
  • Suspicious Deaths in Dyatlov Pass

    The Urals, the great mountain range separating Europe from Asia, has many charms for those who wish to practice mountaineering. There is no lack of mountains and passes to challenge the courage of hikers who dare to face it. In winter, the harshness of its climate makes it an inhospitable region, almost a desert. There are however many candidates for the ascent. But one day in February 1959, a group of hikers died there in circumstances so tragic that they suggest that strange activities were taking place...

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    12 分
  • The Roswell Incident

    July 3rd, 1947. The summer sky over New Mexico in the southwestern United States is stormy. Flashes of lightning streak through the night and thunder rumbles. In the early morning, Mac Brazel discovers metal debris strewn on the ground of his ranch in Corona. Unable to identify them nor to understand their origin, he shows them to his neighbors, the Proctors. They can't identify them either. By mutual agreement, they decide to show them to Sheriff George Wilcox. Just as intrigued, the latter alerts the Roswell military base, which sends two soldiers to examine them : Major Jesse Marcel and Captain Sheridan Cavitt. On July 7th, 1947, they themselves recover more debris and bring it back to the base.

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  • The Strange Nazca Lines

    Flying over the high plateaus of Peru, one can discover an archaeological treasure traced on the ground and classified as a World Heritage Site by UNESCO : the Nazca geoglyphs. These gigantic drawings represent animals, geometric or humanoid figures. But what do they mean ? Why did the Nazcas draw these extraordinary designs, some of them over a half of mile high ? How did they do it since they had no way to get up in the air to get a bird's eye view ? When the Nazcas were a prosperous people, why did they abandon their plateaus, leaving behind their drawings and burying their pyramids ? Why does a civilization die out ?

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  • The Demons of Anneliese Michel

    In the past, it wasn't uncommon to have to deal with the Devil on one or several occasions of a one's life time. He tempted poor sinners, sowed disorder and spread disease. Rationalism has defeated many diabolical manifestations and today, Lucifer and his henchmen appear more seldom. Still, well into the twentieth century, they were events that resisted scientific and medical explanation, appearing to most observers as damn right demonic. We might recall one case in particular from the 1970, that of Anneliese Michel : her voice recorded during the numerous exorcisms she underwent has a disturbing effect on many. Could it really be the Devil who spoke through this young girl ?

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    18 分
  • The Thirteen Crystal Skulls

    From the moment Europeans first set foot on what they would eventually call the Americas, their plundering was insatiable. Latin America and its riches crossed the Atlantic to enrich a few powerful people : land, ressources, forests, animals and humans were either exploited on the spot or brought back to Europe. By the 19th century, pre-Columbian art too had become very popular among European art collectors and museums . All the more so when it carried mysterious legends from ancient times...

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    14 分
  • The Bermuda Triangle

    It is said that European ships disappeared in the Sargasso Sea as early as the 16th century... Even Christopher Columbus's caravels encountered difficulties there. Its paradise islands did not have a good reputation among the first Europeans who attempted the American adventure. They named Bermuda the Devil's Island...

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    13 分
  • The Beast of Gévaudan

    The Gévaudan district in Languedoc, in the south of France, is a region of ancient mountains covered in forest. In the second half of the XVIIIth century, it was a place to breed cattle. Life was hard and the people were poor, if not say miserable. It is the children who guarded the herds. They prevented them from straying and being eaten by wolves. On these mountains, wolves were part of everyday life. Frightening, sure, but the villagers knew how to defend themselves against these predators who fear men, as much as they're feared by them...

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    20 分
  • The Cecil Hotel

    On the morning of February 19th, 2013, at 640 Main Street in Los Angeles, several guests at the Cecil Hotel complain about the awful taste of the water coming out of the faucets. A maintenance employee, sent immediately to the bathrooms, can only confirm : you wouldn't dip the tiniest toe in that murky water. He climbs to the roof to check the tanks and discovers a young woman in one of them, lifeless. Naked, she floats on the surface while her clothes have sunk to the bottom of the tank...

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    10 分