Verses Used:
- Acts 6:1-7
- 1 Corinthians 12:12-26
- In order for the kingdom to expand and the church to grow, issues need to be addressed
- For the church to grow, tasks needed to be shared and responsibilities needed to be delegated.
- S - Spiritual Gifts - What has God supernaturally gifted me to do?
- H - Heart - What do I have passion for and love to do?
- A - Abilities - What natural talents and skills do I have?
- P - Personality - Where does my personality best suit me to serve?
- E - Experiences - What spiritual experiences have I had? What painful experiences have I had? What educational experiences have I had? What ministry experiences have I had?
Discussion Questions:
- Why do you think it’s sometimes difficult to either hear criticism or offer it?
- Can you think of a situation where a leader struggled to delegate responsibilities? Why do you think it was?
- What are some serving roles that are a necessity for the church, but sometimes overlooked?
- Can you think of a time you served outside your gifting? What was it?