Do you want a life that is whole, genuine, satisfying, full?
When Jesus says, "I have come that you may have life to the full" (John 10:10), He meant it. And...it is possible!
At the beginning of His Sermon on the Mount, Jesus shares the "beatitudes." This list of characteristics/attitudes are not a legalistic formula or a list of ethical "duties" that we all need to accomplish. The beatitudes are a series of fundamental emotional attitudes toward God and others that will change our lives & change the lives of everyone we come in contact with. These are the emotional attitudes that are both the cause & the effect of the "full life" that Jesus invites us to live with Him.
If you want to grow beyond a point in your life where you feel stuck, like you've plateau'd...to grow beyond what you even realize you are capable of...Join us as we begin a new series on Jesus' "Sermon on the Mount."
The Sermon on the Mount...Message #3