
  • 410: Make Sure AI is Recommending You with Tom Schwab

    Are you a secret or a success? You can’t be both! If you feel stifled by the undying commitment to your comfort zone, today’s show is for YOU! It’s time to bring yourself out of obscurity and in front of your target audience. Are you leveraging the benefits of AI? We want to help coaches be as successful as possible by making sure that AI tools are functioning as your best referral partner. Join us to learn more!

    Tom Schwab is a US Navy veteran, entrepreneur, and author. As the founder and CEO of Interview Valet, Tom is a pioneer in leveraging targeted podcast interviews as a powerful marketing channel. Working with over 1500 clients ranging from Fortune 500 companies to high-level coaches and consultants, he’s been called “The Godfather of Podcast Interview Marketing.” His book, Podcast Guest Profits: Grow Your Business with a Targeted Interview Strategy, has been called the bible of podcast guesting. He routinely speaks at top business conferences about how to turn podcast listeners into clients. His refreshing view of marketing today shows how you can break through the noise and finally get heard by your ideal clients.

    Show Highlights:

    • Tom’s journey from the US Navy to corporate America to entrepreneurship
    • “Obscurity is everyone’s biggest problem today. There is no nobility in being unknown.”
    • The overarching principles of selling products and services
    • What ChatGPT is “looking for”
    • Examples of what to do to be seen and heard more (Look for avenues that are easy, scalable, and digital!)
    • Pinpointing the podcasts that are right for you and your expertise
    • Tom’s tips on repurposing content (It’s easier than you think!)
    • Tom’s tips to identify your best talking points (Hint: Stories ALWAYS work!)
    • Focus on profits–not leads.
    • Tom’s challenge to coaches who want to be podcast guests: Start by identifying five podcasts that have your ideal clients as listeners.


    Connect with Tom Schwab and Interview Valet: Website (Take the free assessment and receive a free copy of Tom’s book, Podcast Guest Profits.), Facebook, and LinkedIn

    Work with Meg! Check out the STaR Coach Show Mentor Programs!

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    Explore past episodes and other resources at www.STaRcoachshow.com.

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    32 分
  • 409: From Humble Beginnings to Leadership Advocate with Dona Amelia

    Leaders develop their best skills through connection, vulnerability, and exploration. Today’s guest covers it all with enthusiasm, confidence, and genuine humility. She shares her unique journey from a small Indonesian village to a full life in entertainment, coaching, and entrepreneurship. Join us to learn more!

    Dona Amelia is a multi-talented and inspiring leader, keynote speaker, and executive/life coach. As the co-founder and Member Service Director at EGN Singapore, Malaysia, and Indonesia, she leads Asia’s largest peer network for C-suite executives and entrepreneurs, embodying the qualities of a true leader and empowering women to reach new heights in leadership. Before taking on her role at EGN (Executives’ Global Network), Dona achieved remarkable accomplishments in the entertainment industry as an award-winning singer, actress, DJ, and TV host. She brings a unique blend of artistic talent, dynamic presence, and entrepreneurial skills that showcase her resilience as a leader. Her passion for making people happy and empowering others makes her a role model for women who seek to break barriers and thrive.

    Show Highlights:

    • Humble beginnings in a bamboo house without electricity and running water
    • Dona’s journey as a singer, actress, and TV presenter who transitioned into work with EGN, the first peer network in Indonesia
    • The unique collaborative platform that is the foundation of EGN
    • Leadership training in facing challenges with vulnerability and collaborative solutions
    • Dona’s stories about the value of peer networks
    • Lessons from a wise grandmother: “Give—and make people happy.”
    • A glimpse into the holistic structure in EGN’s efforts to create strong peer networks
    • Dona’s explanation of EGN’s Advisory Board and Wise Crowd–and how she gets leaders to buy into the program
    • Dona’s takeaways about the value of peers, coaches, and mentors in leveraging your leadership potential


    Work with Meg! Check out the STaR Coach Show Mentor Programs!

    Visit the STaR Coach Show YouTube Channel!

    Explore past episodes and other resources at www.STaRcoachshow.com.

    Explore the STaR Coach Community and see what’s available there for you!

    Connect with Dona Amelia





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    45 分
  • 408: Cure Your Busy Brain with Dr. Romie Mushtaq

    No matter your profession or lifestyle, you would probably agree that stress levels are at an all-time high. In our post-pandemic world, we have “busy brains” that affect us personally and impact leadership at a crisis level in organizations. Join us for today’s episode to hear an actionable approach that individuals and leaders can implement immediately for immediate stress relief and long-term wellness.

    Dr. Romie Mushtaq is a triple board-certified physician, award-winning speaker, and national media expert. She mixes her unique authority in neurology, integrative medicine, and mindfulness to transform cultures and teams. Serving as the Chief Wellness Officer at Great Wolf Resorts, she uses digital solutions for whole-person wellness for over 12,000 employees. She is a leading authority in stress management and workplace wellness leadership serving professional athletes, Fortune 500 companies, and global organizations. Her TEDx talk, “The Powerful Secret of Your Breath,” has over 500,000 views, and her book, The Busy Brain Cure, is a national USA Today and Amazon bestseller.

    Show Highlights:

    • Dr. Romie’s transition from traditional medicine to a focus on stress management
    • The problem: High achievers get stuck in the stress success cycle.
    • “The way your brain knows how to achieve is by living on the edge of burnout where stress is a badge of honor.”
    • Characteristics of a busy brain
    • The importance of knowing your brain score (Take the Busy Brain Test for FREE!)
    • Steps in the Busy Brain Cure:
    • Replace self-judgment with self-awareness.
    • Make brain shifts in your micro habits.
    • Restore your sleep.
    • Results Dr. Romie has seen from the Busy Brain protocol
    • The impact of overlooked thyroid disease


    Connect with Dr. Romie Mushtaq: Website, LinkedIn, Instagram, YouTube, X, TEDx talk, the FREE Busy Brain Test, and The Busy Brain Cure book

    Work with Meg! Check out the STaR Coach Show Mentor Program! One new program was just added!

    Visit the STaR Coach Show YouTube Channel!

    Explore past episodes and other resources at www.STaRcoachshow.com.

    Explore the STaR Coach Community and see what’s available there for you!

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    27 分
  • 407: The Coaching Business Flywheel with Robbie Swale

    I’m excited to bring you a wonderful interview with a fellow podcaster. We have many shared interests and goals, including a passion for honoring the craft of coaching. He shares the Coaching Business Flywheel with us, a valuable tool he’s created based on practical tips for successful coaching. Join us to learn how you can use these concepts for maximum impact and outreach in your coaching business!

    Robbie Swale is a leadership coach, author, and podcaster whose work focuses on leading with honor and the craft of coaching. He is the founder of The Coach's Journey and the podcast of the same name, where he interviews coaches about their journeys into coaching and how they developed successful coaching businesses, whatever that means for them. He is the creator of The Coaching Business Flywheel and has coached and mentored countless coaches through various coaching, training, and supervision programs, including The Coach’s Journey Community. Along with his direct client work, Robbie has done leadership development and coaching work for many global organizations. He is the author of the 12-Minute Method books, which include How to Start When You’re Stuck and How to Create the Conditions for Great Work.

    Show Highlights:

    • Robbie’s journey into coaching and his inspiration for the Coaching Business Flywheel
    • Robbie’s consistent blog posts, the impetus to get the flywheel moving with momentum
    • The Prosperous Coach Flywheel (Rich Litvin) and how Robbie built on it
    • Connection is the key to a sustainable coaching business!
    • Robbie’s Coaching Business Flywheel: 5 things you have to do to have a sustainable coaching business:
    • Connect with people.
    • Offer opportunities for people to experience you.
    • Help people create insight.
    • Tell people how you work, how much it costs, and how to pay you.
    • Work with enough clients to get the feed of referrals. (“If you hide from the NOs, you can’t get the YESES.”)
    • Ask for referrals and connections!
    • Facing fears and embracing personal growth


    Connect with Robbie Swale: Website, LinkedIn, Facebook, The Coach's Journey Podcast and Community, and the 12-Minute Method books

    Work with Meg! Check out the STaR Coach Show Mentor Program! One new program was just added!

    Visit the STaR Coach Show YouTube Channel!

    Explore past episodes and other resources at www.STaRcoachshow.com.

    Explore the STaR Coach Community and see what’s available there for you!

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    43 分
  • 406: Listeners Unveil Greatest Lessons Learned
    Welcome to a very special episode! I had planned to feature this live stream with listeners to celebrate the milestone of our 400th episode, but a family emergency preempted those plans. Never fear—we are making it happen now! Listeners share what’s made the show important to them and some of their favorite episodes, topics, and guests. Join us!Show Highlights:From Carolyn Covey Morris–A favorite is Episode 200; the STaR Coach Show helped her in the transition into executive coaching and continually inspires her to keep going.From Donna Holder–Her favorites have changed over the years, but some are Episode 107 with Fran Fisher, Episode 244 with James Allen, and others about leadership, business building, and brain science. She loves to recommend the STaR Coach Show to coaching colleagues!From Susan Collins–She is a leadership coach who helps clergywomen navigate their careers, and she embraces the entire STaR Coach Show ecosystem and loves the community and the education that are available. From Dr. John Roof–The STaR Coach Show is an important part of his coaching journey, and he loves meeting other coaches at conferences. Two favorites are Episode 107 with Fran Fisher and Episode 374 with Dr. Marcia Reynolds. From Serge Devieux–He’s a newer listener who became a coach after a long career as an international executive, and he loves the wealth of learning through the STaR Coach Show. Two favorites are Episode 107 with Fran Fisher and Episode 197 with Adam Carroll. From Cynthia Pike-Fuentes–She coaches executive women on personal and professional changes in their lives, and a favorite is Episode 289 with Tracy Winter. Resources:Links are given in the Show Notes to connect with these great coaches and their favorite episodes.Grab the resource from Episode 200 using this link.Check out the STaR Coach Show Mentor Programs! A NEW PROGRAM WAS JUST ADDED FOR 2024!Visit the STaR Coach Show YouTube Channel!Explore past episodes and other resources at www.STaRcoachshow.com. Explore the STaR Coach Community and see what’s available
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    28 分
  • 405: BONUS: Launches: The Key to Success with Jeff Walker

    Welcome to a very special episode that will help propel you forward, get obstacles out of your way, and create a formula for making the living you deserve and the impact you desire. I’m excited to share this interview with one of my mentors whose work has helped propel my business forward. You will learn so much from today’s guest! Let’s get started!

    Jeff Walker is the creator of Product Launch Formula, the step-by-step process that has generated over a BILLION dollars in online launches. He teaches people how to launch online courses, membership sites, online product, and services, and his formula has literally changed the way things are sold online. Jeff started his first online business in 1996, pioneering the online launch concept. His Product Launch Formula transformed the online marketing world from the day it was released in 2005, and Jeff and PLF have not slowed down since. Now, the Product Launch Formula brand is the gold standard in the online entrepreneurial training market. Jeff’s students have done over a billion dollars in launches in hundreds of niches and markets in dozens of countries worldwide. Jeff lives with his wife, Mary, in Durango, Colorado, and is always up for an outdoor adventure. He’s no longer quite as fast as his kids on skis or mountain bikes, but they still let him come along for the ride.

    *Don’t miss out on Jeff’s once-a-year FREE masterclass! Sign up today!

    Show Highlights:

    • Jeff’s journey from stay-at-home dad into coaching and creating the Product Launch Formula
    • Jeff’s once yearly FREE Launch Masterclass—and how and why it came about
    • The PLF is adaptable to ANY business.
    • Leveraged income > passive income
    • Presenting an offer and getting paid for that offer gives you the “keys to the kingdom.”
    • Jeff’s commitment to delivering value and creating an impact
    • “What will I learn in the Launch Masterclass?”
    • Coaching: solving problems, creating transformation, and building trust


    Connect with Jeff Walker: Website, Launch book, and free Launch Masterclass

    Work with Meg! A few spots remain for the Fall STaR Coach Show Mentor Program! We begin very soon!

    Visit the STaR Coach Show YouTube Channel!

    Explore past episodes and other resources at www.STaRcoachshow.com.

    Explore the STaR Coach Community and see what’s available there for you!

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    35 分
  • 403: Abundantly Successful Sales Pages with Sarah Walton

    The truth is that no one is attracted to your scarcity mindset. If you want to project magnetism in your field, you have to leave scarcity behind and embrace abundance! My guest today is a great example of success in multiple streams of services and income, and her sweet spot lies in creating sales pages that get results. Do you need a mindset adjustment and a sales page makeover? Join us to learn more!

    Sarah Walton is a business coach and sales expert who has been featured on The Today Show, speaks at women’s conferences worldwide, and has helped hundreds of women start and grow businesses they love. She works with a handful of 1:1 clients, runs The Sales Mastermind, and leads her exclusive Abundance Academy for women in business. Sarah is the voice behind The Game On Girlfriend Podcast and the face of “Sarah Uncut” on YouTube, making her the go-to source for no-nonsense business coaching and real-life, mind-blowing abundance. From growing up in a low-income household with a single mom to helping moms turn their passion into a business they love while supporting their families, Sarah’s lived experience shows how women can powerfully change their lives and the lives of their families and communities. Through her successful coaching business, strategically designed to put more money in the hands of more women, Sarah has transitioned from being “just another coach” to being a real change-maker, and she is “all in” on her mission to put more money into more women’s hands!

    Show Highlights:

    • From a background of poverty to a mindset of abundance
    • Finding your space and learning to expand
    • 80% of success comes down to your mindset!
    • The importance of letting people know who you are and how you are going to show up for them
    • Remember—your business is NOT about you!
    • Before you create a page or send a newsletter, ask, “What problem can I solve right now? Who needs me right now?”
    • Transitioning from fear and scarcity to connection and abundance
    • Refining your “Hey, you” strategy
    • Cleaning up your sales page and correctly using testimonials
    • Sarah’s advice to listeners


    Connect with Sarah Walton: Instagram, YouTube, TikTok, Facebook, and The Game On Girlfriend Podcast

    Mentioned by Sarah: The Simple Path to Wealth by J. L. Collins

    Work with Meg! A few spots remain for the Fall STaR Coach Show Mentor Program! It’s quickly approaching; we begin in late August!

    Visit the STaR Coach Show YouTube Channel!

    Explore past episodes and other resources at www.STaRcoachshow.com.

    Explore the

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    32 分
  • 402: Transformative Leadership and Cultural Sensitivity with Mohamed Hamza, PCC

    As coaches, we always strive to bring our best forward so we can partner with our clients to help them create the changes they want in their lives. Today’s expert guest is a renowned authority on leadership assessment and development. Join us to learn more about growing into your greatness and being the most effective executive coach you can be!

    Mohamed Hamza is a facilitator, assessor, and coach with significant contributions in more than ten countries. He is the Senior Client Success Director for Mercer Talent Enterprise, where he assumes the crucial responsibility of designing, developing, and delivering cutting-edge leadership assessment and development solutions to esteemed clients. Mohamed has coached over 3000 leaders from future talent to C-suite executives. His extensive experience and continuous pursuit of knowledge position him as a leading figure in business and leadership, delivering exceptional value to his clients and organizations.

    Show Highlights:

    • Mohamed’s current position at Mercer and his passion for leadership development
    • The value in experiencing coaching through the client lens (“You will not believe in coaching unless you are a client first.”)
    • Steps to maximum coaching effectiveness:
    • Believe in coaching.
    • Get your training and certifications.
    • Practice, practice, practice!
    • Know who you are and develop your natural coaching style.
    • Know your clients and their culture.
    • Using a multicultural approach in coaching
    • Reasons for the current growth of coaching in the Middle East
    • The influence of culture on coaching results
    • Mohamed’s perspective on his executive coaching work and the results clients want
    • Finding a balance in coaching within an organization and addressing deeper issues with clients
    • Mohamed’s advice to everyone: “Try coaching once. Don’t be a conservative client. Just open up. This is how it works.”


    Connect with Mohamed Hamza: LinkedIn

    Work with Meg! A few spots remain for the Fall STaR Coach Show Mentor Program! It’s quickly approaching; we begin in late August!

    Visit the STaR Coach Show YouTube Channel!

    Explore past episodes and other resources at www.STaRcoachshow.com.

    Explore the STaR Coach Community and see what’s available there for you

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