
  • 9.1.2024 "The Growth of Love"

    John says two incredible things in his final chapter of his first letter (1 John). He says: 1) The commandments of God are not burdensome. 2) He says that everyone who is "born of God" overcomes "the world."

    These two things should strike anyone (whether Christian or non-Christian). Are not the commandments of God an incredibly burdensome thing? Isn't Jesus' vision of morality impossible to live up to? How could anyone imagine them not to be burdensome?

    What is more - aren't the forces of evil too great to suggest that we could overcome them? Jesus? Sure, He could. But is it really possible for me to experience real, lasting freedom from the forces of evil that plague me?

    In this sermon, Pastor Kevin unpacks these two truths, and helps listeners to understand - and expect - the spiritual growth that comes for all who are "born again."

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    20 分
  • 8.18.2024 "Love of Grace"

    For John, you cannot experience the "love of God" without the "grace of God." They are intertwined and inseparable. But what does it mean to experience God's grace?

    In 1 John, chapter 3 - we get a glimpse of John's experience of grace as the truths he is telling become real. Listen as Pastor Kevin elaborates on John's experience of "grace" and how (through understanding the doctrines John is teaching), we too can experience grace.

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    23 分
  • 8.11.2024 "Love the Father Not the World"

    In 1 John 2:15-17, John tells us very clearly that we cannot love the world and love the Father. To love one is to forsake the other. But, we still live in this world. So, how ought we relate to this broken world in which we live as Christian people?

    In this sermon, Pastor Aaron walks through different world philosophies that have tried to answer this question. And then he provides us with a Biblical worldview which calls us to an even more meaningful way to live.

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  • 8.4.2024 "Love: No New Command"

    In 1 John 2:1-14, John says that love is not a new command. He's right. It's in the Mosaic Law. It's what Jesus says is the great command. John is telling us once again, that love is the way of the Christian's life. It has to be.

    Because He first loved us, we also ought to love one another. We can't claim to know Jesus and walk in a direction that is opposite to him.

    In this sermon, Pastor Aaron tells us once again about the depth of God's love for us and how it transforms our lives to be people of love.

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  • 7.14.2024 "God Is...Just"

    In the modern world, people recoil at the thought of a "God of wrath." We think it's irreconcilable with a "God of love." How can a God who loves the world - judge it? Isn't it a sin to judge?

    However - the Bible (emphatically) tells us that God IS a God of wrath. Of judgment. Of justice. Even Jesus demonstrates it - in His own life and ministry.

    How can God be BOTH a God of love AND a God of judgment?

    In this sermon, Pastor Kevin explores the reality of judgment, the Divine basis for it, and how we can escape it ourselves.

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    24 分
  • 7.7.2024 "God Is...Supreme"

    There are two places where you can find the 10 Commandments in the Scriptures: Exodus 20 and Deuteronomy 5. In both of those places you will find all 10 "words" of God, but you'll also find another. It's the "Preface" to the 10 Commandments and it goes like this: "I am the Lord your God, who brought you out of the land of Egypt, out of the house of slavery."

    The very next words are the first, and most critical commandment: "You shall have no other gods before me." So we hear, in the span of two verses, this premise: 1) You were enslaved. 2) I have freed you. 3) Now, live into the freedom I have gained for you.

    What do "gods", "slavery", and "freedom" have to do with each other? Are "gods" or "idols" even relevant to us? Haven't we progressed beyond our archaic ancestors with their primitive worship practices?

    In this sermon, Pastor Kevin shows how the 1st commandment may be the most relevant commandment for you and I. And through it, shows how we all have idols, the various forms they take, and most importantly - how to become free of them.

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    27 分
  • 6.30.2024 "God Is...Majestic"

    God is a God of "majesty." That means, what God wills...happens. There is no disparity between what He plans and what is. And that means - that all the other attributes of God will become the "reigning and ruling" attributes of the universe.

    Now, what does that look like practically? If that's the case, shouldn't this world be more "godly"?

    In this sermon, Pastor Kevin shows what it means that God is a God of "majesty" - and how we can see it in the world. If we don't understand God's power, we will end up either overestimating or underestimating all human power in the world. Take a listen, and understand your relationship to God's power, and how you can come to wield "true power."

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    24 分
  • 6.16.2024 "Teach us to Pray: Deliver Us From Evil"

    Did you know there are different "kinds" of prayers? Some prayers take the form of "Adoration." Others, "Petitionary." Still others, "Confession." But the Lord's Prayer takes on them all.

    In this final sermon of the "Teach Us to Pray" series, Pastor Kevin looks at the final two petitions of the Lord's Prayer which show us a final kind of prayer: "battle prayer."

    Are there challenges you are facing that have you doubting in God's presence? Or His goodness? Are there temptations that seem to have a "foothold" or a "stronghold" in your life? Learn how to pray this way, so that you can be delivered!

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