Do you love to laugh? Then fall down the ha-ha hole that is Pop Goes The Actor's third episode! This week, we're looking at comedians who tested the pop waters, including a Blues Brother, Eddie Murphy, Tracey Ullman, and Jack Black. Acting range, the cult of mid-'70s SNL, finding unexpected IQ points in a song you've heard a dozen times, and which instrument is the creme fraiche of blues tracks -- and much more. Someone here is from Jersey, so order your minimum two drinks and listen!
Intro and outro by Laura Barger and Jack Baldelli; special thanks to Amanda, and to Terri. For more information/to become a patron of the show, visit patreon.com/mastas.
- The "limberjack dolls" SDB was trying to think of the name for
- Daphne Merkin goes deep for the Times on "jolie-laide" (gift link)
- The Dragnet rap, a staple of morning drive-time radio at that time
- This Had Oscar Buzz on Bernie
- Our Weird Al vs. Everybody season
- "Whatzupwitu"'s Wikipedia page