The lads sit down with a local counsellor and discuss all issues around the counselling process. They discuss what a typical counselling session looks like, what the common conditions are and even touch on coping strategies.
What is evident from this podcast is that we do not utilise the services of a counsellor enough. Whether you're struggling with anxiety or depression or just want to 'level up', there are professional counsellors like Louise out there that are there to help. We go to see a GP when something is wrong physically, why can't we go and see a counsellor when the same is true for our mental state.
Louise and her business partner Julie are now running group therapy for Tackle Your Thoughts, we cannot recommend them enough - so if you are struggling or just in need of someone to talk to then please hit them up on their socials below.
One thing Louise wanted to stress is: Counselling is currently non-regulated, so if you need the services of a counsellor then please ensure they are either registered with either The National Counselling Society (www.nationalcounsellingsociety.org) or the British Association for Counselling and Psychotherapy (www.bacp.co.uk).
Sit back and enjoy, this episode is super powerful!!
L&J Therapy Social details:
Instagram: www.instagram.com/l.and.j.therapy
Facebook: www.facebook.com/LandJTherapyCardiff
Website: www.landjtherapy.co.uk/
Tackle Your Thoughts CIC is a community interest company that relies solely on donations from general members of the public, if you enjoyed our episode and would like us to continue creating content like this then please feel free to make a donation here: https://www.crowdfunder.co.uk/p/tackleyourthoughts
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Facebook: www.facebook.com/TackleYourThoughts/
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Website: www.tackleyourthoughts.co.uk
Crowdfunder: www.crowdfunder.co.uk/p/tackleyourthoughts