Do you have the same definition as Jesus on what is a "good life"? Check out week 1 of our new sermon series, Summer On The Mount. Subscribe to be notified of new videos: https://www.youtube.com/c/ValleyRealLife Follow us on Instagram: @valleyreallife Like us on Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/valleyreallife Take your next step and connect with us: http://www.vrl.church/connect Are you ready to say YES to following Jesus?: http://www.vrl.church/connect Submit a prayer request: http://www.vrl.church/prayer Partner with us: http://www.vrl.church/give #ValleyRealLife2024 #ValleyRealLifeRecap #ValleyRealLifeQuestions #Bible #ValleyRealLifeChurch #ValleyRealLife #VRL #DanShields #Spokane #SpokaneValley #ChurchinSpokane #OnlineChurchSpokane #OnlineChurch #OnlineChurchService #ChurchSpokane #ChurchSpokaneValley #SermonOnTheMount #SummerOnTheMount #TheBeatitudes #thegoodlife #goodlife #blessed #ExpansiveMissiology #Matthew #TheBookOfMatthew #Sermon #Howtoliveagoodlife