General Flynn writes in his book, A Letter To America, “Our nation is based on the concept of individual liberty. That idea is central to our Constitution, and that’s why the very first part of the oath sworn by American servicemen and women is to ‘support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic.” “It binds generations of Americans together as one. It connects servicemen and civilians, and those currently serving to our veterans going all the way back to the beginnings of our country and the fight for freedom.” The very men and women who fight for and defend our liberties are being coerced, pressured, bullied and punished for refusing to take the E-U-A C-O-V-I-D-1-9 v-a-c-c-i-n-e and therefore. their freedoms are being denied and voices silenced. P4MF will be their voice.