Have you ever noticed patterns and repetitions in your life that just seem a little too on-the-nose? Some folks call them coincidences, synchronicities, glitches in the simulation… If these repetitions happened in a fictional story, the audience would be like: “Well, that’s not realistic,” but when they happen in life, it’s like you can see gears turning in the universe… This summer, I began realizing that key events in my life always happen on an equinox and I also find, during equinoxes, I encounter people from the southern hemisphere. During the fall equinox of 2023, I discovered someone who was doing a lot of work around the same social movement I was involved in and who was, like me, photographing and documenting the same events I was photographing and documenting… this person was also named Carly, and the parallels in our lives are uncanny.
This week, on the Astrology of Terrible Things, I talk with my very own glitch in the simulation—Carly Delso-Saavedra, the Southern Hemisphere Carly. We also talk about the other September 11th—September 11, 1973, the Chilean coup d'état, an event that’s been pretty much erased from American history books, but is something everyone should know about — and it also happens to be an event that played an important role in the events of Carly’s life.
Interestingly, we’re recording this episode the day after Henry Kissinger, who was a key supervillain in the Chilean Coup, died. A huge synchronicity because we’ve been planning this podcast for about a week now.
The universe is bonkers and we’re about to find out what happens when we break the universe by talking to our cosmic doppleganger.