Welcome Taniel Strydom, a mom entrepreneur advocate, a certified wizard of the mind, skilled in Transformation Coaching (Life & Professional), Clinical Hypnotherapy, and a digital marketing specialist with an avid learner's growth mindset.
In this episode we discuss empty nesting, being a mom and a business owner, the technique of mindset with older generations and more!
Taniel has over 20 years experience within the corporate world in global giants and that all changed when she became a mom.
Taniel is a mom of 3, Nathan who is 8 and a set of twins: Maya and Aaron who are 5. she ran a successful 6 figure marketing consultancy which she stepped away from to focus on my transformational coaching world as this is deeply aligned to who she is. Taniel is born to serve, help and heal where she can!
Starting a new business in a new industry is not easy, it's messy and it brings up all sorts of triggers that need to be healed in order to be the best version you can be. It's an incredible journey!
Taniel is all about the woo-woo rubber hitting the road. It's where woo and strategy meet in order to build success.
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