Verses Used:
- Acts 4:1-21
- Romans 13:1-2,7
Greatly Annoyed
- The religious leaders were greatly annoyed because they were not in control.
- Trying to be in control is a product of fear.
- Only God is truly in control.
- Their questioning revolved around authority and power.
- The gospel spreads by the power of the Holy Spirit, and the Kingdom of God cannot be stopped.
Can’t Be Silent
- Jesus did not overthrow Rome.
- Jesus did not try to reform the temple leadership.
- Jesus started the church.
Discussion Questions:
- The religious leaders tried to control things they could not control. How do we try to control things that are out of our hands?
- How do you think Peter stood with such boldness when he was being questioned by the authorities?
- Why do you think followers of Jesus sometimes get caught up in fighting the wrong battles and neglect the spread of the gospel?
- How willing would you be to risk your safety, comfort, and possibly your life for the sake of the kingdom of God?