Do we really have to talk about show and tell, again? Yes!
- Hannah Yang's Article: https://prowritingaid.com/show-don-t-tell?utm_campaign=BlogTraffic&utm_medium=social&utm_source=twitter&utm_content=show-don-t-tell
- Shows Website: https://betareaderbits.podbean.com/
- Beta Bits eBook! and other titles by Tiffany: https://bit.ly/TCLewis
- Author's Helper Service: https://authorshelpservice.com/
- Follow me on Twitter: https://twitter.com/AuthorTCLewis
- Join my mailing list, get a free book!: http://bit.ly/ReadyPrequel
- Wanna start a podcast? DM my producer @Poeticearthling on Twitter
- Make cool videos with wavelengths and sound from your podcast with Headliner! (Referral Link)
- I get my sound from Epidemic Sound! (Referral Link)