way means for OOBT in the days and weeks to come. I so you hope you listen in! For the full episode show notes and more, please go to https://mfahring.com/leviticus-8-11/
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  • Leviticus 5-7 :: The Holiness & Presence of Our God + Those Offerings
    Welcome back to the Open Our Bibles Together podcast! As promised at the end of our last episode, back to school equals back to the podcast after a much-needed summer break. It is honestly mind-blowing to consider all of the changes happening in our home and lives this Fall which makes me SUPER GRATEFUL I had the opportunity to slow down and soak in all of the times our F7 family spent together in Summer 2024. It truly was quite a blessing, BUT NOW, I’m back and VERY ready to dive into our studies in the book of Leviticus together. Sooooo, as a bit of a refresher, please recall that Leviticus picks up right where Exodus left off. At the end of Exodus, we saw that God filled the tent with His glory after the Tabernacle was completed, but His presence was too holy, so not even Moses could enter. The question Exodus left us with is this… How can we live in the presence of our holy God? Well, friends, we find that answer in the book of Leviticus!! How’s that for an enticing teaser to an often overlooked and frequently abandoned book of the Bible?! LOL! As we pick up today (and before we explore Leviticus chapters 5 through 7), we first take a step back to consider a couple 30,000 feet/big picture story type views I found on repeat over and over and over again in my studies... this time by focusing in on the themes of God’s holiness and His Presence among His people. God With Us. So good. In this episode, we’ll also unpack the various offerings described in these chapters, including the Sin Offering, Guilt Offering, Burnt Offering, Grain Offering, and Peace Offering. We discuss the significance of these sacrifices, their role in atonement and purification, and how they point us to the ultimate sacrifice of Jesus Christ. Honestly, there’s all this and so much more in this first episode release after our OOBT summer break! Be sure you don’t miss out on this one! I can’t wait to study with you! For the full episode show notes, please go to https://mfahring.com/leviticus-5-7/
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  • Leviticus Intro + 1-4 :: Drawing Near to Our Holy God
    Hello and welcome back to another episode release of our podcast my friends!!! I’m so glad you are here as we begin our studies in the book of Leviticus together. And yes… I did say LEVITICUS. LOL! You may have heard me say in previous episodes of OOBT that the book of Leviticus is often referred to as the place where many one-year Bible reading plans go to die…. Oh goodness. But not for us am I right my OOBTers?! We got this… one chapter, one page at a time. ANNNDDD as I mentioned to you all when we recently finished the book of Exodus… I discovered SO MANY new threads to pull in studying Leviticus, that I am super excited to be able to begin sharing some of them with you… not only in today’s episode… but also in the episodes to come. In the meantime, though, since we’re once again getting ready to take a summer break for OOBT as we have done in previous summers, I wanted to spend this last episode before we do give us a good solid introduction to the book along with a peek of all that is to come by diving right on into Leviticus 1-4. These chapters will help to get us positioned and ready to return to our studies in mid-August. PLUS, there’s much more about that return date found at the end of this episode as well! Gosh, I’m so glad you are joining me, my friends! With that said, how about we just head right on into today’s episode shall we?! For the full episode show notes, please go to https://mfahring.com/leviticus-intro-1-4/
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  • Throwback Episode :: How I Study the Bible
    Welcome to Summer 2024 my friends! Today we are going to go all the way back to the beginning of OOBT – dusting off EPISODE TWO and once again taking a listen to some of my fav tips and tricks about How I Study the Bible… as a refresher for many of us and maybe even a first-time listen for all of our new friends who have joined us along the way! What a trip down memory lane to listen to this one from the very early days of the Open Our Bibles Together podcast. Oh my. LOL! Honestly, though, I thought now was the PERFECT time to hear a refresher of all those tips on how to lean in while studying as found in this one… especially since we are getting ready to begin studying the book of Leviticus in the coming weeks…. Our next episode to be exact. Leviticus is often labeled as one of the perceived hardest books of the Bible to study and understand… aside from the book of Revelation but we got this my OOBTers!! ANNNDDD... I am also SUPER EXCITED to announce that the release of this throwback episode of the podcast coincides with the release of my newly created How I Study the Bible guide. This pdf is overflowing with my fav Bible study tips perfect for helping you to dig into the pages of God's Word on your own... so much study goodness all in one place! What's not to love about that? This FREE resource is now available when you sign up for it on the mfahring.com website. And while you are there, don’t forget to sign up for My Must Have Study Resources guide featuring 20+ of my absolute favorites. For the full episode show notes, please go to https://mfahring.com/throwback-how-i-study-the-bible-podcast/
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  • Throwback Episode :: BONUS + PREQUEL to Exodus
    As I promised at the end of our last episode of OOBT, we’re going to go back and take a re-listen to our bonus and prequel episode to Exodus from last summer (yep... a whole year ago!) because I really do believe that all I included in that one is going to mean so much more to us now that we've finished our studies in the book of Exodus. I know it sure did land differently for me when I went back to listen so I’m hoping it does the same for you, my friends. We truly have learned so much in the last year my OOBTers… in those thin crinkly pages of Exodus. I hope you discover some glimpses of that in today’s re-air of our prequel episode too. So good! The Big Picture. Waiting. Slavery in Egypt. Suffering. God hears. God sees. God remembered. God provides. Promise Keeper. God knew. God knows. Oh goodness. Truly there’s so much to share in this one! For the full episode show notes, please go to https://mfahring.com/throwback-bonus-prequel-to-exodus/
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  • Exodus 37-40 :: God Dwells With the Israelites and With Us
    :::: THAT’S A WRAP MY OOBTers!! :::: WELL…. WITH THE BOOK OF EXODUS ANYWAY! 🎉🎉🎉 Three books down (Genesis, Job, and now Exodus) with only 63 more to go! We got this right?! LOL! So we FINISH the book of Exodus today AND up next we’ll BEGIN Leviticus. (More on that to come… I promise!) In the meantime, though, I think we could easily sum up nearly all that is happening in today’s episode with these words on repeat in our readings…. “Just as the LORD had commanded Moses.” That particular phrase is repeated nearly 10 times in Exodus chapter 39 alone… all that repetition should make us sit up and take notice of what Moses is detailing in the construction of the Tabernacle and the priestly garments. Honestly, even the repetition all over again of the specific instructions for crafting all the pieces and parts of the Tabernacle should remind us of the importance of Israel’s full obedience in doing everything … you guessed it… “Just as the LORD had commanded Moses.” How about instead of continuing to talk in circles about repetition and all the things, you just listen in to this one to hear how all it comes together for yourself? And be sure you don’t miss all the talk about God’s presence. God dwelling. God With Them and Us PLUS some of the many ways that the story of Exodus is our story too. Oh goodness please trust me when I say this is a don’t miss episode of OOBT!
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  • Exodus 34-36 :: The Glory & Presence of God
    “Show me Your glory.” These words not only ended our last episode of OOBT but are also the ones we pick back up with today as well. Not only does Moses have the opportunity to see God’s glory, but he also comes back down from Mt. Sinai with a radiant face from spending time in God’s presence. Wow! Just wow. We also hear the words God used to describe Himself. Gracious. Merciful. Slow to Anger. Faithful. Forgiving. Gosh, OOBTers… How can we not recognize all of these characteristics over and over again in His care for His people? In His continued presence with these rebellious people. In rewriting the stone tablets Moses broke. In reaffirming His covenant by highlighting the specific commands to avoid idolatry and unacceptable worship in the future (especially after that unfortunate golden calf incident). In His command to build the Tabernacle so He can dwell among the Israelites. In spite of all that has happened up to this point. Our God. Our God of second chances. Our God who is full of compassion and mercy. Our God who is slow to anger and is filled with unfailing love and faithfulness. Our God who provides. The Same God. Our God With Us. So beautiful. For the full episode show notes, please go to https://mfahring.com/exodus-34-36/
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  • Exodus 31-33 :: God Equips the Called + That Golden Calf Incident
    Welcome to OOBT’s 60th episode my friends!! Yep… you read that right… the big 6-0! Wow! Let’s take a moment today to celebrate that we’ve reached another milestone here on OOBT… in our studies together… we just keep moving right along on those thin crinkly pages and the episodes just keep on piling up, don’t they?! Yay! I’m so glad you’re here with me to celebrate! Annndddd I am super humbled and oh so very excited to still be studying alongside each one of you … now 60 episodes later… AMAZING! Ok, enough of all that…how about we let our confetti settle to now return our attention to Moses and those Israelites at Mount Sinai. We start off our studies today with God instructing Moses on how He has not only chosen two craftsmen for the construction of all things related to the Tabernacle but that He has also filled them with wisdom for creating all of the items EXACTLY as He has detailed to Moses. This serves as further proof that whatever God requires of us, He equips us for & He gives us all we need for the assignment. So good. There is also more talk about Sabbath rest and then… dun dun duuun… there is that golden calf incident. Yikes! Truthfully, there’s so much more I could say about Episode 60 but how about instead I just let you listen in for yourselves? LOL! Seriously though, be sure you don’t miss this one! (And yes, I am aware that I probably say that with EVERY episode release, but I actually mean it each time as well… I discovered so much in my studies that I can’t wait to share with each one of you!) I love our times together so much my OOBTers! For the full episode show notes, please go to https://mfahring.com/exodus-31-33/
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