
  • Her reaction would get her killed
    6 分
  • Florida Man Shoots Himself And His Friend In A Horrific Gun Range Accident.

    When I woke up this morning, I discovered an email from a  fellow Sheepdog about two men shot at a gun range in Florida.

    The incident occurred a few years ago, but the lesson we can learn is highly relevant to us today.

    The surveillance footage shows the moment a man shot himself and his friend while inside a Florida gun range.

    Here's what happened.

    One man decided he would teach his buddy how to shoot a gun.

    As the men were shooting, they received a basic malfunction… As most of you know, a basic malfunction is easy to fix if you know what to do.

    Unfortunately, these men didn't have a clue.

    The men walked to the back of the room, which is extremely dangerous on its own...

    ...and began fumbling around with the gun to fix the malfunction.


    The gun went off, and one of the men began jumping up and down; he shot his finger off.

    The other man had been shot in the leg and was desperately attempting to control the bleeding.

    These men made several critical mistakes.

    Mistake #1: They failed to perform a safety inspection.

    Mistake #2: The shooter had his finger on the trigger.

    Mistake #3: The firearm was pointed in an unsafe direction…

    Mistake #4: They were NOT handling the firearm at the firing line…

    Mistake #5: These men tried to learn how to become safe and responsible firearms owners on their own.

    My goal was to give shooters who have never received professional firearms training a step-by-step process that they could follow to handle a gun safely, make accurate shots at the range, and feel safe and confident handling firearms.

    Learn More About The Beginners Guide To Firearms Here >>> 

    And as of this writing, we have helped over 10,000 first-time shooters feel safe and confident handling a firearm. 

    In the movie The Matrix, Neo was asked to choose between two pills, and I will ask you to do the same thing.

    Choose the RED PILL 💊 and stay in wonderland… Continue going to the range, struggling to make accurate shots, and never really understanding what your doing.


    Choose the BLUE PILL and rapidly increase your skills and confidence by investing in yourself… 

    If you choose the BLUE PILL, click the button below to learn more about… 

    The Beginners Guide To Firearms Here >>> 

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    9 分
  • Channel 10 Reporter Manipulated The Story…

    Yesterday I was interviewed by a reporter by 10 Tampa Bay News reporter Liz Crawford.

    Liz wanted to get my thoughts about a new law that went into effect yesterday regulating 80% firearm kits, “Ghost Guns.” 

    Before the interview, I was afraid that Liz would chop up my comments to fit her narrative… 

    So I secretly recorded the entire interview and uploaded it to YouTube. 

    When I woke up this morning, I was excited to see if Liz shared the truth or if she had manipulated my comments. 

    You will never believe what happened. 

    They chopped up my comments and did not share the truth…

    Shocker right. 

    Stay Safe, Sheepdogs, 

    Ryan G. Thomas 

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    3 分
  • Joe Biden Declares War On Ghost Guns
    “She will never interview you again.” Tiffany sent me this text message seconds after my interview with 10 Tampa Bay reporter Liz… Here’s what happened As I was driving home from the range, I received a text message from a reporter requesting an interview. As a man of the people, how could I say no to such a request? It turns out that the Biden administration released new guidelines today for the regulation of 80% firearms, aka ghost guns. Let me tell you, I didn’t hold back in this interview. I shared my thoughts and opinions, and I doubt what I said in the interview will be included in the news… But luckily for you, I secretly recorded my interview with News Channel 10 so that the world would hear what I have to say. I hope you enjoy… The Legendary Ryan G
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    17 分
  • “Don’t Touch It… Don’t You F*ching Touch It…”

    "Don't touch it... Don't you f*cking touch it..." screamed a Hillsborough County Sheriffs Deputy as he stood next to my car, ready to shoot me at a moment's notice.

    This is a real-life story that happened to me eight years ago. Let me start at the beginning...

    It was around 10 p.m., and I was driving down HWY 60, weaving in and out of traffic, when suddenly I noticed flashing lights behind me.

    After I pulled over, the deputy asked me why I was driving like I was in Nascar?

    I responded with my classic quick wit. "Sir, I'm just a highly motivated driver..."

    He was not impressed by my joke and asked for my license and registration.

    When I opened my wallet and removed my driver's license, the deputy saw my Florida concealed carry permit, and he lost his freaking mind.

    "Where's the gun!!? Where's the gun!!?" the deputy screamed as he stepped away from my vehicle placing his hand on his gun.

    I was shocked 😳 at how this deputy wildly overreacted to seeing a piece of plastic in my wallet. So I immediately put my hands up and held them out of the window.

    And then I made another idiotic comment, "Sir, you need to calm down,"

    First of all, telling an officer to calm down is like telling a woman that she's overreacting... It's never going to end well.

    "Calm down? Calm down; where's the gun?" The deputy responded in a frustrated voice. The tension in the air was insane, and I knew I needed to get this deputy to relax before I got killed.

    I responded, "The firearm is in my waistband with my hands up and out of the window."

    "Don't touch it... Don't you f*cking touch it..." the deputy screamed as he stood in fear next to my car with his hand on his gun.

    At this moment, I realized that I had made a terrible mistake. Florida Concealed Carry Law does not require us to notify police that we have a firearm inside our vehicle.

    In fact, for years, I refused to tell police that I had a firearm because it was none of their business.

    But on this day, my mindset completely changed.

    Getting pulled over is highly stressful, and having a gun in the car brings that stress to a whole new level.

    Many states require you to immediately notify a law enforcement officer that you have a firearm…

    However, I don't want an officer to see my firearm or my permit and get scared, so I always disclose that I have a gun immediately.

    Would you agree that there is a right and wrong way to tell the police you have a gun?

    The wrong way is to lean out the window and yell, "I HAVE A GUN…"

    Inside my best-selling book, Florida Concealed Carry Law 2022, I  share with you seven things you must do to inform an officer that you have a firearm.

    These seven secrets will help you properly tell an officer about your gun without putting yourself in danger.

    Claim Your FREE Copy of  Florida Concealed Carry Law Here >>>

    That's all I have for today. So until next time, keep training and stay safe…

    Ryan G. Thomas

    P.S. I almost forgot to tell you the rest of the story. After the sheriff's deputy wildly overreacted

    "Sir, I am a military veteran. I'm a firearms instructor, have a valid Florida concealed carry permit, and own a local gun store. I am not a threat to you."

    The deputy threw my driver's license into my car and said, "Get out of this parking lot, and don't you f*cking touch your gun until I'm gone..."

    So I got the hell out of there as fast as possible.

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    6 分
  • 3 Things You Don’t Know About Florida Concealed Carry

    I’m going to do a bit of “Q&A” today.

    First question…

    QUESTION: What Does Concealed Carry Mean?

    ANSWER: Concealed carry is when your firearm is physically on your body or about your person.

    Florida Statutes 790.001(2) "Concealed firearm" means any firearm, ..., which is carried on or about a person in such a manner as to conceal the firearm from the ordinary sight of another person.

    The term "about your person" means the firearm is in such close proximity that it can be retrieved and used as quickly as if it were carried on your person. This would include a purse, backpack, or briefcase.

    The term "concealed" means your firearm or weapon must be hidden. No one should be able to look at you and notice that you have a gun under your clothing.

    Next question…

    QUESTION: What Is Printing and Why Is It Important?

    ANSWER: Printing is when you can see the rough shape or outline of your firearm through your clothing. In the state of Florida, printing is not a crime unless it is done with intent. However, even though it's not a crime, you will scare most people who see you. Some people may avoid you, and others may overreact and attack you.

    In my book Florida Concealed Carry Law 2022, I answer over 297  questions about Florida gun law just like these…

    So that you can carry your firearm confidently and avoid making a costly mistake….

    And the best part is that you can claim a copy of my best-selling book for FREE… All you have to do is cover the shipping…

    Get Your FREE Copy Of Florida Concealed Carry Law 2022 Here >>>

    That's all I have for today. So until next time keep training and stay safe…

    Ryan G. Thomas

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    6 分
  • 14 Things You Must Know About Transporting Firearms…

    As a Florida concealed carry permit holder, you can conceal carry your firearm in 38 states.

    Which I think is cool…

    But wouldn't you agree that the firearm laws probably differ in each of the 38 states?

    Of course, that's why I created a personal checklist of questions you need to ask before traveling to another state with your firearm. I'm not going to give you all of the questions here.

    You'll have to claim your FREE copy of Florida Concealed Carry Law 2022 to get the full insiders scoop…

    So let's jump into the questions;

    What are the requirements for transporting a firearm through this state?

    Question #1 - Is my gun lawful to possess in this state?

    Question #2 - Is hollow-point ammunition allowed in this state?

    Question #3 - In what places am I prohibited from carrying concealed?

    Question #4 - Can I conceal carry it in a restaurant that serves alcohol?

    Question #5 - What are the state requirements if stopped by the police?

    These are only the first five questions you need to know before transporting a firearm across state lines…

    Before traveling with firearms, there are eight more critical questions every Florida gun owner needs to know before traveling with firearms…

    And the only way to get them is to get your FREE copy of Florida Concealed Carry Law 2022 Now…

    Get Your FREE Copy Of Florida Concealed Carry Law 2022 by visiting…


    Inside this book "Florida Concealed Carry Law" you will discover how to;

    • How To Legally Transport A Firearm Inside Your Vehicle Without Worrying About Getting Arrested…
    • The Step-By-Step Process I Use To Legally Bring A Firearm On An Airplane, So That You Can Carry Your Firearm Concealed Even When Your Traveling…
    • Discover The 38 State That Allows You To Carry Your Firearm Concealed With A Florida Concealed Carry Permit
    • How To Bring A Firearm Into Another Country Without Ending Up On The TV Show "Locked Up Abroad"
    • Plus Over 200 More Secrets Just Like These…

    And the best part is that you can get a copy for FREE… Just cover the shipping…

    Get Your FREE Copy Of Florida Concealed Carry Law 2022 by visiting.


    That's all I have for today. So until next time, keep training and stay safe…

    Ryan G. Thomas

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    2 分
  • 1.4 Million Permit Holders And Know One Was Prepared

    On August 3, 2019, a 21-year-old man entered a Walmart in El Paso, TX, and opened fire, killing 22 people and injuring two dozen others.

    What I find fascinating about this shooting is that it happened in a state like Texas, which has more than 1.4 million active concealed carry permits, yet no one appears to have had a firearm that day.

    It's safe to say that dozens, maybe hundreds, of people inside the store had a permit, yet no one was carrying a gun with them during the shooting.

    Why? I believe it's because these people had a very weak “why.” Those people didn't think they would need a firearm that day because they were only going to Walmart, which they had probably done thousands of times without incident.

    Except this time wouldn't be like all the rest. This time, a wolf was lurking in the shadows preparing to strike. Thousands of people were in Walmart that day; how many of them would you guess had a firearm in their vehicle? Dozens, maybe even hundreds.

    Students tell me all the time they are getting a concealed weapons permit so that they can keep themselves and their families safe. When I ask how often they are planning to carry their firearm, they respond, "I'm going to keep the gun in my vehicle. I'm not going to walk around with it everywhere I go." What an insane response.

    In one breath, these people tell me they need a gun to keep their families safe, and in the next, they tell me they only plan on having a firearm in their vehicle. What these individuals are saying is that they only want to be able to protect their family while they're in their car.

    People never think something violent is going to happen to them, and when it does, they are completely caught off-guard. If someone inside of the El Paso Walmart would have had a firearm and the proper training, they could have easily stopped the mass shooter, saving countless lives.

    Instead, they had a weak “why,” and they chose to bury their heads in the sand, hoping the wolf wouldn't appear.

    I’ve chosen a different path. I live my life constantly aware that evil things happen lightning-fast and I am responsible for the safety and protection of my family.

    And this is exactly why I wrote my best-selling book Florida Concealed Carry Law 2022…

    To give you the knowledge and mindset necessary to make fast accurate decisions about what you are legally allowed to do with your firearm in the state of Florida…

    And for a limited time, you can get a copy of my book for FREE… All you have to do is cover the shipping of $9.97…

    Get Your FREE Copy Of Florida Concealed Carry Law 2022 Here >>>

    These books are flying off the shelves so take action now…

    That's all I have for today. So until next time keep training and stay safe…

    Ryan G. Thomas

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