
  • Be Strong and Take Courage

    This meditation invites participants to draw courage by reflecting on Deuteronomy 20:5-8, where the Israelites are instructed to consider their personal readiness for battle. In these verses, those with new homes, planted vineyards, or recent marriages are called to step back, recognizing that family, possessions, and nourishment are sources of grounding and strength. Through meditation, we connect with the possessions, relationships, and resources in our lives that nourish us—be it a family home, cherished heirlooms, or meals shared with loved ones. These are the foundations that give us courage, providing stability and comfort as we face life’s uncertainties. As we reflect on these blessings, we cultivate gratitude and inner strength, recognizing that courage often comes from the roots we have nurtured over time. This practice helps us align our actions with a sense of security, drawing strength from what sustains and supports us.

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  • Wealth of Spirit

    Parashat Re’eh (Deuteronomy 11:26-16:17) invites us to redefine wealth not just in terms of material possessions, but as an abundance of spirit. The Torah emphasizes that true riches lie in the generosity, creativity, and compassion we share with the world. The mitzvah of tzedakah (charity) teaches us that our resources, whether time, talent, or treasure, are meant to uplift others. For artists, this is a call to use our creativity as a force for good—to express and expand the beauty, truth, and justice we seek in the world. By sharing our unique gifts, we cultivate a wealth of spirit that transcends the physical and touches the soul. This portion challenges us to see our artistic work as a form of spiritual wealth, one that can inspire, heal, and transform both ourselves and our communities.

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  • What Is Enough?

    In Deuteronomy 11:26-16:17 (Parashat Re’eh), we are called to discern between what we need, what we want, and what we can give. Kashrut, the dietary laws, teaches us mindfulness in consumption—urging us to be conscious of our needs and disciplined in our wants. It’s a spiritual practice that elevates the act of eating, transforming a basic need into an opportunity for holiness. When we consider poverty, we are reminded that some struggle even to meet their most basic needs. The Torah commands us to open our hands to those in need, highlighting our responsibility to give. This balance—between self-discipline and generosity—is the heart of a just society. As we navigate our desires, let us remember that true fulfillment comes not just from what we acquire but from what we share, creating a community where everyone has enough.

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  • Bedtime Ritual 48

    As you prepare for bed, take a moment to get comfortable and settle in. This meditation is designed to help you peacefully fall asleep, incorporating elements from the Jewish bedtime ritual. These prayers have been carefully translated and interpreted to be accessible to all, regardless of background. This practice serves as a gentle transition from the day's activities to a restful night. Begin by finding a comfortable position and taking deep breaths. As you listen to the soothing prayers, release any lingering thoughts or worries. Let calmness envelop you, bringing tranquility and peace. With each breath, feel yourself relax more deeply, ready to drift off to sleep. Embrace this moment of serenity, knowing you're surrounded by a tradition of comfort and protection. Sleep soundly and wake up refreshed.

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  • Chutzpah for Artists

    In Parashat Ekev (Deuteronomy 7:12-11:25), Moses reminds the Israelites that their successes are not due to their righteousness but rather to God's promise to their ancestors. This teaching carries a profound lesson for artists about the concept of *chutzpah*, a boldness that can be both positive and negative. For artists, *chutzpah* is the audacity to create, to challenge norms, and to express what others may not dare. Yet, like the Israelites, artists must remember that this courage is not self-generated but a gift rooted in something greater—whether it be divine inspiration, tradition, or the collective creativity of those who came before. Balancing humility with *chutzpah* allows artists to push boundaries while staying grounded. In this way, they honor the source of their talents, using their boldness not for self-glory but to contribute meaningfully to the world.

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  • Awe and Love, Progress and Service

    This meditation on Deuteronomy 10:12 invites you to reflect on the verse's call to cultivate awe, love, progress, and service in your life. "And now, Israel, what does God your God ask from you? Only to revere God, walk in all God’s paths, love God, and serve God with all your heart and spirit." Begin by contemplating the awe (yirah) of the Divine, recognizing the vastness and majesty of creation. Let this awe deepen into love (ahavah), a warm, personal connection with the Divine. From this place of love, commit to progress (halakhah), walking in God's ways and striving to improve yourself and the world around you. Finally, focus on service (avodah), dedicating your heart and soul to acts of kindness, justice, and compassion, fulfilling your highest potential in alignment with divine will.

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  • Pearls of Memory

    Close your eyes and take a deep breath. Imagine a string of pearls, each one representing a precious memory. As you hold the string in your hand, feel the smoothness of each pearl, the weight of its significance. Slowly, let your mind drift to a memory that brings you peace, joy, or love. Hold that memory like a pearl, noticing its color, shape, and the emotions it evokes. With each breath, let another pearl of memory come to mind, one by one, until the string is full. As you gently hold these memories, feel the warmth and comfort they bring. Know that these pearls are always with you, a source of strength and serenity. When you are ready, slowly release the string, knowing it remains within you, a treasure of your heart. Take a deep breath, and gently return to the present moment.

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  • The Inner Revelation

    Parashat Va'etchanan (Deuteronomy 3:23-7:11) explores the idea that true revelation occurs not only in grand moments, but also within the depths of our own hearts. Moses recounts the giving of the Ten Commandments, a pivotal event of divine revelation. Yet, this parasha invites us to consider that the most profound revelations often happen internally, through introspection and spiritual growth.

    The Shema, central to this portion, calls for us to "listen" and internalize God's oneness, emphasizing an ongoing, personal connection with the Divine. This connection requires us to be attuned to our inner voice, where revelation can unfold in moments of quiet reflection and personal insight. The commandments, while given at Sinai, are meant to be inscribed on our hearts, guiding us toward a life of integrity and purpose. "The Inner Revelation" reminds us that spiritual awakening often begins within, as we align our inner lives with divine wisdom.

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