Today’s leaders face a barrage of challenges, brought on by a weak economy and a fast moving, rapidly changing business environment. Still, leaders at all levels are reluctant to openly acknowledge their struggles for fear of appearing weak, indecisive, or even incompetent. But one top leadership expert with a background in psychology suggests that great leadership is in fact signified by struggle. In LEADERSHIP AND THE ART OF STRUGGLE: How Great Leaders Grow through Challenge and Adversity (Berrett-Koehler; paperback; March 11, 2013), former Microsoft executive Steven Snyder argues that struggle is an innate part of leadership that should be embraced as an opportunity for breakthrough success rather than feared as a career-killer. The key to this mindset shift, according to Snyder, is in viewing struggle as an art to be mastered. Join us for this conversation to explore new possibilities that exist when struggle is viewed as an art to be mastered.