
  • S33KING Knowledge Podcast Presents"Know When It's Time To Move On"!
    If you're unhappy, not growing, drained, clashing values, resentful, or see better opportunities, move on.
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    10 分
  • S33KING Knowledge Podcast Presents"You Will Become"!
    "You will become like the people you associate yourself with. The company you keep has a profound influence on your mindset, behavior, and overall perspective. Surround yourself with those who inspire, challenge, and uplift you. Choose your circle wisely because, over time, you'll find that their traits become your own. #Inspiration #Growth #PositiveInfluence #SeekingKnowledge
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    8 分
  • S33KING Knowledge Podcast Presents"Be With Somebody Who Gets You"!
    Being with someone who understands and supports you can make a significant difference in your life. It's important to have a partner who values you for who you are and is willing to grow with you.
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  • S33KING Knowledge Podcast Presents"Speak It"!
    Speak it - This powerful phrase captures the essence of manifestation. By clearly stating your desires, you set the stage for them to become reality. Be specific about what you want, affirm your desires confidently, trust that what you want is coming, align your actions with your goals, and always be thankful for what you have and what's on its way. Your words hold power. Speak your dreams into existence and watch them unfold!
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  • S33KING Knowledge Podcast Presents"Your Time Is Coming"!
    "Your Time Is Coming" could be interpreted in a few ways depending on the context. It might imply that a period of success or opportunity is approaching, or it could be a motivational phrase encouraging someone to stay patient and persistent.
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    8 分
  • S33KING Knowledge Podcast Presents"Support Those Who Support You"!
    "Support Those Who Support You" is an important principle that underscores the value of mutual respect and loyalty. It emphasizes the importance of recognizing and appreciating the people who have been there for you, whether through encouragement, resources, or companionship. In practice, this means showing gratitude, reciprocating support, and maintaining strong relationships with those who contribute positively to your life. This principle is crucial in both personal and professional settings, fostering a sense of community and reinforcing the bonds that help individuals and groups thrive.
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    7 分
  • S33KING Knowledge Podcast Presents"Enjoy Life"!
    Enjoying life can take many forms, and it often means savoring the present moment, pursuing passions, spending quality time with loved ones, and finding joy in the little things like working on your podcast.
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  • S33KING Knowledge Podcast Presents"Stay In Your Own Lane"!
    "Stay in your own lane" is an expression that means to focus on your own tasks, responsibilities, and expertise, rather than getting involved in others' affairs or trying to control what others are doing. It encourages people to concentrate on what they do best and avoid distractions from irrelevant matters.
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