
  • HOPE - What is hope to you?

    Good Morning to our PPP Listeners,

    What are you hoping for today?  Are you struggling to find hope?

    What is hope to you?

    Listen in to see what our guest Joanne Alicea, CEO, Ability Tree had to say about hope.  Her story will inspire you and give you hope!   If so, pass hope along to someone else today!

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    35 分
  • Be Prepared - Living Victoriously

    The Living Victoriously is a practical look at everyday problems - their purpose in our lives, how we can overcome them, and walk daily in victory in the midst of trials, in the power of the Holy Spirit.

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    16 分
  • Happy Thanksgiving from PPP!
    10 分
  • It's All About the Heart

    Hello, Roy and I have a question for you today: "Is it a Poodle or a Noodle"?  Listen in to hear what often drives how we see things!

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    24 分
  • Christlike Conduct

    Hello  PPP Family, Roy and I have a question for you:  Does the end justify the means?  Sometimes yes, sometimes no?  As you ponder that question, listen along with Roy and I to hear what we have to say.  Let us know your thoughts.  Be blessed!

    Best,  Bre' and Roy!

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    14 分
  • Diversity - Let's Start the Conversation
    Roy and I are continuing our "Start the Conversation" this week with a panel comprised of members of our Discipleship Group. We are talking about Diversity in our Discipleship Group. How we of different races, backgrounds, beliefs come together each month to study God's word, pray, fellowship and challenge each other to grow in the knowledge, wisdom, mercy, love and faith of Jesus Christ our Savior.Thanks for your support of PPP and thank you for continuing to have the conversation. Together, if we see each other through the eyes of God we can make a difference!Please enjoy!Many Blessings to you!Bre' and Roy!
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    41 分
  • Dare to Dream
    Roy and I have a treat for you today and it is called, "Dare to Dream" with Dennis and Nicole Drake, powerful and encouraging! Dennis and Nicole bring encouragement, wisdom, insight and laughter as they discuss how they are learning to nagivate the waters of being married, business partners and parents by leaving egos at the door and allowing God to be first in their lives.In the midst of Covid, we all need encouragement and a reminder that this too will pass. Whatever, your dreams, hold on to them! Be encouraged and enjoy the podcast.
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    1 時間 11 分
  • Stop Racism - Start the Conversation
    Greetings Family and Friends, thank you for your continued support of PPP.Today, Roy and I are sharing with you a Podcast titled, "Start the Conversation" about race relations in America (this will be one of a number of Podcasts).   The death of George Floyd, police brutality, rioting, peaceful protests and the visibility of system racism have gotten our attention. We have "started the conversation" in our circle, asking - what can we do to heal race relations in this great nation, bring situational awareness to systemic areas of racism that have impacted our lives (hiring practices, banking/financial industries, healthcare, police brutality, voting, education etc). We hope the Church (Ekklesia), the light of the world, will lead the conversation. The Bible says light dispels darkness. We hope Ekklesia will partner with the police department, the community, the government and people across the world and this great nation to change the narrative. To seek ways to bring about the necessary change, the call for justice, equality and healing this nation and the world so needs. As Oprah Winfrey says, "When we know to do better, we do better". As Roy and I like to say, "What would Jesus do"? He would not only start the conversation, He would lead the change, the call for truth, justice and healing this nation so needs.The soul of America is worth the conversation, you are worth the conversation! How do we "Start the Conversation"? By seeing each other through the eyes of God and of Jesus Christ. Loving your neighbor as yourself and treating others as you want to be treated. If we start with that in mind, the task is not so insurmountable!Please - "Start the Conversation"! We'd welcome the feedback and your partnership in "Starting the Conversation".Best,Bre and Roy!
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    37 分