
  • Un-Gatekeeping Problematic Career Cheat Codes Pt. 1

    I’m bringing one of my most popular series from social media to the podcast: problematic career cheat codes! Problematic, because some of them might not be like 100% ethical, but they’re cheat codes because they work! And let’s be real: everyone who’s getting ahead is already doing this.

    In this episode, we’re covering when you should fib about your age, why it’s okay to do a little exaggerating about some things, and how to use your favorite candy to get ahead.

    If you’re looking for a job right now, you need this episode.

    What’s in this episode:

    • [00:00] Intro

    • [01:13] What you should fib about when applying for jobs

    • [04:00] Why you should exaggerate your previous salary

    • [08:15] Why you should keep a list of your wins, even if they’re seemingly small

    • [12:39] How to use your calendar to your advantage

    • [15:00] When you SHOULDN’T ask questions

    Hang out with me and get access to everything you need to crush it in your career on my Patreon. Join now for access to dozens of tutorials, tips, resources, and subscriber-only podcasts for only $10 a month!


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    17 分
  • Un-Gatekeeping Adult Friendships

    Making friends as an adult is a skill, just anything else. And today on the pod, I have one of my own friends, Eleanor Lee, who has mastered the art of making friends to give us aaaaaall the cheat codes.

    Eleanor’s sharing the ins and outs of how and where she finds potential friends, how she sets reasonable expectations for her friendships, and why every girl needs her own set of friends, outside of family and romantic relationships.

    Plus, she’s also giving us her best brand and business-building cheat codes!

    This conversation has everything. Let’s dive in!

    What’s in this episode:

    • [00:00] Intro

    • [01:51] How Eleanor got comfortable with rejection while making adult friends

    • [06:46] Why hosting is a great way to make friends

    • [12:58] Why you need to adjust your expectations when it comes to making adult friends

    • [24:51] How sharing what you know can be a great way to start friendships

    • [29:36] Eleanor’s top cheat code for starting a business

    • [34:08] Eleanor’s most important advice for building a business brand and a personal brand

    Hang out with me and get access to everything you need to crush it in your career on my Patreon. Join now for access to dozens of tutorials, tips, resources, and subscriber-only podcasts for only $10 a month!

    Connect with Eleanor

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    45 分
  • Un-Gatekeeping My Backstory

    When it comes to building a personal brand, we have to portray ourselves in a particular way: expert, authentic, personal, energetic, etc.

    But this sometimes leaves out the stickier details: what we struggle with, difficulties we had to face, all the moments we questioned ourselves.

    So today, I’m pulling back the curtain. I’m laying out my backstory for you, good, bad, and uncomfortable. I’m covering a cheerleading career, my mental breakdown, my yoga mat business, and the way I eventually had to re-evaluate some of my strongest held beliefs.

    I’m not holding back, and I hope it’s encouraging that you can both achieve your goals no matter how crazy it seems, and that you can overcome huge setbacks even when they challenge everything you thought you knew. Let’s dive in!

    What’s in this episode:

    • [00:00] Intro

    • [01:08] Courtney’s early life and moves from Minnesota to Texas

    • [05:36] Courtney’s cheerleading ambitions and her life as she strived to reach her goals

    • [14:54] The crisis that forced Courtney to step back from cheerleading

    • [19:00] How Courtney started her pivot toward marketing and the corporate jobs she worked

    • [23:09] Courtney’s first foray into owning her own business

    • [29:00] How Courtney continued to branch out in her businesses through AirBnB and consulting

    • [31:58] How Courtney started building her personal brand on TikTok

    • [34:50] Why (and how) Courtney started her online business

    • [40:03] What’s next for Courtney

    Hang out with me and get access to everything you need to crush it in your career on my Patreon. Join now for access to dozens of tutorials, tips, resources, and subscriber-only podcasts for only $10 a month!


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    43 分
  • Un-Gatekeeping Feminine Power

    Today’s guest calls herself “anti-feminist.” Before you throw your Airpods across the room, stick with me.

    This conversation isn’t about denigrating women – it’s the exact opposite. Instead of encouraging women to play the masculine game, Morgan May wants women to embrace their feminine power and use it to their advantage.

    In this episode, Morgan and I chat about all things feminine power: how to tap into it, what’s keeping us from using it, why society discourages us from using our feminine power, and how all of this can give us a leg up when it comes to business.

    This is one conversation you cannot miss. Let’s dive in!

    What’s in this episode:

    • [00:00] Intro

    • [00:33] The unconventional investment in herself that helped Courtney jumpstart her career

    • [06:00] How leaning into your feminine power can benefit your career

    • [11:57] Why understanding and reclaiming your cycle can help you tap into your feminine energy

    • [15:47] The scientific data that proving how powerful feminine energy can be

    • [22:29] An invitation to take a look at the tools in your life – and consider whether or not they still serve you

    • [29:38] Why it’s time to start thinking about yourself the way you think about your business

    Hang out with me and get access to everything you need to crush it in your career on my Patreon. Join now for access to dozens of tutorials, tips, resources, and subscriber-only podcasts for only $10 a month!

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    39 分
  • Un-Gatekeeping Digital Products

    Digital products: they’re overlooked, underappreciated, and if you’re not creating them already, it’s time for you to start.

    This episode is 1) a little kick in the pants to get you moving, and 2) a how-to guide to create your very first digital product if you haven’t already!

    The thing is, if you’re any kind of online creator, you have the content you need for a digital product already. You just need to package it up and put it out there. And I’m here to give you all my digital product cheat codes to make it as easy as possible for you!

    What’s in this episode:

    • [00:00] Intro

    • [01:46] How much money I’ve actually made from digital products

    • [02:31] How to find your first digital product (you probably already have it!)

    • [05:23] Where to upload your digital product

    • [06:47] How creating a free digital product can benefit your business

    • [08:49] An encouragement to just get started!

    Hang out with me and get access to everything you need to crush it in your career on my Patreon. Join now for access to dozens of tutorials, tips, resources, and subscriber-only podcasts for only $10 a month!


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    10 分
  • Un-Gatekeeping Manifestation

    When I first met Vision, I wasn’t sure about him or his “games.” I was a serious career girl who didn’t have time for that stuff. But Vision’s games aren’t about child’s play – they’re a powerful tool for exploring the life you actually want for yourself, and then turning it into reality.

    Today on the podcast, Vision is un-gatekeeping manifestation for us, as he explains how our minds and the words we use can shape our reality, how to explore a reality we actually enjoy, and why we’re probably overlooking some really basic manifestation cheat codes at our fingertips.

    If you’ve wanted to make a change and just can’t figure out how to take that next step, you need to listen to this episode today.

    Plus, a big thanks to Simmer for sponsoring this episode! Never ask “What’s for dinner?!” again with Simmer!

    What’s in this episode:

    • [00:00] Intro

    • [01:54] How “games” can help us begin the process of manifesting

    • [06:39] How our mindset creates the distinction between work and play

    • [15:30] How changing the language we use in certain situations can empower us (or have the opposite effect)

    • [21:10] How to start actualizing your dreams right now

    • [27:48] Why using a calendar is one of the biggest and most obvious cheat codes for manifestation (and why you’re probably not using it to its full potential right now)

    • [31:22] Why you should never underestimate the power of changing your language

    Hang out with me and get access to everything you need to crush it in your career on my Patreon. Join now for access to dozens of tutorials, tips, resources, and subscriber-only podcasts for only $10 a month!

    Connect with Vision

    Visit the IAR website

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    38 分
  • Un-Gatekeeping LinkedIn (part two)

    We’re back, and we’re still talking about the most boring social platform in the world: LinkedIn. You read that right. LinkedIn is boring. It is cringe.

    And that’s why there’s so much opportunity there, because you just need to be better than the baseline. You just need to show up as yourself, because most people aren’t.

    So today, I’m picking up where we left off last week and giving you all my LinkedIn cheat codes for building your audience and connecting with potential clients and customers. It’s all about being willing to put yourself out there and take up space!

    If you’ve been avoiding posting on LinkedIn, now is the time to take advantage of this underutilized platform.

    Plus, a big thanks to Simmer for sponsoring this episode! Never ask “What’s for dinner?!” again with Simmer!

    What’s in this episode:

    • [00:00] Intro

    • [01:32] How to grow your LinkedIn audience (and the magic number you should be shooting for)

    • [05:48] DOs and DON’Ts for sending messages on LinkedIn

    • [08:14] Why commenting is a powerful tool for getting noticed on LinkedIn

    • [10:59] The many possibilities LinkedIn can open up for you

    • [14:50] The permission you need to post on LinkedIn as an export and thought leader, right now

    Hang out with me and get access to everything you need to crush it in your career on my Patreon. Join now for access to dozens of tutorials, tips, resources, and subscriber-only podcasts for only $10 a month!


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    20 分
  • Un-Gatekeeping LinkedIn (part one)

    We’re talking about LinkedIn, a platform that’s not sexy. Honestly, it’s a little cringe at times. And that’s why you need to be there, because the bar is so low when it comes to standing out and making waves.

    Today, I’m sharing my cheat codes for how to get started and set up your profile on LinkedIn (less boring than it sounds), how to start presenting yourself as a thought leader, and why you need to be on LinkedIn in the first place!

    If you’ve been avoiding posting on LinkedIn, this episode is the kick in the pants you need to get back on this untapped platform.

    Plus, a big thanks to Simmer for sponsoring this episode! Never ask “What’s for dinner?!” again with Simmer!

    What’s in this episode:

    • [00:00] Intro

    • [01:23] Why there is SO MUCH untapped opportunity on LinkedIn

    • [04:25] What LinkedIn is for and how to brand yourself as a thought leader there

    • [07:40] What you should be adding to your profile to help you stand out

    • [09:56] What kind of content you should be creating and posting on LinkedIn

    • [12:28] The content you should NOT post on LinkedIn

    Hang out with me and get access to everything you need to crush it in your career on my Patreon. Join now for access to dozens of tutorials, tips, resources, and subscriber-only podcasts for only $10 a month!


    Join the next LinkedIn cohort!

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    19 分