Series: The Gospel of John
Title: Rejected at Hanukkah
Text: John 10:22-42
I. The Shepherd & Sheep Jn. 10:22-31.
A. The setting 22,23.
B. Non-sheep acting like it 24-26a.
C. The Shepherd speaks to sheep 26b 30.
D. Non-sheep acting like it again 31.
II. The Shepherd is God Jn. 10:32-39.
A. Another deity claim discussed 32.33.
B. Careful and brilliant comment 34-38.
C. Lower case gods act like men 39.
III. John and John’s Testimony of the Shepherd’s Identity Jn. 10:40-42.
A. Back where things started 40-41.
B. Full circle realization (for some) 42.