Hello Listerooni!
Unplug your ears cause this week, MATT IS IN CHARGE *airhorn*
Nan is off doing another podcasting course (in BARBADOS). Butt (hehehehe) don't be scared, cause I know all the right buttons to push to make the pugcast no cap adorbs.
In the past few weeks, you've sent us loads of letters, jokes, and sponsor suggestions, so Rich (the not-me Listie) came up with the brilliant idea of reading them out to you. And that's what we're going to do.
So pop on your mindpants and tie up your listeny shoes, cause we're opening THE LISTIES SPAM MAIL!
Matt aka Captain Awesome, aka Marie the Crowbar aka Howdy Doesy Flushy.
Rich aka Sir Richywobbles.
Thank you for all your questions and emails! Keep em coming: Hello@thelisties.com
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