
  • 08 The Power of Daily Rituals and Managing Attention for Days Well Spent | Mensa Wang
    Simple, daily mental wellbeing tools for the hyper-digital age.

    Where attention goes energy flows.

    In a world of information overload, it's so easy to spend a whole day feeling like you’re getting pulled in 100 directions, distracted, and busy without doing anything meaningful or productive.

    In today's attention economy and ‘respond right now’ environment, cultivating voluntary attention is your key to performance, mental fitness and rebalancing your inner calm and clarity for better mental wellness.

    In this episode, Kylie Jane speaks to Mensa Wang - co-founder of Today Well Spent - to discuss the power of morning rituals and taking control of our attention for a day well spent, and a life lived well.

    We discuss:

    1. The distraction economy and The Attn Journal™ - one of the wellbeing tools Today Well Spent is creating to help put you back in the driver's seat of your attention, and therefore, your life

    2. Confronting the mismatch between what we can do and what we think we can do

    3. Disarming perfectionism and how to cultivate a healthier relationship with productivity

    4. Why the notion of "to-do lists" may not always be the answer

    5. The foundation of wellbeing is what Today Well Spent calls Attention Intelligence™ or AQ - what does AQ mean and why is it important?

    6. How to create healthy boundaries to increase productivity

    7. Digital hygiene - with great freedom comes great responsibility - how to use technology to enhance your daily wellbeing

    8. How the habit of micro-journaling can change your life Learn more about Today Well Spent, their tools and Attention Intelligence™
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    53 分
  • 07 Understanding Hormones, PCOS and Cultivating Body Acceptance | Trista Chan
    Understanding hormones in women's health and how to balance them naturally.

    The menstrual cycle is a stunning barometer for what is going on inside the body. However, the wake-up calls can be relatively gentle or can scream loudly at you.

    In this episode, Kylie Jane is joined by Trista Chan - a registered Dietitian and women’s health expert – to discuss what hormones are, their vital role in women’s health, and a hormonal disorder common among women of reproductive age - Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome (PCOS).

    Kylie and Trista explore some of the most common hormonal challenges, what might be occurring, and the importance of cultivating body and hormone intelligence to begin the journey of self-healing through our nutrition and lifestyle choices.

    We discuss:

    - Understanding hormones and their vital role in women's health and wellness

    - Diet and lifestyle factors that affect women's hormonal health

    - Common signs or symptoms of unbalance hormones

    - PCOS - what it is and how we can manage it?

    - Why what we eat and when we eat matter for hormonal health

    - Reframing the nutrition narrative from a restrictive roadmap to nourishing, individualised and culturally-sensitive self-care

    - Trista’s top tips on setting sustainable, nourishing goals for optimal hormonal health and radiant wellness Learn more about Trista's PCOS course and healing, sustainable nutrition
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    37 分
  • 06 The Magical Gut Microbiome: Why Radiant Health Begins in The Belly | Sarah King
    Learn more about the trillions of microbes that influence our health.

    The microbiome – this buzzy term refers to the trillions of microbes in and on the human body (including almost 3kg in the gut!) that influence digestion, nutrient absorption, hormone balance, energy levels, skin clarity, moods, weight, cravings, immunity and overall vitality. According to the National Institutes of Health, we have 10 times as many bacterial cells in our body as human ones!

    In today's episode, Kylie Jane is joined by Sarah King of SIMPLY SKING - Nutritional Therapy Practitioner and Certified Integrative Nutrition Health Coach - to talk about gut health as the basis of all health, the magical microbiome, why it matters, and tips on how to improve our gut health for radiant health.

    We discuss:

    1. What is the role of gut health in physical and mental health?

    2. What is the microbiome and why is it so important?

    3. What does a healthy gut microbiome look or feel like?

    4. Is it nature or nurture that determines the health of our gut? The role of stress, alcohol, processed foods etc.

    5. What are the signs your gut may be imbalanced?

    6. The importance of fibre-rich plant foods and probiotics in nurturing gut health

    7. Sarah’s top tips for improving gut health Learn more about Sarah and her nutrition coaching services here
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    50 分
  • 05 Balancing Blood Sugar for Energy, Hormone Health and Metabolism | Jessica Nusbaum
    Understanding blood sugar and why it's vital in women’s health.

    In this episode, Kylie Jane is joined by Jessica Nusbaum to discuss what blood sugar is, the food and other factors that influence blood sugar, and why balancing our blood sugar levels is critical in terms of women's health healing and hormones.

    We discuss:

    1. What does blood sugar mean?

    2. Why balancing blood sugar levels is so important in women's health

    3. How stress, caffeine and other factors impact our blood sugar levels and the effect this has on metabolism, hormones and how we feel

    4. Debunking common nutrition myths that affect blood sugar and overall health - sugar in a cookie vs sugar in fruit, fat makes you fat, carbs are bad, fibre will bloat you

    6. Joy as a nutrient

    7. The importance of self-care, stress management and our relationship with food in balancing blood sugar

    8. Tips on how to naturally and holistically balance blood sugar levels for improved metabolism, hormone health and vitality Connect with Jess to heal your hormones, gut health and reclaim your health
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    45 分
  • 04 How Mindfulness can help us cope with Uncertainty | Monique Sundree-Latchmi Rogers
    Using mindfulness to help us reframe and cope with uncertainty.

    We're experiencing increasingly uncertain times - from Covid to volatile economies and shifts in how we work and live.

    Uncertainty can be a major cause of stress. Some people can “roll with the punches,” adapting to changes quickly, while others struggle with the unknown and are likely to experience changes in mood, sleep or appetite patterns, and coping.

    In this episode, we're joined by Monique Rogers – Ecologist, and Integrative Movement and Mindfulness Teacher - to discuss what mindfulness means, why it's become such a vital component of modern wellness, and how we can use mindfulness tools and techniques to help us reframe uncertain situations and move through periods of transition with grace and a grounded sense of self.

    We discuss:

    1. How uncertainty, and the fear and stress it brings impact the mind and body

    2. What is mindfulness?

    3. Why has mindfulness become such a hot topic in recent years and a vital component of modern wellness?

    4. How can we better manage periods of change or uncertainty using mindfulness?

    5. How mindfulness can make us more compassionate to ourselves and others during periods of transition and why this matters

    6. Simple mindfulness tools and techniques you can incorporate into your every day to help build resilience and cope with changes and uncertainty in a healthy way Learn more about Monique and Golden Wild Movement
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    50 分
  • 03 Mediterranean Diet Lessons for Healthier, Happier, Longer Lives | Alexandria Zozos
    Lessons from the Mediterranean Lifestyle for health, joy and longevity.

    In 2022 the Mediterranean Diet was ranked number one for Best Plant-Based Diet, Best Heart-Healthy Diet, Best Diabetes Diet, Best Diet for Healthy Eating, and the Easiest Diet to Follow according to U.S. News & World Report.

    In this episode Kylie Jane is joined by Alexandria Zozos (Registered Dietitian Nutritionist of The Mediterranean Nutritionist) to discuss The Mediterranean Diet and Lifestyle, what it is, the Mediterranean Diet pyramid, the health benefits and how we can incorporate lessons from The Blue Zones into our own lifestyles for radiant health.

    We discuss:

    1. What is the Mediterranean diet?

    2. What are the benefits of the Mediterranean diet? Why it has been ranked as the Best Overall Diet 5 years in a row according to U.S. News & World Report

    3. The Mediterranean diet pyramid, why it’s so much more than a diet, focusing on joyful movement, enjoying meals together, and abundance over restriction

    4. The connection between the Mediterranean diet and the Blue Zones (e.g. Sardinia, Italy and Ikaria, Greece) - what we can learn from the world's longest-living, healthiest populations

    5. Mediterranean diet misconceptions and Ale’s practical tips on how to adopt a Mediterranean lifestyle to fit your own for a radiantly healthy life Learn more about Ale and the Mediterranean way of living and eating here
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    52 分
  • 02 Why Sleep is Integral to Health and How to Sleep Better | Rumbiey Muchenje
    Why restorative sleep matters and how we can sleep better to shine brighter.

    Sleep, and the rest and repair it offers our body and mind, is critical to life.
    Everything works better with restorative sleep from our hormonal function, to how fast we age.

    In this episode, Kylie Jane is joined by Rumbiey Muchenje, certified sleep and integrative health coach, to discuss why sleep is such an integral element of our health and how we can sleep better.

    We discuss:

    - Why we need to prioritise sleep for better health

    - The connection between sleep and our mental and physical health

    - The five sleep cycles

    - How much sleep we really need as adults

    - What sleep hygiene means

    - To what extent lifestyle factors like coffee, alcohol, and technology (blue light) affect our ability to sleep

    - A Sleep Coach's top tips on how to sleep better to feel better Learn more about Rumbiey Muchenje - Certified Sleep Coach
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    52 分
  • 01 Why Financial Wellness Matters and How to Build Healthy Money Habits | Darcie Milfeld
    The Foundations of Financial Wellness

    In this episode Kylie Jane is joined by Darcie Milfeld – financial coach and founder of the Green Bites Project – to discuss financial wellness, what it is, why it matters in our overall wellness and how we can feel better about our finances in a healthy way.

    We discuss:

    - The importance of financial health and wellness as a part of our overall wellness

    - What does financial wellness mean?

    - How to reframe our thinking and beliefs around money from scarcity or anxiety to empowerment and certainty

    - The basics of budgeting - should we be using ratios?

    - Debt: good or bad?

    - Savings - should we have an “emergency fund”? What about near-term and longer-term needs?

    - Darcie's top tips on getting started to manage your finances in a healthy way and reach your financial goals to live the life you want Learn more about Darcie, The Green Bites Project and financial wellness
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    48 分