
  • Ep #38: Being Content No Matter The Circumstance w/ Troy & Shannon Allan

    Our Season 3 Finale is Here!

    Troy and Shannon Allan exemplify what being the "Salt of the Earth" is really all about.  You might not be able to find their house unless you knew exactly where you were going, but you can see the reflection of the light that lives within them from miles away.  

    Troy is an independent Farmer and has been farming his entire career.  Troy provides some really neat insight into what their family operation looks like on a day-to-day basis. With all of the dangers that come with this occupation, Troy has faced life threatening injuries in his career. This took quite a toll on Troy but in these moments he found himself being pushed into a more complete reliance on the Lord.

    Shannon is a do-it-all kind of person. Whether its operating small businesses or planning two weddings at one time (what?!), she can do it all. However, she has been faced with many other challenges as well outside of supporting Troy during his injuries. She found out she had cancer just before she gave birth to their first child.  Shannon gives us a full perspective on how God used this time to draw her to His plan and away from her own. 

    This only scratches the surface, this is a dynamic episode. Don't forget the quirks and reccomendations at the end.  Also, Troy can't taste food any longer. We had so many questions!

    You will love the Allans!

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    52 分
  • Ep #37: Building a Foundation w/ Luke and Lexie Pittman

    Meet Luke and Lexie Pittman!

    This couple is a jack of all trades, together and separately.  Luke is an engineer by trade but has multiple side businesses including a media company and a pest service.  Lexie is the founder and owner of her own hair salon and boutique.   They both share about being small business owners and how that impacts their life everyday.  They have two children and they somehow found time to spend an hour with us, and we are so thankful they did!

    Time is obviously a big topic for them and admittedly they kind of figure it out as they go. However, the important things have to always be intentional. They walk us through how they prioritize their Faith, Family, and Community.  It doesn't always look the same, but you will find it extremely refreshing to hear both of their genuine takes.  In an effort to reach others who may be going through the same thing, they both share about an extreme time of grief when they lost their first child.  They walk us through those moments and how their foundation led them to the only one who could touch their pain, Jesus.  You do not want to miss this gripping story as they vulnerably share their life then and how it impacts their life today.

    OfCourse we end the episode with their quirks and get both of their recommendations/advice.

    You will love the Pittmans!

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    1 時間 8 分
  • Ep #36: Breaking The Huddle w/ Steven and Leah Fitts

    Meet Steven and Leah Fitts!

    This dynamic couple gives us all a full hour of motivation and PEP.   Along with their three children, they break the huddle every morning to accomplish what their Lord has in store from them that day.  This can even start with blasting early morning music on the speakers to get everyone going.

    As former athletes, they take what they learned on the field or in the gym to everyday life.  Steven is a part of a unique family business that his parents began when he was young. Leah is a real estate agent and now has her own home decor business.  As if their time was spoken for enough, they decided to build their own home. That's Right! Not just have it built, but Steven was the main contractor and architect on the home.  This wasn't a solo project, Leah and the kids had to pitch in as well. They walk us through this process and what their children learned through it all.

    Leah also shares about losing her Mom and putting her career on pause to spend the last couple years with her. You will find this story very touching.  Steven and Leah also share about their journey with one of their children who was born with Down Syndrome.  Hear about the absolute joy their daughter has brought them and how God used this to bring each of them closer to Him as well.  All this and so much more in one jam-packed episode.

    You will love the Fitts!

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    1 時間 9 分
  • Ep # 35: Living the Christ Dream w/ Danny and Jessica Yount

    Spend an hour out in the peaceful countryside of Summerton, SC with Danny and Jessica Yount.

    Don't let the humbleness of a small town or their personalities fool you, these two make a big impact in so many areas. Whether on annual mission in South America, mentoring others, making impact in their careers, or raising their two daughters; these two let us all in to what setting aside the American Dream and living the Christ Dream is all about!

    For one of the first times on the Podcast, we have two avid outdoor lovers.  They share some stories from their family hunting trips and where their love from the outdoors comes from.  They also share about their annual trips to South America where they serve alongside a mission group that supports orphanages and church plants.  They also work hard from home the rest of the year to ensure these ministries are supported.  Hear about God's specific calling on their life and the journey He has led them down.  

    Lastly, we hear about their quirks, recommendations, advice, and some very interesting facts about Danny's job. We promise you haven't heard about this job before!

    You will love the Younts!

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    52 分
  • Ep #34: Staying in Rhythm w/ Hunter & Elizabeth Dennison

    Meet Hunter and Elizabeth Dennison!

    These High School Sweethearts have traveled many roads together so far.  But really, they’ve moved a lot.  So much so, it’s hard to even keep track of the time they’ve spent in each place.  However, they are two people who make an impact wherever they go.

    They also have a very non-typical setup calling wise.  Elizabeth is in the final year of her medical training as a Pediatric Resident.  She spends the majority of her time at the hospital right now, as her job requires up to 80 hours per week.  Hunter is a Youth Pastor. He spends the majority of his time around High Schoolers.  Both callings require so much time, energy, and effort.. so what is the balance? Well the Dennisons are all about the “Rhythms” of life.  They share what these look like for their young family amidst all the other things requiring their attention daily.  

    No matter the task or calling of the day, these two are all about WHO they serve.  It will be evident to you every minute of this hour spent with them.  At the end in the BIO section, we discuss their quirks.  Let’s just say we haven’t heard these yet on the podcast.

    You will love the Dennisons! 

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    58 分
  • Ep #33 Leading the Next Generation w/ Nicholas and Nicole Wallace

    We go back to Dillon, SC for two of the most genuine people we have met!

    Nicholas and Nicole Wallace serve their community in so many ways.  As a local Physician, Nicholas is on the front lines in some of the worst moments in people's lives.  See how he manages those moments and how he chooses to use his profession daily as his ministry.  Nicole is given the title "Volunteer Extraordinaire." On top of raising her own children, she is involved in many parts of the community.  She dives into what that looks like for her on a daily basis. Also, she shares a heart-gripping story about losing her Dad in a tragic accident just as she was starting her teen years.  Hear about how this tragedy is something she continues to deal with and how she has seen God's faithfulness at every step.

    Nicholas and Nicole are full of wisdom.  One of the areas we spend the most time picking their brains  is their parenting.  They both share how they parent, how their children respond to it, and some of the tweaks they have made over the years. As parents  of a teen, pre-teen, and young children they cover all the areas.   We discuss everything from sibling dynamics, what your kids are exposed to, and teaching them to stand up for truth.  This segment will be sure to be an encouragement for any parent, it was for us!

    At the end, we go straight into the quirks and it was hilarious. Also, you do not want to miss their biggest pieces of advice.  You will love the Nicholas and Nicole!

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    1 時間 15 分
  • Ep #32 Seeing God's Faithfulness w/ Brady and Kelly Hoffman

    Brady and Kelly Hoffman currently live in Atlanta, GA.  After starting their marriage in N. Charleston, SC,  they both moved to Atlanta for Kelly to pursue a job with Chick-Fil-A Corporate.  Unaware of what God had in store, Brady became one of the founding Pastors of Refuge Church (now a thriving multi-cultural Church in ATL).  

    However, times were not as easy as 1-2-3.  Brady and Kelly share their journey that includes planting/growing a Church, starting with Chick-Fil-A Corporate, and a very difficult process in having their two daughters.  On top of all of that, this may be our funniest episode yet!  Brady and Kelly are both pranksters and they share their constant pranking of one another.  Also, the BIO section at the end will having you rolling on the floor.  They are both characters but they continually serve, love, and encourage anyone they come in contact with. This will absolutely be the same experience you will have after spending an hour with them.

    You will love the Hoffmans!

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    1 時間 2 分
  • Ep #31: Catch up with Dustin and Katharine/ Season 3 Preview

    Season 3 is here!!!

    So much has happened in the lives of Dustin and Kathrine these last 6 months. After many questions/request, we decided to do a SHARE-ALL!  Katharine and her family experienced the devastating loss of Kathrine's dad (Poppy), after a long battle with heart failure.  Katharine shares the intimate details for the first time and how she has seen God work in some of the worst moments of her life.  

    Dustin and his wife Katie are now expecting their 3rd child in November.  Amidst exciting news, Dustin shares the 6 month back story about how God opened his heart to having another child.  

    Lastly, Dustin and Katharine preview Season 3 and talk about all the amazing couples that are to come this Season.  Mary-Michal DuRant guest hosts, and puts Dustin and Katharine on the hot seat with BIO Questions of her own. All this in one jam-packed episode!


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    1 時間 23 分