In this Edinburgh Fringe special, Kaska speaks to Lewis Coenen-Rowe about the trees and myths that inspired his deforestation opera STUMPED, becoming an artist activist, and about the importance of coming together for storytelling like this to help us imagine a better future and take collective action.
STUMPED is showing at the Scottish Storytelling Centre starting this week and each performance ends with a short reflection from a different invited expert or community group involved in caring for trees and forests.
See our website: https://sccan.scot/blog/stumped-at-the-fringe-stories-trees-and-collective-action/
Interview and production: Kaska Hempel
Music: Exerpts from STUMPED by Lewis Coenen-Rowe, performed
Lewis’ website https://www.lewiscoenen-rowe.com/
STUMPED opera on Insta https://www.instagram.com/stumpedopera/
STUMPED opera on FB https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=61557738514898&paipv=0&eav=AfZnr8aawmI-pzLrXUqtBT8rRZPKYyr8XH0MzRopZFZWSG8u_4NpXcaSEijReX9dubs
Made in Scotland Showcase https://www.madeinscotlandshowcase.com/
Creative Carbon Scotland https://www.creativecarbonscotland.com/
Scottish Storytelling Centre https://www.scottishstorytellingcentre.com/
Alliance for Scotland’s Rainforests https://savingscotlandsrainforest.org.uk/