
  • On Money & Mindfulness

    Mindfulness. It's about alignment and a consciousness practiced in witnessing our own minds at work. Do you think you can become the objective observer of your own thoughts and eliminate the negatives?  It's a goal indeed to try to live in synch with our true values.  But it is accurate that this state of purity, as a conscious witness, can flow into everything we do, including how we manage our life goals and even our perspective on money.  Jon Kabat-Zinn's mindfulness work in bringing Eastern thinking to the US in Western terms has helped many to grow and align, but what do we do with a Guru driving a red Maserati?  Listen in to learn more.

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    12 分
  • Savoring Life During COVID

    Savoring life in the midst of the pandemic? Well, some have adjusted and continue to savor. Rising numbers causing a retrenching for Autumn 2020... but what more can we take? This is especially pressing if you are an extrovert but, certainly, we are not Nero playing our fiddles as Rome burns. And so savoring our meals, reading, cooking, exercising outside, gathering socially, albeit distantly with cocktails around a firepit or computer screen does help. It's okay to savor our lives and look for the light!

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    7 分
  • Interview with Adam and Courtney Squire of Unbound Glory

    Unbound Glory? Imagine feeling this level of unfettered magnificence.  It brings to mind wonder, elation, freedom. But all beautiful freedom comes with a price and all change comes with a learning curve. Join Jim Weiss in his conversation with Adam and Courtney of Unbound Glory Farm in Pomfret, CT. Their take on change, growth and success inspires, as does their love affair with food in its source and sustainability.  Listen in for the life lessons that one can achieve by planting seeds where you want them to grow and why, with the forces of nature, it never goes exactly as you think it will.

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    32 分
  • Welcome to the Savor Life Coaching Podcast

    Hi, I am Jim Weiss from Savor Life Coaching.

    I am a former investment advisor and financial planner, and host of Savor Life Stories. 

    After 3 decades of helping people with their money, and witnessing their lives, I find their stories more interesting and lasting than most of the investments we made.  My clients actually helped me to grow and develop in ways I never would have without them.

    Deirdre Childs and I created Savor Life Coaching to help people savor more in their lives by making the right choices and living their best lives. 

    Just as a teaser, we have many podcasts that will be presented, we will be talking about Stanley, a man who lost most of his money after an unhealthful relationship with an exotic dancer.  And then there is Izzy, whose investment and money experience brought a Midas touch and a positive and hopeful mindset out of the camps of the Holocaust!  We will also present interviews, such as the one with a daring middle-aged couple who checked out of their straight jobs, bought a rural Connecticut property, planted a large organic, vegetable farm and are now providing food for a multitude of families in their area.

    From recommended mindfulness trainings to products inspired by blue zone regions -- and if you don’t know what the blue zone regions are where the highest number of people live to 100 years old or more, I suggest you look it up. We advocate a healthful lifestyle that will support any transitions in your life.

    At Savor, we offer our life coaching program as well as recommended experiences and even products that will help you navigate toward the life you want.  

    Now there are many paths that people can take. You might be interested in changing careers, going back to school, starting a business, or finding more clarity given the challenges that confront all of us right now.

    We all are faced with making tough choices around relationships, careers and money.  Believe me, I’ve had my ups and downs but now I am happy to say I am finally reaping the rewards.

    And am offering these stories to  inspire you to live the life you really want.

    I love this quote from Wayne Dyer: “Don’t die with your music still in you!”  

    My music is coming out now.  I share stories and interviews in the podcasts with people who have made the leap and transitioned to the life they truly felt was theirs.  I hope these podcasts will give you the examples and impetus to make the changes you must address to savor more.  Please continue to join us by subscribing and listening to all of our podcast episodes.

    And remember, in my opinion, you will not be able to truly savor without planning and living the life you really want.

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    4 分