
    Intermediate Talmud: Tractate Shabbat - Page 89 a The Giving of the Torah at Sinai - Part 16 Discover the true and incredulous of The Nation of Israel's greatest Sin: The Golden Calf. How could the same people who witnessed the only ever historic mass-revelation of G-dliness have gone on to do such a terrible thing just 40 short days later?! This is an Epic story of betrayal and disloyalty hatched by the Satan himself. Learn the truth about the Satanic Storm of that set us back thousands of years. The story of the day Satan clouded reality by depicted Death in Sky to create mass hysteria. The story stain of shame and the source of Faith Conundrums, Contentions and Confusion that continues to plague us until this very day! You'll be amazed to learn the truth and understand just how pivotal this event was, and still is! This is the sixteenth Episode of a study-series linked to Shavuot and Matan Torah.
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    1 時間 34 分
    Intermediate Talmud: Tractate Shabbat - Page 89 a The Giving of the Torah at Sinai - Part 15 Discover the incredible story of the Treasure-hunting Satan who stalked the Prince of Prophets, Moshe Rabbainu. Shockingly, it seems that the greatest Teacher of Truth trafficked in Deception, and G-d was pleased by it. How in Heaven could the fabrication of facts be a good thing?! You'll be amazed and uplifted at the details of Denial of Possession, and you'll learn to appreciated how it became the Source of a Glorious Title! The lessons will say much about the remarkable value of humility and even you we move on to discover the Day G-d “needed” help! This is the fifteenth Episode of a study-series linked to Shavuot and Matan Torah.
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    1 時間 4 分
  • Man Vs Angel - The Great Faceoff
    Intermediate Talmud: Tractate Shabbat The Giving of the Torah at Sinai - Part 14 Man vs. Angle The Great Faceoff The Day Moses outmaneuvered the Heavenly Choir!
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    1 時間 15 分
  • The Day’s Following Shavuot: Aftermath or Afterglow?
    Custom and Convention!: Post-Shavuot Presentation ? A profound appreciation of the unique afterglow and residual impact left only by the holiday of Shavuot.
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    1 時間 9 分
  • The Forest in Shul?
    Final Shavuot Presentation The custom of “going green” on Shavuot with displays of organic flowers and greenery is widespread and seems entirely natural, yet its oldest historic documentation is far more recent than most imagine. Tracing earliest written sources through to the Code of Jewish Law reveals significant nuance and variation within this seemingly time-honored practice, while ancient sources also seem to wink at this idea. Yet, despite its apparent deep history, an 18th-century luminary threw shade on this practice and many subsequently abandoned it. Here, you'll find out why!
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    1 時間 12 分
  • Shavuot’s Dairy Delights
    Custom and Convention! "Shavuot’s Dairy Delights" Sources, Rhyme and Reasons for this unique Holiday’s Milky Way!
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    1 時間 5 分
  • Counting Climax!
    Ma’amer Chassidus: Erev Shavuos ~ Us'Fartem L’Chem ~ 5745 - 1985 "Counting Climax"
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    26 分
  • Supreme Sinai Smash
    Intermediate Talmud: Tractate Shabbat The Giving of the Torah at Sinai Part 12 "Supreme Sinai Smash" Learn how fiery rock-shattering metaphors for Torah teachings are emblematic of Divinely-ordained diversity, poised to permeate all of existence with holiness. Likened to a governing force, Torah is cast as wielding powerful dominion containing the sources of success, failures and even our very existence as it can be absorbed as a life-elixir, or heaven forefend become a deadly poison for those who might abuse it! The crowning conclusion of this fascinating exposition about the Giving of the Torah, tells of G-d’s word being tangibly experienced and distilled into a halo-like realities that crowned our ancestors as they received Mass Revelation at Mount Sinai. (Daf/Page 88b)
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    43 分