
  • 5 Strategies to Take Control of Your Required Minimum Distributions (RMDs)

    Required Minimum Distributions (RMDs) begin at age 73 for most retirement savers.

    These forced withdrawals can be a burden for those who don't need (or want) the taxable income.

    Since they are “required,” many assume that they don't have any control over their RMDs.

    But that’s not necessarily the case.

    In fact, one of the 5 strategies I'm sharing with you today allows you to delay unwanted (mandatory) distributions well past age 73 😳

    Applying these strategies and gaining control of your RMDs can potentially help you:

    ➤ Lower lifetime taxes

    ➤ Reduce catastrophic risks

    ➤ Improve risk-adjusted investment returns

    It doesn't matter if you're still working or already taking RMDs—if you want to optimize your long-term plan, you'll enjoy today's episode.



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    29 分
  • Dividend Investing (Part 4): Answering Top Listener Questions

    In the final episode of this series, I'm answering the BEST listener questions I've received about dividend investing.

    Questions such as:

    ➤ If dividend investing is NOT a great way to create retirement income, what is?

    ➤ What dividend-focused funds should investors consider if they insist on investing for yield?

    ➤ What is the counterargument for stock buybacks? Why are some people against them?

    Tune in to hear my answers to these great questions!


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    26 分
  • Dividend Investing (Part 3): A More "Flexible" Dividend Strategy

    In today's episode, I'm sharing everything you need to know about stock buybacks.

    Specifically, I'm sharing:

    ➤ Why stock buybacks are referred to as a "flexible" dividend

    ➤ What a stock buyback is (and how it works)

    ➤ How stock buybacks are more tax-friendly than traditional dividends

    If you want to learn more about this increasingly popular "flexible dividend" strategy, you'll enjoy this episode.


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    18 分
  • Dividend Investing (Part 2): Three Reasons Why Dividend Strategies Underperform

    Today I'm continuing our multi-part series on Dividend Investing.

    Specifically, in part two, I’m sharing:

    ➤ What the long-term performance has been for dividend-focused funds

    ➤ Why popular dividend investing charts can be incomplete (or misleading)

    ➤ The 3 primary reasons dividend strategies typically underperform

    If you want to learn more about dividend investing and why it may not be the magical solution it's often marketed as, you'll enjoy this episode.



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  • Dividend Investing (Part 1): Making Money While You Sleep

    Today I'm kicking off a multi-part series on Dividend Investing.

    While dividends are a normal occurrence in the global markets, their role in a retirement portfolio is often misunderstood.

    ➤ What is a dividend, and why do some companies pay them?

    ➤ How do they affect an investor's return?

    ➤ Where do dividends fit in the portfolio construction process?

    ➤ What are the little-known problems with this investment strategy?

    ➤ And what does my upcoming birthday have to do with dividends? 🥳

    I'm covering all of these questions (and more!) in this investing series.



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    19 分
  • How to Protect Yourself From Financial Scams (+ New Resources)

    Today I'm sharing a story about a couple who lost $2 million to an investment scam.

    I'm also sharing (new!) resources to help protect your personal data in 2024.

    Financial scams are getting more sophisticated and losses are skyrocketing.

    In fact, last year, Americans lost $10 billion to financial scams.

    That’s $1 billion more than 2022, and is the highest-ever reported annual loss in FTC history.

    Everyone is at risk.

    And everyone needs to regularly take proactive steps to stay safe.

    Tune in to learn more.



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    14 分
  • The Best Retirement Account, Making Investment Changes, and More!

    There is no shortage of questions when it comes to navigating and planning for retirement.

    ➤ How much do I need to save?

    ➤ How do I optimize my tax bill and avoid overpaying the IRS?

    ➤ When do I take Social Security?

    ➤ What should I invest in? (And what should I avoid?!)

    The list goes on.

    And while you’ve likely read (or heard) helpful answers to most of the big questions, it never hurts to revisit them or get a different perspective.

    In fact, some studies suggest that it can take hearing something 7 times before you retain it 🤯

    Today on the show, I’m answering listener questions with the Retirement Answer Man himself, Roger Whitney.

    Questions like, “What account type is the best retirement account type to fund after you’ve reached your savings goals?”

    And, “What’s the best process for making important changes to your investments after learning you aren't invested properly?”

    If you want to hear our answers to these great questions (and more!), you’ll enjoy this episode.



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    24 分
  • Inflation: Why Does Everything (Still) Feel So Expensive?

    Inflation hit a 40-year high of 9.1% in June 2022.

    Today, inflation is hovering around 3%.

    If inflation is back in line with long-term historical averages, why does everything still feel so expensive?

    When voters were asked what they would most like to see improved in our economy...

    ...why did 64% of them say "lower prices?"

    In this episode, I'm digging into the current state of inflation, why prices still feel high, and where inflation might be headed.

    I'm also sharing tactics for how to successfully navigate challenging time periods.

    If, like most retirement savers, things still feel outrageously expensive to you, you're going to enjoy this episode.



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    12 分