
  • Supercharged! Episode 40: It's not Over Yet

    Instead of thinking that what you want is not going to happen, think that it will.  Think not of where you are coming from, but where you are going to.  Instead of thinking that you are at your end, think that you are at the beginning and everything is brand new.  Thank past your limitations, fears and doubts, think past your failures, setbacks, obstacles and roadblocks as if they don´t exist.  Think that things aren´t happening to you, they are happening for you.  Think about what you have, instead of what you think is missing.

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  • Supercharged! Episode 39: A Field of Diamonds

    Whatever we focus on expands and like it or not, we get to become whatever we think about all day long.  It´s like this, if you concentrate on how broke you are all the time, that´s what you get to be.  If you focus on how unsuccessful you are, again that´s what happens to you. In the same way, we can either cultivate a field of diamonds or a field of rocks.  We decide.


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  • Supercharged! Episode 38: The Winning Formula

    All wins, losses, successes and failures originate in the mind long before the actual outcome.  We select the fate of our future endeavors by the quality of our current thoughts, feelings and actions.

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  • Supercharged! Episode 37: Accessing Power

    Before we can begin to overcome challenges we have to get our thinking straight about this one item.  We seem to have the tendency to want to blame everyone else for our shortages, setbacks, boundaries, and failures in our lives.  Looking within ourselves is usually the last place we look to find the guilty party.  Of course, one must realize that we have to look at ourselves first in the search for any want, need or deficiency that we may be encountering and hopefully in advance of pointing our fingers at everyone else.  Like the old saying, we have “one finger pointing at someone or something else and four fingers pointing back at us.”


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  • Supercharged! Episode 36: Just Enough to Get By

    Let´s crank up the heat and make life more interesting.  Instead of thinking about doing just enough to get by, start doing more than your share.  Change your mindset from minimum to maximum and from losing to winning.

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  • Supercharged! Episode 35: Unlimited Potential

    Our potential plans, purposes, and objectives are limited to the quality of our thoughts, attitudes, words and actions and if we want to see unlimited results, then we have to start thinking a little differently.

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  • Supercharged! Episode 34: Beyond Your Comfort Zone

    We started out with visions of climbing the mountain all the way to the top, but a little over half way up we pulled off the path for a rest and decided that was good enough.  Since we can only rise as far as our self expectations will allow us to, most will draw the line somewhere around the comfortable stage.

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  • Supercharged! Episode 33: Realizing Opportunities

    Most of us will never know how close we have come to becoming rich, famous and influential in no particular order.  There have been countless times in our past that we have brushed shoulders with major success and kept on walking.  We have come to close to winning in fact, that we could almost smell victory.  It has even knocked on our door, more than a few times, and because we didn´t recognize it, we closed the door in it´s face.

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