Sandra Pelley, author of A Spiritual How-To, has fully embraced her inner child and discovered her own Inner Dragon energy. She helps people discover themselves, the Incredible U so they can help their Inner Child, the protector, meet their Inner Dragon, the action taker to live the life they really want.
As the Intuitive Inner Peace Mentor and Dragon Ally, Sandra, with the guidance of her dragons and other guides, helps others have a deep powerful relationship with themselves, AND their guides, becoming confident enough to experience joy, to live their life on their terms.
Her signature program, Discover You - the Incredible U introduces the inner child and inner dragon to each other and to you personally. Walking you through the steps towards the improved version of yourself.
Facebook business https://www.facebook.com/sandrapelley.thesandini/
Instagram https://www.instagram.com/thesandinisandra/
Website https://www.sandrapelley.com/
YouTube https://www.youtube.com/@SandraPelleyTheSandini
Twitter https://twitter.com/TheSandini
LinkedIn https://www.linkedin.com/in/sandra-pelley-the-sandini/