The lads are face to face as Andy has travelled up to Orrin's place...
- An abrupt feline interruption to the recording in the first 2 seconds! - Andy has a new nickname at work that has stuck. - The lads talk about a possible conspiracy around the Oasis reunion. - Andy recently learnt something new about his body and shares stories from others who have made similar discoveries. - Linkin Park has taken on a new singer - the lads weigh in on how good it'll be! - Orrin's kids join in for 'Small Talk' the TRadio version of Kids Say The Darndest! - FEATURE: I came here for the comments - "What are some unwritten rules for men?" - A plug for Andy's new Country Radio Show and they hear Andy's heartfelt final signoff from his former show. - The lads discuss country music and how it's quirkiness is winning hearts everywhere. - PLUS MORE!
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