
  • Ep.75 | Why Bitcoin is Bigger than Bling with Justin Rhedrick
    The Conversation:  Gaining More Control of Your Money    In our last episode, we talked about different ways to gain control of your money, from stocks to forex and more. In this episode, we’re going to add another tool to your money freedom toolkit, Bitcoin.    Whether you love Bitcoin, are confused by it, or hate it, this digital money has changed lives.    One of those lives is Justin Rhedrick.    Justin Rhedrick aka “Bitcoin Vegan” was a man who was tired of being trapped. He spent two years in college, only to learn that he would be graduating through the recession. He served his time in prison, only to find minimum-wage level jobs available. He started his own business, but felt trapped by the high amount of work he had to put in just to keep it alive.    Then he found Bitcoin, and his life changed.    Justin found something that he could understand, something that would not only build income for him but also for generations to come.    Tune into to learn how Justin made that transition from someone who felt trapped to someone who is running his own life through the power of Bitcoin.    Topics We Cover  Why it’s important to let go of anger toward your parents   Generational habits and curses  How to change your mindset after a bad decision  How to get out of the “hustle” mentality into an entrepreneur;s mindset  When to let go of a business  Knowing how to pivot a business  Why Justin loves Bitcoin  What is inflation?  Generational wealth  How do I get involved in Bitcoin if I don’t have a lot of money?  How to learn money    3 Important Things to Remember  Our habits affect generations The things we do and the things we believe affect not just us    Understand money Money is a tool to get what you need or want. The more you learn about money, the better you can use it as a tool    Money does not define you, but how you use it does  Every dollar (or Bitcoin) you use is a decision  The Homework: 3 Personal Questions About Money  Define money  Using your definition of money, now imagine that you had enough to make you happy. What amount would that be?  Imagine that you were told that the money you have will be worth less in the future, would you save it, invest it, or spend it? What do you think that says about you?    Related Episodes  Episode 25 The Power And Importance Of Financial Literacy In The Minority Community with Terrance Wyatt    About Our Guest  Justin Rhedrick aka “Bitcoin Vegan” turned his financial life and health around 3 years in prison and 2 years in college to become an entrepreneur, coach, investor, and educator    Links  Bitcoin Vegan on Twitter (Secret Code: “Adverse Bitcoin”)    Bitcoin Vegan on LinkedIn (Secret Code: “Adverse Bitcoin”)    Bitcoin Vegan Resources    Additional Info    What is Bitcoin    What is inflation?    The First Step To Passing On Wealth: Deciding What's Important To You    Check out kennethcheadle.com for more information, podcast episodes and blog posts!     
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  • Ep.74 | Tapping into Your Financial Power...No Matter How Much You Have with Kevon L. Chisolm & Kevon Kamari Chisolm, Jr.
    The Conversation: Tapping into Your Financial Power...No Matter How Much You Have    Money is one of the most essential things we need to survive, but is one of the things most of us know so little about.    Most of us don’t know what’s in our 401(k), yet it’s OUR 401(k).    Many of us believe the stock market is only for certain folks, yet place our bets on winning a lotto ticket.    Many of us look our paycheck, and lose it before we can even think of a “budget”    On top of this, the majority of us believe that we don’t have options to grow our money.    Kevon L. Chisolm and his teenage son Kevon Kamari Chisolm, Jr. aka “Junior Wallstreeter” will share with you why we need to tap into the full power of financial literacy. We don’t just mean budgeting and saving.     We’re talking about giving your money options to grow: 401(k)s, stocks, and more.    Tune in if you are ready to learn how to start maximizing your money, no matter where you are in your financial journey.    Topics We Cover  Why financial literacy is more than budgeting and saving  How do I become proactive about my money?  Do you know what’s in your 401K?  Investment clubs-scams or opportunities?  Opportunities to teach younger children about money  How do I pick a stock?  Bitcoin-good or bad investment?  How do you research stocks?  What are dividends?  Foundation of maximizing your money: How do I start?  Why our community needs to learn financial literacy  Why knowing your history is key to your financial future    3 Important Things to Remember    Start by asking questions  The first step to maximizing money is to open your mind and start asking questions about the financial habits you already have    You can grow your money No matter how much you have, everyone has an opportunity to grow their money through a lot of ways: investing, learning new skills, real estate, and more    Connect with people who respect money Once you are ready to change your financial future, find people and resources (books, podcasts, courses) that can help you reach your financial goals.    The Homework  Today’s homework is simple, but requires deep thought...just 3 questions to ask yourself    How much money do you need to be happy?  Where did that amount come from?  Do you ever believe you will achieve the money you need to be happy?        Ask yourself the above three questions     Related Episodes  Episodes 25 The Power And Importance Of Financial Literacy In The Minority Community with Terrance Wyatt    Related Blog Posts  Banking Up Your Mindset: The Other Part of the “The Secret” to Getting Money    Manifesting Magic: Closing the Gap Between Your Obstacles & Your Dream Life Fast with 6 (Somewhat) Easy Ingredients    About Our Guests  Kevon L. Chisolm and his teenage son Kevon Kamari Chisolm, Jr. aka “Junior Wallstreeter” are building a business and legacy of financial literacy and African American history to empower the African American community.    Kevon is a trademark lawyer, financial educator, educator of African American studies and the father of Kamari. Kamari is a freshman in high school who has used his father’s knowledge along with finance camps and his own interest to become a financially savvy financial educator for youth.     Links  The Black Wallstreeter website    The Black Wallstreeter on Facebook    The Black Wallstreeter on Instagram          Books Mentioned in the Podcast    Millennial Takeover: A Clear Roadmap to Identifying Your Purpose, Enhancing your Skills and Building a Satisfying Career and Life.    Destruction of Black Civilization: Great Issues of a Race from 4500 B.C. to 2000 A.D.     
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  • Ep.73 | Building Bigger Dreams with No Limits with Reggie Calhoun Jr.
    The Conversation: Building Bigger Dreams with No Limits    In our first episode with Reggie Calhoun, Jr, we talked about his dream of creating his own college. Reggie shared how he was able to ignore the critics and naysayers who tried to get in his way.     Reggie is back.    This time, his dream has grown even bigger. Reggie’s dream of starting a college prep academy that focused on helping student athletes has now expanded into a college that offers Associates, Bachelors, and certificates programs (online and on campus) along with branches now getting started in Haiti..with other countries to come.    This transformation, from dream to even bigger dream, is what Reggie and Ken talk about in this follow-up episode.     If you’re looking to grow your dream from where it is to where it could be, you don’t want to miss this episode.    Topics We Cover  How to expand your dream...when your resources are low  Getting the motivation to take a big leap  How to turn your “failing moments” into learning moments  Creating a dream that is bigger than you  Growing your dreams without a roadmap  Why upgrading your dream is like playing monopoly  Expanding your worldview  Why nobody can tell you the exact way to build your dream  Letting go of limiting beliefs  Taking the right advice from the right people (and why you need to ignore people who can’t help your dream)  Where Reggie’s dream is growing next    3 Important Things to Remember  You don’t need permission to build your dream your way Your dream is the permission    Every dream starts in the dark. Dreams aren’t given. They are built as you take action.    To build bigger dreams, find the why Understanding your “why” will helps connect you to other people’s “why” for a even bigger dream          The Homework  Following your dream can be harder. Growing your dreams can be even harder.     To help you start expanding your mindset to help you start expanding your dreams, ask yourself 3 questions:    If I had $1 million today to fix something, what would I fix first?  If I were the CEO of a business, what business would it be?  If I were on a reality TV show, what would I want to be?    Related Episodes  Episode 29 Taking Control of Your Dreams with Reggie Calhoun Jr.    About Our Guest  Reggie W Calhoun Jr. is a former college student athlete who turned his experience into a movement. He is the founder of RPA College and The Rezolution Conglomerate who also worked as a combat engineer in the Army National Guard.    Links  Reggie Calhoun Jr. on Twitter    Reggie Calhoun Jr on Instagram    RPA College    RPA College on Instagram    RPA College on Twitter    Additional Info  FAFSA    NCAA plans to have temporary student athlete compensation measures in place by July 1    HAITI: A BRIEF HISTORY OF A COMPLEX NATION      Check out kennethcheadle.com for more information, podcast episodes and blog posts!   .
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  • Ep.72 | COV1D-19...One Year Later with Dr. Galiatsatos

    The Conversation: COV1D-19….One Year Later


    In this follow-up episode, Dr. Panagis Galiatsatos (“Dr. G”) is back to talk about COVID-19.


    This time around, he is sharing what the medical community has learned about the disease that completely changed the world.


    Dr. G will be sharing how to handle the huge amount of information (and misinformation) that comes from the media, vaccinations, and how we can stay healthy going forward.


    If you’re someone who has vaccination concerns or are confused about news about the virus, this quick episode will help give you the facts to make clear and informed decisions about your health.


    Questions We Explore

    • What have we learned about COVID-19 a year later?
    • Why do viruses always come from animals?
    • Should I trust some of the “horror stories” I read?
    • Does the vaccine have side effects?
    • Is a vaccinated person contagious?
    • How should the medical community communicate to people who are hesitant to take the vaccine?
    • Why do COVID-19 use mRNA?
    • Will we need vaccine boosters?
    • What should you do  if you don’t get vaccinated?


    3 Important Things to Remember

    Skip the fear, follow the science  Look for information that gives facts, not opinion


    The best weapon against a virus is information  Having science-based information that can help the world make the best decision is key to stopping the spread


    Make the best decision for you Decide base on YOUR circumstances, not someone else


    The Homework

    As the coronavirus pandemic continued, there was another thing that spread: information. In some cases, this information was helpful. In other cases, it was less than helpful. In extreme cases, it was harmful.


    As Dr. G shared, one of the best tools we have to fight against a virus is information. Information helps us make decisions, for our own families and as a society.


    Yet, we often don’t question where we get our information.


    For this “homework”, let’s focus on the “information” piece of the conversation. 


    Take a minute to ask yourself the following:


    1, Where do I get my information about the COVID-19 virus?

    2. Did I trust the information? Why?

    3, Did I verify the information? Why or why not?


    Think through your answers and ask what those answers mean for your health.


    Related Episodes


    Episode 53: Dr. G and COVID-19 (First Episode)


    Episode 61 Staying Healthy Through the Pandemic


    Episode 69: Getting the Medical Help (in a Complicated Health System)


    About Our Guest

    Dr. Panagis Galiatsatos (“Dr. G”) is a Critical Care Medicine physician, co-director of The Greater Good, the director of the Tobacco Treatment Clinic,the Co-Chair of Health Equity, and an associate professor of medicine at John Hopkins School of  Medicine. He has become a recognized authority on COVID-19 who also speaks out about the non-biological factors that impact the health of our communities.



    Medicine for the Greater Good


    Dr. G’s profile on John Hopkins School of Medicine


    Dr. G on Twitter


    Dr. G on TedX


    Building Healthy Communities through Medical-Religious Partnerships (Book by Dr. Galiatsatos)

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  • Ep.71 | Following the Flow of Your Life with Alienor Salmon

    We need to do things that are uncomfortable or you will never grow.”

    • - Alienor Salmon, Former UN researcher, Dance Ambassador, Author


    The Conversation: Learning to Flow With Life


    For most of us, a “comfort zone” might be speaking on stage or doing a Zoom call on a bad hair day….but what about leaving a high-profile job to go dancing around the world in a country you’ve never been to?


    Alienor Salmon knew what she wanted to be when she grew up. She was going to work with the UN.


    She did everything right: graduate college, spoke multiple languages, and completed the difficult application process.


    But after a few years of working, she started to realize that she had gotten stuck. She stopped chasing what she wanted in life. 


    So, she did something bold.


    She quit her job and followed her three passions, Latin America and dance...and found her new calling.


    Tune in to learn where Alienor’s  jump into the unknown took her and how it can guide you to upgrading your comfort zone into a trophy zone.



    • The importance of learning to navigate different cultures
    • The keys to learning difficult subjects
    • Chasing a big opportunity...when it’s not your dream
    • Stepping forward when you’re scared 
    • Why diving into your passion when you’re afraid to learn 
    • Expanding your mind with 1 simple question
    • How to turn a big dream into a reality
    • Finding safety when you make a big change
    • The power of dance


    Takeways of the Conversation

    Communication is a dance Communicating effectively is about adapting to who you are talking to


    Learning is a dance Like a dance, learning is about learning the fundamentals and stepping into the unknown

    Your life is a dance  Take time to enjoy it!


    The Homework: Expanding Your Time Zone


    Want to know what you’re really about in 2 minutes or less? Imagine you have $1,000,000,000 in your bank account right now.


    Write down the top three things you do.


    Take a minute to review those things. Feel free to ask yourself these three questions:

    1. What do these 3 things say about the priorities in my life?
    2. Am I proud or ashamed of those 3 things?
    3. Why am I not pursuing one of those things now?


    If you feel comfortable, share your victory on social media with the hashtag: #changeismynarrative



    About Our Guest


    Alienor Salmon is a former UN educational researcher who has worked in Mongolia and Thailand and other places pursuing research in policy, education, and research. She left her position at UNESCO to travel to Latin America and ended up pursuing her passion of dancing to become a dance ambassador. She is author of “Finding Rhythm: An International Dance Journey”


    You can find her at www.bailandojourney.com


    Social Media Channels










    Other Resources to Check Out



    Rio Carnival


    Salsa for Dancing

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  • Ep.70 | Going From Wife to Widow...Now What? with Rachel Engstrom
      "Ultimately good can come from bad….”  - - Rachel Engstrom, Widow, Author, Cancer Advocate     The Conversation: Navigating Towards Your Hope  We are used to stories of a widow after a couple reaches their advanced years, but imagine if that couple was in their 20’s and 30’s?    Imagine if the husband in that scenario went through the up and down journey of acute lymphoblastic leukemia-chemo, losing their hair, having to relearn how to walk, losing weight drastically, and having to get treatments regularly through the week?    Now imagine that you, as the wife, are diagnosed with endometriosis.    Now, imagine that your husband’s cancer returns...but he doesn't return.    What do you do in this situation?     How do you handle the finances?     How do you navigate health insurance?     How do you handle the funeral?    In this powerful episode, author and advocate Rachel Engstrom shares the chaotic journey she went through as a hopeful 25-year hopeful to a widow navigating her own illnesses at the same time while trying to keep it all together.    Rachel shares how she did it and how she used that experience to help others better navigate the world for the better when your world continues to turn upside down.    Insights  Supporting your significant other during a cancer diagnosis  Getting support...when you’re the primary caregiver  Dealing with illness...when your significant other is also dealing with illness  Life….when cancer comes back  Making the hard decisions as a primary caregiver  The things you don’t know...until you become a widow  How to start finding yourself after you lose someone  Turning adversity into advocacy      Takeaways of the Conversation  Get support even if you are the primary support We all need help    Find the resources The healthcare system can be a scary system to navigate. Look for advocates that are inside and outside of the healthcare system to help you    Keep fighting for your light  Even when you feel overwhelmed, know that there is   always wishing you a better future    The Homework:   Rachel talked about the power of finding hope after experiencing major losses in her life. She also talked about how she used the hope she found to inspire hope in others.     If you look hard enough, I’m sure that you can find it in your own life.    To prove it, take a moment to reflect on your life’s story. Imagine if someone were to screenplay of your life and asked you to answer the following questions within 5 minutes    What songs would you choose in your screenplay?  What actor/actress would you choose in your screenplay?  Who or what would be the villain?    Think through your answer at a later time and see how you could recreate it.    If you feel comfortable, share your victory on social media with the hashtag: #changeismynarrative .      About Our Guest:  Rachel Engstrom is an author who turned her story of grief, pain, and loss into advocacy and resources for others     You can find her at https://linktr.ee/wifewidownowwhat and her book at https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B08K6477RL/.        Social Media Channels  Instagram    Twitter    Facebook group (Health Heredity)  [Text Wrapping Break]Other Resources to Check Out  Adult Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia Treatment     Be the Match    Donate Cord Blood    Stupid Cancer 
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  • Ep.69 | Advocating for Your Health with Keyonna Renea
    "You are the CEO of your health and life...”  - - Keyonna Renea, Photographer, Patient/Wellness Advocate on a Mission   The Conversation: Fighting for Your Health….Despite the System   Keyonna Renea knew something wasn’t right with her body, yet physician after physician ignored her.   They assumed she was too young or just ignored her.   Years later, Keyonna Renea was diagnosed with multiple sclerosis.   That 9-year long journey between a doctor’s visit and a diagnosis transformed Keyonna from a patient into a patient advocate. Going through the maze of healthcare, Keyonna learned how to navigate the healthcare system. She learned how to talk to medical providers in a way to get results, what information to collect, and why you need to interview a physician to create a powerfully positive relationship that creates a healthier space for everyone.   Insights How our environments change our personalityGrowing up in a military familyGetting a diagnosis of multiple sclerosis...almost 10 years laterLiving with multiple sclerosisStruggles of chronic illness in the health care systemBarriers to getting careThe “Covid” 911 call that went horribly wrongDr. Moore...and the systemHow to advocate for your own body Knowing how to tune into your bodyUnderstanding your rightsBeing the CEO of your health     Takeaways of the Conversation Collect your data Doctors can make better decisions when you journal your health (It’s also good for you!)   Know your rights You have the right to get a second opinion and to make active and informed decisions about the care you receive   You are the CEO of your health You deserve it   The Homework:  Keyonna talked about the importance of listening to your body, but we often find it hard to take the time to do this, so let’s get reacquainted with our bodies with 3 quick 5-minute exercises that you can do any time   Body Thoughts: Look at yourself in a full-length mirror for at least 1 minute (Set a timer on a cell phone). As you look at yourself, listen to the thoughts that you are telling yourself about your body. Are they positive? Are they negative? Take 4 minutes to write down some of what you were thinking.Body Gratitude:  Go back to the full-length mirror, but this time take at least 2 minutes finding at least 3 things that you appreciate about your body. Write them on an index card and whenever you feel stressed today, take out that index card.Food Journal: Most of us don’t take the time to take the time to listen to our body and how it responds to the food we eat. For today, make an effort to write down the food you eat. You can use an app like MyFitnessPal or just write it down on a piece of paper. But….in addition to what you ate, write down a quick note about how you feel afterwards as well.   If you feel comfortable, share your victory on social media with the hashtag: #changeismynarrative .     About Our Guest: Keyonna Renea is a photographer, body love coach, patient.and wellness advocate, and multiple sclerosis fighter who is using her life’s journey to help our world create a healthier, creative, and more loving world.   You can find her at KeyonnaRenea.com or https://keyonnarenea.wixsite.com/thethrive          Social Media Channels Instagram   Twitter   Facebook group (Health Heredity) Other Resources to Check Out What is Multiple Sclerosis?   Dr. Moore   Patient Bill of Rights .
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  • Ep.68 | Black on Black Education with Evalaurene Jean-Charles
    "I don’t think educators, as a collective, realize how much power we have….”  - - Evalaurene Jean-Charles, Educator, Activist, Researcher, and Change Maker    The Conversation: Is Our Society Learning to Fail….or Failing to Learn?    As teacher and educational activist Evalaurene Jean-Charles. points out, teachers have to navigate a very complex and tricky world of politics, parents, and students. They have to follow the rules of politicians who have never stepped in a classroom, parents who want the best for their kids, and students who are developing in a complicated, globally connected world.    How do you teach in an environment like this?    Dream better.    Dreaming and creating better solutions for Black students is what drives Evalaurene’s educational platform, Black on Black Education.     Using conversations and resources created through conferences, podcasts, and more, Black on Black Education creates resources that educators can use to improve education for Black children.    In this powerful episode that covers everything from how to teach kids about magma to virtual learning, Evalurene shares the struggles teachers face and the revolutionary power they can tap into to create a better life for all students.    Tune in to join the mission that is re-imagine education into a powerful and revolutionary tool of learning    Insights  Growing up as a Black student  School-to-Prison Pipeline: Is America’s education really helping Black students?  The confusing world of being a teacher in America  The power of teachers to make an impact  What Black on Black Education is doing to help educators help kids  How teachers can tailor learning to reach more students  Teaching during a pandemic  Why are more teachers quitting?  Creating a better education...with input from real teachers (and why that’s important)  The difficulties of national educational reform  How can parents advocate better for their kids?  The power we all have to inspire a child’s life      Takeaways of the Conversation  Know the story Understand the world you live in    Know your resources Know what resources are available to    Know your power Know that any change for the better makes a shift to an even bigger and better situation    The Homework:   Evalaurene talked about the importance of changing the narrative when it comes to learning. We can apply that lesson to everything in our lives.    Take a few minutes to think about a big obstacle or struggle you are currently having. Now give yourself 10 minutes to write it down, leave a voice memo, or record a video of you explaining your situation.    Now put away what you wrote down or said for a day.    Then go back and review it. Do you still feel the same way about the problem? Take just 5 minutes to brainstorm what you can do to change or fix your problem, even if it’s a small change.    Commit to completing that small change within 7 days.    If you feel comfortable, share your victory on social media with the hashtag: #changeismynarrative .      About Our Guest:  Evalaurene Jean-Charles is a special education teacher, researcher, podcaster, and community activist who founded Black on Black Education while in college. She focuses on having conversations and creating spaces and resources for the re-imagination of Black education.    You can find her at www.blackonblackeducation.com      Social Media Channels  Instagram    Twitter    Facebook    LinkedIn     Black on Black Education Podcast    Other Resources to Check Out  Why Are All the Black Kids Sitting Together in the Cafeteria: And Other Conversations About Race  Teachers for Good Trouble   . .
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