As we approach June, faithful Christians brace themselves for an avalanche of propaganda affirming that which God condemns. For the last few decades, mainstream evangelicals have attempted to be nice in hopes of winning hearts. If you can't tell, nice doesn't work against attacking wolves. Kindness is a Christian virtue, but niceness is not. Loving your neighbor means crushing his idols and living in faithful defiance against the false gods of the age, all while joyfully preaching the gospel of Jesus' atoning death and resurrection. The history of the Christian faith is a history of building churches and destroying pagan idols. We don't win by being nice to abomination. We win with a gospel that offends. We win with taunts against the enemies of God. We win with axes set against pagan trees as the Odinists, Ba'al worshippers, and Sodomists bend the knee to the one true King of Kings. Join us as we preach the game plan for crushing the enemies of God with the Gospel of Christ.