
  • S4 E18 - Joseph Enochs - Embracing AI in the Enterprise

    In this episode, I speak with Joseph Enochs, Managing Director of AI/ML and Emerging Technologies at Enterprise Vision Technologies. Known for his extensive background in DevOps and digital transformation, Joseph shares his remarkable journey transitioning into the AI domain.

    Joseph begins by recounting how his interest in AI was sparked, notably influenced by the foundational concepts of W. Edwards Deming and the subsequent developments in DevOps. He details the pivotal moments that led him to pursue a master's degree in AI, highlighting the importance of continuous learning and the foresight needed to anticipate technological trends.

    The discussion covers the evolution and integration of AI within large enterprises, emphasizing the challenges and strategies for incorporating AI into existing systems. Joseph explains the significance of vector databases, context windows, and the roles of orchestrators and agents in enhancing AI capabilities. He also delves into the practical applications of AI in business, such as improving call center efficiency and automating complex tasks.

    In the final segment, Joseph offers practical advice on how to start learning about AI, emphasizing the importance of experimentation and validation of assumptions. The episode concludes with a reflection on the profound impact AI is set to have on the future of technology and business.

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    1 時間 15 分
  • S4 E 17 - Dr. Barbara Lawton - Insights on Evolution and Learning in the Digital Age

    In this episode, I sit down with Dr. Barbara Lawton, a distinguished statistician and expert in experimental design. Dr. Lawton shares her journey from studying biology and ecology to diving deep into statistics, eventually finding herself at the Rocky Flats nuclear weapons facility. It was here she experienced a pivotal moment that led her to W. Edwards Deming's teachings.

    Dr. Lawton recounts how a significant project at Rocky Flats fell apart due to budget cuts, illustrating Deming's principle that quality is determined in the boardroom. This realization propelled her to attend a seminar by Deming, which profoundly changed her perspective on quality and management. She describes her experience of traveling with Deming, learning from his insights, and understanding the importance of continuous learning and adaptation.

    The conversation delves into Deming's System of Profound Knowledge (SoPK), highlighting its relevance in today's fast-evolving world. Dr. Lawton emphasizes the need for an appreciation of systems, understanding of variation, psychology, and theory of knowledge, and expands on these concepts by integrating ideas from physics and ecology. She discusses the role of entropy, thermodynamics, and the dynamic nature of systems, explaining how these principles apply to modern organizations and leadership.

    Dr. Lawton also touches on the importance of emotional intelligence, mindfulness, and effective communication in leadership. She advocates for creating environments that foster continuous learning and adaptability, essential for navigating the complexities of today's digital landscape.

    You can find Dr. Barbara Lawton's LinkedIn Below:

    Show Notes:


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    1 時間 21 分
  • S4 E16 - Angela Montgomery - Integrating Deming and Goldratt for Organizational Transformation

    In this insightful episode of the Profound Podcast, I speak with Angela Montgomery, co-founder of Intelligent Management and author of the upcoming book, The Human Constraint. Angela shares her unique journey from a background in arts to collaborating with physicists. The conversation delves into the artificial barriers within organizations, the importance of systemic thinking, and how integrating Deming's System of Profound Knowledge with the Theory of Constraints can drive meaningful change.

    Angela highlights the critical differences between bottlenecks and constraints, emphasizing the strategic value of identifying and managing constraints to enhance organizational flow. She also discusses the challenges of adopting a systemic approach in traditional hierarchical structures and the role of mental models in limiting or advancing organizational potential.

    Through practical examples and narrative, Angela illustrates the transformative power of the Decalogue Method, which combines scientific rigor with literary storytelling. She also touches on her collaboration with renowned playwright Donald Freed to ensure the book's narrative is engaging and accessible.

    This episode is a must-listen for business leaders and practitioners interested in continuous improvement, conflict resolution, and embedding innovation into daily practice. Angela's insights offer a fresh perspective on leveraging systemic thinking to achieve sustainable organizational success.

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    58 分
  • S4 E15 - Mike Beck - Engineering Excellence Through Deming's Lens

    In this episode, I had a conversation with Mike Beck. We dive deep into W. Edwards Deming's seminal perspectives on quality and their application in the automotive and healthcare sectors. Mike, with his vast experience at General Motors and Toyota, shares compelling stories and insights on how Deming's principles transformed his approach to engineering and management.

    Mike Beck's journey began as a mechanical engineer at General Motors in 1979, a time when the company held a dominant market share. His career took a significant turn after attending Deming’s seminar in 1984, which profoundly influenced his perspective on quality and management. This episode captures Mike's evolution from a reliability and test engineer to a leader in statistical methods and quality improvement at GM.

    Key Discussion Points:

    1. Early Career and Deming’s Influence:
      • Mike details his early career at General Motors, the transition of GM from the market leader, and his first exposure to Deming’s teachings which significantly shifted his approach towards statistical methods and leadership​​.
    2. Implementing Statistical Methods:
      • He discusses his application of statistical methods in engine development, particularly using Taguchi methods and design of experiments (DOE) to tackle the issue of bore distortion in the Quad 4 engine​​.
    3. Deming’s Consultancy at GM:
      • Mike shares insights from GM's decision to hire Deming as a consultant, and how this influenced the creation of the Powertrain Statistical Network and a master’s program in statistics, fostering a culture of continuous improvement and statistical thinking within the company​​.
    4. Transition to Toyota:
      • His move to Toyota offered a unique comparison between American and Japanese approaches to quality. Mike highlights Toyota’s meticulous production engineering processes, incremental changes, and the profound cultural differences that underpin their success in quality management​​.
    5. Cultural and Management Lessons:
      • Mike elaborates on the concept of "catchball" in Hoshin Kanri, emphasizing the importance of alignment and communication in achieving organizational objectives. He also contrasts the Western and Eastern views on time and efficiency, shedding light on how Toyota’s approach to planning and reflection contributes to their sustained excellence​​.

    Show Notes:

    Mike's Email: mikebeck001@gmail.com

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    1 時間 9 分
  • S4 E14 - Rob Park - Navigating Software Evolution through Deming's Principles

    In this episode of the Profound Podcast, I have a conversation with Rob Park. Rob shares his journey from early involvement in extreme programming (XP) to his current fascination with W. Edwards Deming's principles and their application in modern software development.

    Rob's career path offers a rich tapestry of experiences, from using case tools and adopting scrum practices before they were widely recognized, to working with Kanban and continuous integration/continuous delivery (CI/CD) processes. He reminisces about his introduction to Deming's work through the influence of notable figures in the agile community.

    A significant portion of the discussion delves into the integration of Deming's theories into software practices. Rob talks about the impact of statistical process control (SPC) and control charts on his work, emphasizing the importance of understanding variation and employing data-driven decision-making. He highlights the utility of Dr. Donald Wheeler's teachings on process behavior charts and the critical difference between enumerative and analytical statistics.

    The episode wraps up with Rob reflecting on the broader implications of Deming's work, advocating for its relevance in addressing contemporary challenges in software development. He shares his experiences of applying Deming's theories in real-world scenarios, illustrating how these timeless concepts continue to drive quality and efficiency in the digital age.

    You can find Rob Park's LinkedIn below:

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    53 分
  • S4 E13 - Beth Blankenship - Exploring Deming's Legacy and Modern Applications

    In this episode, I have a conversation with Beth Blankenship, a seasoned expert in quality management and a fervent disciple of W. Edwards Deming. We dive deep into Deming's profound principles and their continued relevance in today's digital transformation landscape.

    Beth begins by sharing her journey from an IT background to becoming a passionate advocate for Deming's teachings. Her story includes a moment at a Deming seminar, which sparked her lifelong dedication to quality improvement and management systems. Beth reflects on her experiences working in various sectors, emphasizing the importance of teaching and genuine engagement in quality initiatives.

    A significant part of our discussion revolves around Deming's influence on Japanese industry post-WWII and how his principles of systems thinking, variation, and profound knowledge reshaped their manufacturing processes. Beth provides insights into her extensive research, including the historical context of Deming's ideas and their foundational roots in the work of Walter Shewhart and other early 20th-century scientists.

    Beth also critiques modern methodologies like Six Sigma, highlighting how they often miss the holistic, systems-oriented approach Deming championed. She underscores the necessity of focusing on customer needs and continuous innovation, rather than merely eliminating defects.

    Our conversation concludes with Beth's reflections on the enduring impact of Deming's work and her current efforts to disseminate his teachings through papers, podcasts, and an upcoming YouTube channel. She passionately advocates for the preservation and application of Deming's principles, aiming to educate a new generation of quality management professionals.

    You can find Beth Blankenship's LinkedIn below:

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    1 時間 16 分
  • S4 E12 - Dr. Jabe Bloom - Temporal Design and Digital Transformation

    In this episode, I sit down with Dr. Jabe Bloom, an expert in design studies and organizational theory. Recently completing his PhD at Carnegie Mellon, Dr. Bloom brings a fresh perspective on the intersection of temporality, complexity, and design, particularly in the context of digital transformation in IT and other industries.

    We dive into the nuances of temporality versus time, exploring how these concepts influence design decisions. Dr. Bloom elaborates on how temporality is a qualitative measure of change and its impact on human experience and project planning. This foundational concept sets the stage for understanding "timeful" design, which embraces the dynamic nature of contexts and proposes continual re-evaluation and adaptation.

    Dr. Bloom challenges the traditional notion of design as a finite process, suggesting instead that it is an ongoing interaction with the environment. This perspective aligns with DevOps principles, where software development and operations are seen as continuous and evolving processes. He highlights the importance of context and proposition in design, where solutions must be constantly re-assessed to remain relevant as contexts change.

    One of the key takeaways from this episode is the idea of "bounded rationality". Dr. Bloom explains how this concept, which acknowledges the limitations of human decision-making capabilities, applies to modern digital systems. He also delves into the concept of "recombining," which involves ongoing negotiation and collaboration across organizational boundaries to address complex problems that cannot be solved by isolated teams.

    Dr. Bloom's insights into the temporal nature of objects and systems offer a profound shift in how we perceive design and operational challenges. By viewing software and other technological artifacts as temporal objects, he advocates for a more fluid and adaptive approach to design and implementation, one that continually responds to changing contexts and user needs.

    You can Dr. Jabe Bloom on LinkedIn below:

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    58 分
  • S4 E11 - John Dues - Transforming Education Through Deming's Principles

    In this episode of the Profound Podcast, I'm joined by John Dues, Chief Learning Officer at United Schools Network in Ohio and an innovative educator who has ingeniously applied W. Edwards Deming's theories to the educational sector. John shares his journey of discovery into Deming's methodologies and how these have profoundly influenced his approach to improving educational systems.

    Our discussion delves into John's initial skepticism and eventual embrace of Deming's System of Profound Knowledge, which consists of understanding systems, variation, psychology, and knowledge theory. John explains his experiences in applying these principles within his school network, particularly how they've been used to enhance operational efficiency and educational outcomes amidst the challenges posed by remote learning during the pandemic.

    The conversation also touches on John's approach to leadership and learning, emphasizing the necessity of continuous improvement and systems thinking in educational administration. He highlights the importance of aligning educational strategies with Deming’s philosophies to foster environments that nurture rather than stifle, promoting an organizational culture where insights into systemic improvements are encouraged and valued.

    John's innovative application of Deming's theories offers a template for transformative leadership in education, demonstrating the relevance of these age-old concepts in addressing modern challenges within the sector.

    You can find John Dues' LinkedIn Below:

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