Do you love all things sweet? Are you outraged at the biscuit /cake jaffa cake debate debacle? You might be familiar with Tony the Tiger, but have you ever heard of Newt the Gnu? If the answer is yes to any of the above, then the sweet talk podcast is for you! Every two weeks gingerbread architect, Emily Garland, and food historian, Tasha Marks, discuss a different sweet product in depth - our first season covers biscuits, cereal, chocolate bars, sweets, cakes and ice cream. There will be puns, stats, chat, misty eyed memories, historical facts and MORE PUNS! If that sounds like your cup of tea, subscribe now and join us wherever you listen from the 29th May 2021. In the meantime stay sweet! #sweetpodtalk | Tasha Marks: @avmcuriosities | Emily Garland: @gingerbreadmaid