After just 28 years I started to Read a book I bought at the time from Mikhail Aleksandrovich Sholokhov, “Virgin Soil Upturned” The Life after the Russian Revolution and the upcoming of Joseph Stalin in the power of the new URSS. The book Centers the problematic in the Kulaks, the new rich owners of the lands. Simple workers before the revolution, that for sure with intelligence and hard work created their own Land Empire. For Stalin these people needed to be exterminated as enemies of the revolution, and their lands confiscated! He wanted to create instead the Kolchoz or collective farms, like the actual Israelian Kibbutz. The Main idea was to give profit to more people, and that this organised cooperatives can afford a Tractor or tractors, to handle better the lands. This is already history, like the second book of Virgin Soil Upturned, the author lost this manuscript under a german attack(During WWII) in his village, his house, and almost all of his family! He needed an extra 28 years to complete it with the fear that after the war he was a different man. He won the Nobel Price afterwards. What I have to say is: How important was the Land and the farming for the states and the people, now the old farmers, need to be assisted of African workers, with a very different culture that changes forever the traditions of the towns!
O tempora, o mores, will say Cicerone!