
  • Planting Positivity No 1 - Why it matters

    Hi welcome to Planting Positivity to sow seeds for success

    Planting Positivity, -why it matters, what it can do, what we can achieve

    This is the 1st of 38 Positivity podcasts, split into 7 categories. We have planting it, growing it, watering it, sustaining it, weeding it, pruning it and Blooming Positivity.

    Today we are planting positivity

    Is it any wonder I have a gardening theme with a name like Eden?

    The reason I am doing these is that all the information. The techniques I will share with you I have done personally and now I have the life of my dreams and so I feel it is something worth sharing with you. I simply want to help as many of you as possible connect to your power. I want to show you that inside of you is everything you need to have a purposeful and passionate life.

    By tuning into our inner guidance and doing more of what we love, we make positive connections with our sub conscious and this can give us clear guidance for our next steps. I want you to learn to see that you have everything you need inside, right now to create the life of your dreams.

    I am thrilled to share this information with you and I cannot wait to see how it affects your lives too.

    Ok so, What is positivity?

    Positivity is a state of mind, an emotion joy, hope, gratitude, interest, serenity, pride, amusement, Bliss, love, inspiration, and awe being the most common ones.

    Living a positive life is not necessarily one that is devoid of any negativity, this means where nothing bad ever happens again, or where there are no more bad people, situations, events or things. We cannot avoid negativity in various forms whether it be situations or people, what matters though is the ratio, the balance of positive over negative thoughts and feelings. These workshops are designed to give you some skills, strategies and tips on how to bring more positivity into your life.

    Why does it matter?

    It matters because it has a direct corresponding effect on our health, on our physical well-being. There has been lots of experiments done recently Through the 1990′s, Dr. Masaru Emoto performed a series of experiments observing the physical effect of words, prayers, music and environment on the crystalline structure of water. How the water freezes and forms the snowflake like structures. Emoto hired photographers to take pictures of water after being exposed to the

    different variables, He had water in one room where everything was positive, calming, loving and harmonizing and the water in the other room was subjected to negativity and discordant music, loud, unturned, heavy metal…dare I say Dubstep here?? The water was then subsequently frozen, so that they would form crystalline structures. The results were nothing short of remarkable.

    Water that was subjected to nothing but negativity, when frozen, could not form proper crystals, they were, broken, disjointed, mall formed, but the frozen crystals in the water subjected to positive words were beautiful, complete. The positive energy changed the molecular structure, as did the negative energy.

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  • Planting Positivity - No 2 -Negative frequencies

    Negativity has its own frequency and positivity a very different one. You already know this because when you spend time with positive people, you feel lighter, uplifted and if you spend time with negative people you feel down, heavy. This is the result of the frequency. I am no scientist, so I will put it in non-technical language:

    The brain remembers negative events and emotions much easier than positive ones, our brains are developed to think more negatively, and it is easier to be negative than positive, it takes more energy to be positive.

    There are 24 hours in a day but have you noticed that a 5 minute altercation with a friend, colleague can take over more of your thinking time?

    We are all going to have to start monitoring more what it is we are thinking and actively choosing to think differently.

    What can it do?

    Being more positive will help change your whole outlook on life, you will look different to others too, you will be more radiant, youthful, confident and vibrant as an individual. Being positive will bring more positive people and situations, to you faster. People will notice you looking happier and glowing and they will begin to ask you what you are doing that is different. But also be prepared for those around you that see the change, because they too have amygdales being activated and they will be frightened and will try to get you to switch back! Because they do not want to have to change themselves, you see if you change, and if by changing your thinking you make yourself successful, then that is what they have to do too. Many people do not want to change; they are frightened of change. Many people are actually attached to feeling miserable! They are comfortable moaning and are attached to the sympathy the ‘woe is me’ story commands.

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  • Planting Positivity No 3 - The Amygdala

    Welcome back, The amygdala.

    The brain has a front part and a back part and somewhere in the middle is the amygdale. So what is the amygdale?

    In the front part of our brain, we have our visions our dreams, in order for these visions to come true, they have to pass over the amygdale, without causing any fear/tension. Imagine it if you will like the three Billy goats gruff having to cross the bridge to get to the other side without waking up the troll. Alternatively, imagine it like a furry animal. If it is calm, it is cute and cuddly, but if afraid, it is like an angry monster that rages and will not let any thought pass.

    The amygdale’s function is to detect fear and pain and avoid it at all costs; the amygdale will do everything in its power to keep you out of harm’s way. Whatever it perceives as harm or fear, it will get you to move away from in order to protect yourself. The amygdale works with the subconscious mind, and is very strong.

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  • Planting Positivity No 4 -Day dream believer

    So, who am I? What do I know about Positivity?

    My name is Jenni Eden; I went to live overseas in 2003 and have had a most amazing time since then.

    When I went to Oman, I was a fully qualified Primary school teacher and a mum to a 2 year old. I had dreamed in my youth of being a classical ballerina, or a rock star, or an artist. I had wanted to be all three but conditionings at school, the teachers and other adults around me, made me believe that was impossible!

    So, at the time I decided to concentrate on Art. I was fortunate enough to further my studies in Art and I have a combined honour's degree in fine art and drama, but there was a general feeling that unless you were incredibly talented and gifted (and no one was saying I was). That it would be impossible to make a decent living from Art. Unfortunately, when I was younger I brought into the older people’s belief of lack, the grown ups who said you had to get a ‘proper job’ and limitations and in 1991; I hung up my aspirations, I put my dreams aside, on hold and pursued a ‘proper job’ in retail management before then re-qualifying as a teacher in 1994.

    When I went to Oman, in January 2003, I was apprehensive and excited. Someone asked me just before I left the UK would I take up painting again and I started to mull over the idea. So in June 2003 I painted my first ever portrait, and the first painting on canvas for 14 years. I had decided that if I was going to paint then I was going to paint how I wanted to paint, I was going to use it as an excuse to combine my favourite colours or as an exercise in mixing colours. My portrait of my then 2 and a half-year-old was done

    by working solidly for 4 hours. I was on fire, I was so energized, inspired, I did not stop once.

    I felt energized, empowered, excited and alive, wow I could not remember the last time I had had that much fun. Something awakened in me. It was incredible. I felt this huge energy rush and I remember saying to my husband if by the end of the year, 6 months later, someone has commissioned me to paint a portrait for them. Commissioned means that I am paid to paint a picture especially for a certain person- I’ll be so happy. Well by the end of the year, I had a 16-month waiting list! I did not advertise but by word of mouth, everybody talking about it, they say going viral now! news of my portraits spread.

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  • Planting Positivity No 5 - Grateful, great and full

    Grateful, great and full

    The main things I gained from painting thou were that I finally felt whole, and authentic. I felt as if a very old part of me, that had broken away years ago came back. I felt complete. I was so very grateful, and every day when I painted, I would say out my thanks out loud. I was grateful for the time, the light, the sales and commissions.

    What I learned was that by being grateful I was actually saying to the Universe thank you, you got this right and I’ll have more of it please, so the more grateful I was the more things came to me that made me even more grateful. This was one of the first realizations I had, that what you put out, you get back.

    The other thing I learned from painting was that I was channelling the universal energy; I was very energetic and my energy seemed to have

    no end somehow, I was tapping into this amazing energy and it was guiding me, inspiring me and teaching me more things about colour.

    When I had my first exhibition, someone told me I could see auras, I denied that I could because I had no real idea what they were or how someone saw them, but he was adamant I could see them. I do instinctively get colours, that spring to my mind when I talk to people. Now over the years I have seen that these colours always are very important to the person. They are favourite colours often or they relate to the particular chakra centre of the body. I talk about this in my book so I do not want to talk too much here, but ancient Asian medicine believes there are key parts of the body for energy and these are known as chakras. What I was learning through my painting was about certain skills and abilities I had. Through the journey of painting I was learning that I could channel, and have since experienced more things through this channelling including healing.

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  • Planting Positivity - Watering Positivity No 6 - Neurons

    Welcome back to Watering Positivity.

    Just like a seed when you plant it into the soil, needs water, light, food to grow, so to do our thoughts. Last week, we planted the thought, this week we will give the thinking what it needs to begin changing us.

    In this workshop, I am going to talk to you about neurons and explain how we grow more of them.

    In our brain, we have millions of neurons that seek similar neurons. The majority of the neurons in our brain are negative, but what scientists have discovered and in particular, Mark Waldman is that these neurons are living things, not wires like in a computer, but living things with tentacles that seek out other neurons of a similar nature. We can encourage these neurons to seek out neurons that are more positive by having thoughts that are more positive. The more we remember positive things, the more we think positive thoughts the more positive neurons we will ‘grow’ in our brains and if we do it frequently enough, then the more the positive neurons will push aside the negative ones. The neurons are searching out other similar neurons to create positive connections with them. The more you have positive thoughts the more connectors you grow which will then go out and seek other positive neurons.

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  • Planting Positivity - Watering Positivity No 7 - Our worst enemy

    We must learn to love ourselves. We are the only ones that will spend our entire lives with ourselves. Others come and go siblings, parents, friendships, relationships, partners, children, not everyone is with you permanently so it is a good idea to get to know yourself well, learn to love yourself.

    We spent so much of our time criticizing ourselves. We are our own worst critiques and we judge ourselves far too harshly.

    If so many of us think we are not good enough, then we have to ask, good enough for what? For whom? Whose standards are we using?

    Guess what life is supposed to be joyful!

    We are energy, we are energy beings in a physical form, and the whole of our universe is energy. The universe is rich, abundant, and joyful.

    Why should it be any different for us? Look at a beach there is not just one grain of sand but thousands, a tree does not have one leaf but hundreds, all around us there is evidence of abundance and abundance is operating on an energy frequency.

    If we want success in all the things, we wish to manifest-make it happen/make it real, then we need to operate on the same abundant, positive frequency. We need to raise our energy levels to positive. The universe is a very vibrant and full place. Every single one of us is important to the energy flow in the universe; we all are in the perfect place at the perfect time given our thoughts/ desires and beliefs. If we wish to be in a different place, we need to think and feel differently about our situations, our goals, and ourselves. You are already enough, your worthy, the energy of the universe hears and sees you.

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  • Planting Positivity- Watering Positivity No 8 - finding your passion

    It is important to find out what you love, what you believe in, what you feel passionately about, because these are your stepping stones to a completely brighter, happier version of yourself. Find out what brings you joy and then do as much of it as you possibly can. So many times people say to me, “You are so lucky, you know your passion”. But I believe we all have a talent within us from the universe and this talent is the thing that when we tap into, we can use to create our life and in doing so, our life will have purpose and passion. Think back to what you have enjoyed doing in the past, the things you enjoyed at say 4,5,7 years of age.

    What could you do over and over again, without getting bored?

    Not everyone will be creative, like an artist, musician, writer, I have a friend who is fascinated and thrilled to organise household finances. She can take a pile of bills and happily place them in a folder, and write a list of what is needed to be paid for and when. Her household bills are in tiptop shape, but I have another friend, who can never be organized about money, had several credit cards on the go, at the same time and never knew what bill needed to be paid for or when. Of course they got together with my encouragement and the one greatly helped the other. It shows that whatever it is you can do and do with a passion, can have a place and purpose for someone.

    If you want to see changes, then you have to start doing things differently. If you keep doing what you always did you will always get the results you got before, if you want to make a difference, if you want a different result then you have to change something.

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