Happy Thanksgiving!!
Talk about being busy! How many pounds of potatoes have you peeled? How many loads of laundry have to be done post all the holiday guests? Did you get any sleep last night with all the planning and preparations? Well what if this was your norm, like your everyday life? Well, for today's guest, it is. And you don't want to miss this episode Jennifer Titus shares the joys, the challenges, and the many, many faith-stretching moments she and her husband experience as they train up eleven children spanning in age from 18 years of age to 18 months. How ever does she do it all while maintaining a rhythm of calmness and connection to her heavenly Father? Take a listen and you'll find out how she does it and we pray that you'll learn some ways that you too can find ways to connect with God no matter what's swirling around you.
Also, we hope you'll continue with us along our WEIGHT Loss Program as we strive to shed the weigHt of the Hurry and Hustle.
To support your journey of being still in God's presence, use our Affirmation of Gods Presence or engage in 30 Days of Meditation to Be Still in God's Presence
Finally, your reviews mean the world to us, and they also assist us in spreading God's message of hope and victory across the globe! So please leave us a review where you listen to our podcast or on our Podcast Webpage .
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Thanks for listening! From our hearts to yours!!
Davenia and Annie