
  • Tales of Serendipity: Rediscovering Memories, 3D-Printed Knobs, and Sweet Gestures

    Do you ever take a moment to appreciate the serendipitous moments life throws your way? In this episode, host Lisa Brooks takes us on a journey of unexpected twists and turns in one of her days. From rediscovering long-forgotten high school memories on VHS tapes, to a chance encounter at a local library that leads to a surprising 3D-printed solution for a cherished typewriter, to small gestures of kindness, the day unfolds with discoveries of the extraordinary in the ordinary. Tune in to join Lisa through the seemingly “mundane moments” of a regular day...that end up holding the power to bring joy, connection, and a touch of serendipity to our lives. Learn more about Lisa at ⁠pomegranatecreations.org⁠.

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  • Breaking Free from Routine: The Oil Change Epiphany

    We each have our own habits and routines. How often do we stop to examine whether they are actually the best way to complete any given task? What keeps us stuck in routines or patterns that no longer serve us, even when better alternatives might easily be within reach?

    In this episode, host Lisa Brooks shares about her ongoing frustration related to taking her car to the dealership for routine maintenance. Her frustration drives her to question why we cling to habits that cause us stress, along with reflecting on how to break free of routines that don’t serve us well, instead swapping those for new ones. Yes, sometimes we must step out of our comfort zones, question our habits, and seek better alternatives to improve our lives!

    Join Lisa as she ponders the profound lessons learned from a simple oil change and the significance of embracing change when necessary.

    Learn more about Lisa at ⁠pomegranatecreations.org⁠.

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  • Desensitized to Danger: Navigating the Reality of Gun Violence

    Trigger Warning: Gun violence is a discussed topic on this podcast episode. 

    Have you ever stopped to think about how desensitized we've become to the harrowing reality of school shootings?

    In this episode, host Lisa Brooks shares a personal and thought-provoking experience that may hit home for many of us as she delves into the difficult task of discussing the unimaginable with a child. With the number of school shootings in the year 2023 alone continuing to rise, parents are confronted with the harsh truth that our children's safety is at stake.

    Listen in as Lisa considers the emotional toll of gun violence on our communities, the urgent need for change, and how to carefully navigate these conversations with our children.

    Learn more about Lisa at ⁠pomegranatecreations.org⁠.

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  • Sentiment to Sales: The Ice Cream Truck Negotiation Tale

    Do you have items from your past that hold sentimental value, even if they're collecting dust in the corner?

    In this episode, host Lisa Brooks opens up about a parenting challenge many of us can relate to – the sentimentality attached to old toys. She faces this situation with one of her son's beloved toys…and it ends up turning into a valuable teaching moment about sales and negotiation — learned through a toy ice cream truck. 

    Tune in today for parenting insights, financial wisdom, and unexpected life lessons that could prove invaluable to our next generation of young entrepreneurs.

    Learn more about Lisa at ⁠pomegranatecreations.org⁠.

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  • The Power of Backup Plans: Lessons from a Wild Day

    Do you always have a backup plan?

    In this episode, host Lisa Brooks takes us through how she managed a day filled with unexpected twists and turns. From navigating medical consultations, difficult conversations about her child, a therapy session, and more, overwhelm started to take over, but she was able to find solace in a simple act of kindness from a stranger. Along the way, she delves into how to build up the skills to manage challenging situations so you can remain grounded and prepared no matter what life throws your way.

    Tune in today for an eventful and thought-provoking discussion on the importance of backup plans, resilience, and adaptability!

    Learn more about Lisa at ⁠pomegranatecreations.org⁠.

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  • Guilt and Gratitude: Parenting through Complexities

    Have you ever walked a mile in another parent’s shoes?

    In this episode, host Lisa Brooks delves into her mixed emotions after attending the final home and school club meeting of the year. Along with deep gratitude towards the dedicated parents who volunteer their time to create amazing opportunities and foster a strong sense of community for the students, as a single parent to a child with complex medical needs, Lisa wrestles with feelings of guilt and inadequacy, wondering why she can't contribute more, along with wondering what others may think.

    Lisa shares about the struggle to balance the day-to-day realities and ensure her child's well-being, as well as the grief and loss that parents can experience when life doesn't go as planned. Join in today for a unique perspective on parenting and the struggles faced by parents of children with special needs.

    Learn more about Lisa at ⁠pomegranatecreations.org⁠.

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  • Celebrating Diaversaries: A Journey of Resilience and Reflection

    Ever heard of a “diaversary”?

    In this episode of the “Perspectives from a Pomegranate” podcast, host Lisa Brooks reflects on her son's upcoming diaversary, a term that might be unfamiliar to those outside the Type 1 diabetes community and refers to the anniversary of being diagnosed with diabetes.

    Initially very skeptical of celebrating it (she hated the word!), Lisa soon realized its significance, explaining how Type 1 diabetes demands countless decisions each day to ensure safety and health. For her son, it entails numerous insertions and needle pricks throughout the year, and so much more. Contemplating how to commemorate this milestone, Lisa received an unexpected perspective from a child life specialist who recognized and highlighted the crucial role she plays as her son's caregiver. This realization sparked a newfound appreciation for self-care and prompted Lisa to celebrate her own contributions and resilience. Tune in to hear how Lisa plans to honor herself and continue advocating for her son's well-being.

    Learn more about Lisa at ⁠pomegranatecreations.org⁠.

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  • Why the Pomegranate: Embracing the Unconventional Nature of Unstoppable Seeds

    Picture this: a dinner table conversation surrounded by Lisa's foster family, discussing the unlikely question of what fruit each person would be. Amidst the predictable answers, Lisa's foster sister stunned her by declaring, "You're a pomegranate."

    In this episode of “Perspectives from a Pomegranate,” host Lisa Brooks shares the intriguing connection between this podcast and the enigmatic pomegranate.

    Initially resistant to the idea of being a pomegranate (“I’m not an effing pomegranate!”), Lisa woke up one day and realized that pomegranate fit her to a T, resonating on a profound level. With countless layers, hidden depths, and an unconventional nature, Lisa, like a pomegranate, is filled with surprises and intricacies. Thus “Perspectives from a Pomegranate” came to be from Lisa’s pomegranate-like existence, with stories unfolding in non-linear fragments, just like the seeds within the fruit.

    Learn more about Lisa at ⁠pomegranatecreations.org⁠.

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