
  • chub012-Are Millennials Lazy, Entitled, or Misunderstood?

    In this episode of The
    Cultivation Hub, we explore the stigma on today’s Millennials. Are the
    perceptions of laziness, ungrateful, narcissistic, and entitled
    justified labels for today’s Millennials? Who is to blame for their different
    work ethic? I say IT IS OUR FAULT!!! Check out our latest podcast Episode 12 “Are
    Millennials Lazy, Entitled, or Misunderstood?” on The Cultivation Hub Podcast

    If you are a new listener to The Cultivation Hub, we would love to hear from you. Please visit our Facebook Page and let us know how much you enjoy the podcasts!

    In this episode, you we discuss:

    • What is a Millennial?
    • Are Millennial’s lazy, entitled, or coddled?
    • Who’s responsible for this behavior?
    • How can we bridge this gap and create better relationships with Millennials?

    Join the Conversation

    Our favorite part
    of recording a live podcast each week is participating in the great
    conversations that happen on our live chat, on social media, and in our
    comments section.

    This week’s question is: “Do you think Millennials are lazy, coddled, and entitled? If so, who is to blame? LEAVE A REPLY BELOW!!

    Resources Mentioned in the Podcast

    In this episode, we
    mentioned the following resources:

    • Here are the
      breakdowns taken from Thoughtco.com
    • Here is the
      video from Simon Sinek regarding
      Millennials and “Failed Parenting Strategies”
    • Article by “The Atlantic” stating
      are the worst…”

    Check Out Other Episodes of “The Cultivation Hub” Podcast

    • Ep11 – “Small
      Beginning Are HUGE”
    • Ep10 – “Just
      Get Started Please? How to END Procrastination”
    • Ep9 – “Why
      Do We Procrastinate, Part 1”
    • Ep8 – “Why
      people fail at weight loss feat. Terrell Perry”
    • Ep7 – “Blame vs
    • Ep6 – “Your
      Neighborhood Watch: It’s Not What You Think”
    • Ep5 – “[E+R=O],
      The Real Formula to Success”
    • Ep4 – “Help,
      I Can’t Seem to Find My Purpose”
    • Ep3 – “For
      The Love of Maya – My Favorite Maya Angelou Quotes”
    • Ep2 – “8
      Ways to Live A Life with NO REGRETS”
    • Ep1 – “Welcome
      to Cultivation Hub: Why I Started A Podcast”

    Hosted by Ausha. See ausha.co/privacy-policy for more information.

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  • cHub011-Small Beginnings Are HUGE!!!

    – Are you frustrated while trying to reach a particular goal?
    – Are you about ready to quit on your dream because it seems so far away?
    I have a suggestion that will put you back on track and help you see how where you are IS A HUGE ACCOMPLISHMENT and you are missing out on the REAL PARTY;…small beginnings. Come on, let’s take this journey together.

    There is a bible verse in Zachariah 4:10 that says “Do not despise these small beginnings…” The overall premise behind this bible verse is to say “Wait a minute, don’t turn your nose up at small beginnings because everything BIG comes from something small”

    – Every human being is created from a small thing call a sperm
    – Every fruit and vegetable is created from a small thing called a seed.
    – Every home is built on concrete which is made with small items such as water, sand and a special powder called Portland cement

    You’re missing the party, when you don’t appreciate the how something BIG got its start. Think about how we feel when someone we know becomes famous and only celebrates other famous people and never not one time stops to appreciate those who helped him get started, or the person who gave you the money to start that $Million dollar business you now own? Most people would resent that person and call him/her ungrateful…

    Why should Celebrate Milestones/Small Beginnings
    1. As Humans, we are called to GROW! “Anything that doesn’t grow eventually dies” Every milestone/win affirms an accomplishment or one more thing to check off our list. AND when you acknowledge how far you’ve come it feels better than how far you have to go.

    2. GROWTH is nourished by encouragement – “Small is where BIG comes from”

    3. Reminds us to give ‘thanks’ for the journey. I’m a HUGE proponent of GRATITUDE. Gratitude and Depression cannot occupy the same space, You cannot be depressed or frustrated and thankful and grateful at the same time…IMPOSSIBLE.

    4. It removes the anxiety from focusing on what you DON’T HAVE! You experience discouragement when you tally up where you are with where you want to be; you’re focused on what you don’t have (the goal), instead of what you do have. That’s like being upset with having $500 when your goal is $1000.00.

    how to celebrate milestones

    • Call a friend
    • Use social media to your advantage, please love a good success story
    • Get out of your routine and celebrate in a different scene . The change of environment help you focus and be in the moment.
    • Commemorate the moment – You must do some sort of action that’s like a memorial to the accomplishment.

    Small Beginnings are HUGE, and never forget to celebrate them as you pursue your goals and dreams. So right now, take a minute to look how far you have come, you started at zero and look at what you have now, feel it, appreciate it, and be proud of it knowing you so much closer…Do not despise the day of small beginnings, because SMALL BEGINNINGS ARE HUGE.

    Remember to Live, Love and Laugh…

    Jeff Robinson

    Hosted by Ausha. See ausha.co/privacy-policy for more information.

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    17 分
  • cHub010-(part2) Just Get Started Please? Time to End Procrastination!!

    Do you ever ask yourself: “Why do I keep procrastinating
    when I know it causes me so much anxiety?” You know what you need to do,
    but you don’t do it, or you wait until the last minute. And, time and again,
    the pattern repeats itself. Today we’re going to finally get FREE from the
    grip of procrastination. In episode ten, which is part 2 of a 2-part series on procrastination,
    I share how I finally overcame the bondages of Procrastination. Come on, let’s take this journey together…LISTEN TO THIS WEEK’S EPISODE!!!

    Side note, this episode was originally called: “Just Get Started Please? How I FINALLY overcame the BONDAGE of Procrastination”, but I changed it after it was recorded so you may hear references to the original title in the podcast!

    Let’s GET TO IT!!

    episode ten (part 2) I go deeper into my personal experiences and address other
    reasons for procrastination as I offer practical tips that helped me be able to
    (1) work a full-time job where I travel 90% of the time, at the time of this
    recording, (2) I’m currently pursuing my Doctorate Degree, (3) I have a
    bi-weekly schedule for creating this podcast, (4) I have begun my own company
    and (5) have fun along the way. So let’s stop procrastinating and get to it…

    Let’s be honest, ALL OF US PROCRASTINATE, but Why? Does it mean something is wrong with us? Can it be hereditary? There’s a science dedicated to the study of procrastination and I wanted to share some really great information from the experts that I believe will free you from the bondage of procrastination. But most of all the tools I plan to share with you help free me from the internal anxiety that was ALWAYS going on within me when it came to getting things done!

    Dr. Joseph Ferrari did an article for the American Psychological Association on the “Psychology of Procrastination: Why People Put Off Important Tasks Until The Last Minute” I wanted to share some of his interview responses. Click above to listen to cHub010-(part2) Just Get Started Please, Time to end Procrastination”

    Enjoyed this episode? Please show your appreciation
    by leaving a comment or review below

    Subscribe to our Podcast, click HERE!

    For more of The Cultivation Hub, follow
    us on
    Twitter (@JRobUnited1),
    FB (@JRobunited), IG (@JRobUnited) or visit our website www.jrobunited.com/

    Remember to Live, Love and don’t
    forget to Laugh…

    Hosted by Ausha. See ausha.co/privacy-policy for more information.

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  • cHub009–(part1) Why Do We Procrastinate? 9 questions to a solution!

    Have you ever wondered why
    you’re such a procrastinator? Do you feel that it’s just who you are? Do you
    accept this will never change and you’ll always be stressed over getting things
    done? This episode is part of a 2-Episode series on procrastination that I
    believe with help a lot of people. Come on, let’s take this journey

    I for one was a BIG
    procrastinator and was always stressed about things left undone. In this
    two-part series, I share some of the
    research and my personal experience as to why we procrastinate and how we can
    be free from the bondage of
    procrastination. This episode, episode one, I will discuss WHY we procrastinate
    and get down to some root causes; we’re going to take a quiz in this episode.
    Because I know from experience that until you
    understand WHY you do a thing, you’ll never know how to stop doing a thing.

    episode two I go deeper into my personal experiences and address other reasons
    for procrastination and I offer practical tips that helped me be able to work a
    full-time job where I travel 90% of the time, at the time of this recording I’m
    currently pursuing my Doctorate Degree, I have a bi-weekly schedule for
    creating this podcast, I have begun my own company and have fun along the way.
    So let’s stop procrastinating and get to it…

    I found
    an article from psychology today that lists 9 quesitons you must ask yourself
    in order to get down to the root of why you procrastinate. 9 questions that
    will help you find the source of your anxiety that makes you put off things or
    even keeps you from pursuing your dreams. Check out this article below:


    Subscribe to cULTIVATION hUB

    to Live, Love and don’t forget to Laugh…

    for listening to The Cultivation Hub; “Let’s take this journey together…”

    Enjoyed this episode? Please show your
    appreciation by leaving a comment or review below! Follow us on Social Media:

    Twitter (@JRobUnited1)
    | Facebook (JRobUnited) | InstaGram (@JRobUnited)

    Hosted by Ausha. See ausha.co/privacy-policy for more information.

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    26 分
  • cHub008 – Why People Fail at Weight Loss feat. Terrell Perry

    According to a 2019 press release by www.bodybuilding.com, 73% of people who set fitness goals as a new years resolution give up on them [https://www.bodybuilding.com/fun/2013-100k-transformation-contest-press-release.html].

    Have you been part of the 73%? I know I have. This episode is “Why People Fail at Weight Loss” and I’ve got a special guest, Terrell Perry who is going to help us understand why we fail and give us tools to succeed.


    Listen to my interview with Terrell Perry. Terrell is a 48 year old Health & Fitness Professional with over 10 years success in nutrition and weight loss. Terrell also possesses the top four certifications for Personal Trainers in Health and Fitness.

    In this episode, Terrell breaks down his certifications, explains why over 73% of people fail at Weight Loss, and provides us tools to be SUCCESSFUL this time around!

    Some of the resources
    mentioned during this interview

    • www.myfitnesspal.com
    • www.fooducate.com

    Terrell Perry is the founder of SSP Fitness, LLC. Contact Terrell Perry at:

    • Facebook Page – @sspfitnessllc
    • Website – www.sspfitness.com

    Hosted by Ausha. See ausha.co/privacy-policy for more information.

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    45 分
  • cHub007 – Blame vs Responsibility

    “So, when someone comes at you in anger — even if you have done something to intentionally harm or hurt them – their anger is theirs, not yours. You may have provoked it, but you can’t own it because it’s not yours in the first place. If it’s not yours, you can’t reasonably blame yourself, for it. Of course, you can, and should be responsible to it, and that responsibility then breeds accountability, which promotes clear, clean and balanced communication with both ourselves and others…” (Formica, 2019)

    When we allow ourselves walk and live in Blame, we are basically saying “I AM bad” or “Something is wrong with ME”. However, when we walk in Responsibility, we are saying “I DID something bad” or “Something I did (or said) was wrong”, there is a difference that we must understand in order to live our best lives and have healthy interactions with others.

    Check our Episode cHub007 – “Blame vs Responsibility” for ways how to life free from the ‘Blame-Game’ and mature as a person of ‘Responsibility’

    See some of the reference links: .

    • https://www.lifehack.org/articles/communication/recognizing-the-distinction-between-blame-and-responsibility.html
    • https://www.psychologytoday.com/us/blog/enlightened-living/201003/taking-responsibility-versus-taking-the-blame

    Hosted by Ausha. See ausha.co/privacy-policy for more information.

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    22 分
  • cHub006 – Your Neighborhood Watch, it’s not what you think!

    Let me ask
    not so much about the family two-doors down the street, but the people around
    you. I’m referring to the people you chat, text, talk with the most, WHO ARE
    THESE PEOPLE? It’s time to do a ‘Neighborhood Watch’

    Your Neighborhood Watch, it’s not what you think

    National Neighborhood Watch website defines a neighborhood watch as people living in the same area who want to make their
    neighborhood safer…reduce crime and improve their quality of life…”
    (taken from https://www.nnw.org/what-neighborhood-watch)

    improve YOUR quality of life you must do a Personal
    Neighborhood Watch; assessing the people around you, taking notice of
    how they currently impact your life. The intention of a Personal Neighborhood Watch is to be clear about where the
    people in your life stand with you and you with them, so that you can set
    proper expectations, reduce disappointments and see clearly the type of
    relationships that are in your life. Your ultimate goal for doing a Personal Neighborhood Watch is to “…Improve YOUR quality
    of life”

    4 Stages (Categories) of Friends (There are 5, but I focus on 4)

    • 4) – Acquaintance/Associate –
    • (3) – Casual Friend – This is the person who can say “Yeah, I know you”
    • (2) – Close Friend – This is the person who can say “I Understand You”
    • (1) – Intimate Friend – This is the person who can say “I am CONNECTED to you”

    Take the time to do a ‘Personal Neighborhood Watch’ to assess the people in your life; are they pushing you to be better or are they just as insecure as you are? Do they remind you of your dreams and push you to pursue them or do they remind you of ways ‘It will never work’? Be sure to listen to the podcast for coaching and breakdown of the 4 stages/categories for friends.

    The Stages of Friendship article was taken from: https://humans.media/stages-of-friendship

    Remember to Live, Love and don’t
    forget to Laugh…

    Thanks for listening to The
    Cultivation Hub; “Let’s take this journey together…”

    Enjoyed this episode? Please show your appreciation by leaving a
    comment or review below

    Subscribe to our Podcast, click HERE!For more of The Cultivation Hub, follow us on Twitter (@JRobUnited1), Facebook (JRobunited), InstaGram
    (@JRobUnited) or visit our website www.jrobunited.com/

    Hosted by Ausha. See ausha.co/privacy-policy for more information.

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  • cHub005 – It’s Time To Win, Using the Formula (E+R=O)

    Where you are RIGHT NOW is a direct result of a previous reservation or appointment you’ve made. Whether it’s your finances, your marriage, the current friendship and relationships you have (good or bad), if it’s your weight or your career, education or lack thereof; it’s all because of a reservation you made years ago, months ago, and even weeks ago. I want to introduce you to an equation or formula that is so simple, yet profound in how it has transformed the lives of millions of people and I am going to share it with you. Come one, let’s take this journey together…

    I wanted to share an equation or formula with you that is so simple and honestly it’s not NEW, but this equation was constructed in a way that made me really take a look at my life and realize that I need to change my ‘Reservations’ or ‘Responses’ if I wanted a better Outcome. The equation is E + R = O; which means: E = Events, R = Your Response, O = Outcome

    What most of us blame the EVENT for our OUTCOME. “I was born poor”, “My mother never said I Love You”, “My dad abandoned me”, “It’s because of my skin color”. What we have to realize is in order to get the Outcome you desire you have to change your RESPONSE. Again, E + R = O (Event + Response = Outcome) your Response is the ‘Reservation’ you’ve made that I spoke about earlier.

    Here are a few thoughts I want to share regarding the Life
    Formula “E+R=O”:

    1. Understand that EVENTS
      will happen, these are out of our control. (Car trouble, childhood issues, Job,
      relationships, etc.)
      1. All events are initially ‘Neutral Events’; they don’t get life
        until we assign a meaning to it.
      1. How we assign meaning to events is through our internal beliefs
    2. We are 100% in
      control of our RESPONSES,
      and our RESPONSES ALWAYS determines our Outcomes
      1. Reactions are not the same
        as a RESPONSE. A
        Reaction is a conditioned (or pre-programmed) response, something that tends to
        happen automatically, sometimes without even knowing it. (I share my experience
        of how I reacted to someone disagreeing with something that I felt was
      1. What I noticed is a ‘REACTION’ usually manifests itself within
        your body. Pay attention to feelings of anger, fear, anxiety, etc.
      1. Reactions are ALWAYS rooted in a story we’re telling ourselves
        about that situation or a certain group of people, or a belief we have
        subscribed to (they don’t love me, they don’t respect me)
    3. Outcomes are always
      determined by the “R” factor of the Life Formula

    When we focus on the ‘R-Factor’; the RESPONSE, our entire life will change and we will LIVE in the ‘O’ or Outcomes we desire. So remember the winning “Life Formula”, that says E(Event) + R(Response) = O (Outcome). Thanks for taking this journey with me!

    Jeff Robinson
    Host, “The Cultivation Hub” Podcast
    CEO, ‘The JRob United Group’

    Enjoyed this episode? Please show your appreciation by leaving a comment or review below. Subscribe to our Podcast, click HERE!

    Follow Us:
    Twitter – @JRobUnited1
    Facebook – @JRobunited
    InstaGram – @JRobUnited

    Hosted by Ausha. See ausha.co/privacy-policy for more information.

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