Being foreign not only makes you different and unique but it also comes with boring questions like "Where you from", "What is life like over there". No one stops and wonders what a year of school in the US does to a foreign exchange student. In today's episode, the boys are joined by Romane and Giuli, two foreign exchange students who discuss their one-year experience living in the US. Sit down and learn how these two went from being the "Little Italian Girl who does nothing wrong" to the outgoing and brave French girl.
Follow:@Romane.farge,@Sam_Skate_mamba,@giuli.Balbo,@JoeyDicarlo05,@hugo.hanma_69,@luis.cruzgarcia1,@alonsodurann Want to be a guest: Drop us a dm @unkooKed_Podcast Dm us, and if you want to come on and discuss any daily life experiences with your own unique stories, and some UnKooKed ThoTz! Become part of our team: @unkooKed_Podcast