
  • New Heaven and Earth

    John sees the new heaven and earth containing the new Jerusalem– a glittering city with every precious stone reflecting the Light.  The open gates are of pearl, the foundations are named for each of the Lord’s apostles, and the streets are of transparent gold.  Nothing impure is there and there is no crying.  Those whose names are found in the book of life dwell there and God is its light.  The river of life flowing from the throne has the tree of life on its banks bearing fruit every month.  Jesus tells us to look for His coming,  to be ready, and to remain faithful.

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  • Punishment for the Dragon

    An angel from Heaven binds Satan with chains and casts him into the bottomless pit where he is locked up for 1000 years.  Jesus, with the 144 thousand and his redeemed rule the world in justice and peace for 1000 years giving the land rest.  At the end of that time Satan will be released and he will gather a great army of all who still reject Jesus.  They surround Jerusalem but God destroys them all with fire and Satan is cast into the lake of fire.  All the dead are raised to be judged at the great white throne and cast into the lake of fire if their names are not found in the Book of Life.

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  • Judgement of Babylon and the Joyful Wedding Feast

    Babylon and all the wicked people of the world are judged and they mourn at the destruction of the city.  There is rejoicing in heaven and all those invited to the wedding are told to come.  The rider on the white horse, the King of Kings and Lord of Lords, with heaven’s army defeats the beast, his prophets, and all the kings of the earth.  They are bound and cast alive into the lake of fire which burns forever.

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  • Parties and Plagues

    In Heaven there is great rejoicing as the 144 thousand praise God and worship the lamb.  A great angel announced the Gospel to every tribe and nation telling all that this is their last chance to fear God before God’s judgement.  Jesus uses his sickle to bring in all his people and another angel cuts down all the wicked people for God’s judgement.  Heaven rejoices and praises God while angels take the bowls of God’s wrath to pour on the earth.

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  • The New Mother and The Dragon

    Tells of the new Mother and the Dragon relating how Satan seeks to destroy God’s plan.  We can trust God’s plan for us and believe in Jesus who lives again, finishing God’s work on earth.  Satan is cast out of heaven forever by Michael and his angels, but for 3 and ½ years the terrible beasts rule the earth and kill those who refuse to take his mark with the dragon's power.

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  • The Angel with the Little Scroll and the Two Witnesses

    Judgements are uttered by a mighty angel as crashing thunder but are not revealed.  But the voice said the last trumpet would announce the end. That God’s waiting would be up, and he would judge the world just like he told the prophets. The two witnesses who prophecy for 3 ½ years, are killed by the beast from the bottomless pit, but they live again.  The seventh trumpet sounds and God reigns over all and judges the earth.  We are to trust God and always be ready for his return.

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  • The Seals and the Trumpets

    Auntie Winnie retells the events of the end times as revealed by God through visions to the Apostle John in Revelation.  

    All is still as four angels hold back the wind.  144 thousand Jews are marked with God’ seal, 12,000 from each tribe. His victorious servants, who remained faithful to him through the great persecution praised Him for the salvation He provided.  The seventh seal is broken and the first six trumpets sound bringing terrible judgements on the earth.  In spite of the judgements and torment men still do not repent.

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  • God’s Throne and the Lamb of God in Heaven

    The vision is of the throne of God in heaven where all come to worship and praise Him.  The Lamb is found worthy to open the scroll of God’s judgement on the earth.  God is in control of everything that happens.  The opening of the seals pronounce judgements on the earth. As the sixth seal is broken all mankind cries out in fear of God’s coming great day of wrath.

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