Verses Used:
- Acts 2:42-47
- 2 Corinthians 9:7
A Gospel Centered Community
- The gospel was central to their community.
- A healthy community is a gospel-centered community.
- When the gospel is central to a group of people, it isn’t just a lesson in a room from a book. It was a way of living; it touches every area of life.
- The gospel is not only information, it’s application that leads to transformation.
A Transformational Community
- God reveals himself when and how he wants to.
- Without the presence of the Holy Spirit, we don’t get a transformational community.
A Generous Community
- Being generous reflects the very heart of God, who was generous enough to send Jesus and give us full rights and inheritance as his adopted sons and daughters.
A Growing Community
- God grows the church through a healthy community.
The early church was gospel centered, transformational, generous, and growing.
Discussion Questions:
- How have you seen transformation happen in other people around you? What are some examples?
- Why is gospel fluency more challenging to learn and teach than Bible literacy?
- Why do you think the kind of community the early church had was so impactful for so many people?
- What do you think are some of the obstacles we face when trying to foster healthy community in the church (Sunday mornings, MC’s, or DNA’s)