Have you tried countless diets, only to feel stuck in an endless cycle of weight loss and gain? Join us as Ronda Kremske health coach and weight-loss warrior, shares her hard-won insights on how to break free from the yo-yo diet trap. With over 120 pounds lost and maintained, Rhonda dives into the practical tools and mindset shifts that helped her achieve sustainable results. This episode is packed with motivation and actionable advice for anyone ready to embrace a healthier, happier lifestyleFree Facebook Grouphttps://www.facebook.com/groups/beyondketoPersonal Profile:https://www.facebook.com/ronda.kremskeWhat is the Real Health Resolutions program:https://realhealthresolu.kartra.com/videopage/nDxBNCEZyQdThttps://realhealthresolutions.com/Beyond Keto Cookbook. Here is the link to purchase it.https://createmycookbook.com/products/532292_539225_RRonda wrote an eBook and you can access it for free here:https://realhealthresolu.kartra.com/page/beyond-keto-ebook