On May 1, 1947, Evelyn McHale jumped off the 86th story of the Empire State Building, falling over 1000 feet and landing on her back atop a UN Limosine. Usually, a human body would be pretty messed up after such an impact, but immediately following the fall, Evelyn looked peaceful — her eyes and mouth closed, her legs crossed, her hands clutching her pearl necklace. The sight was so captivating, a photography student snapped a photo of her corpse and it was published in LIFE magazine with the title "The Most Beautiful Suicide." That photo would be referenced by David Bowie, Taylor Swift and other musicians decades after her death. Who was Evelyn McHale and why was her death immortalized in such a beautiful photo? Tigresse Bleu and I pull up the astrology chart and make some fascinating discoveries about Venus and Saturn. Join us on this week’s episode of The Astrology of Terrible Things podcast where we discuss the life and death of Evelyn McHale, the real woman behind the most beautiful suicide. Tune in to The Astrology of Terrible Things wherever you get your podcasts.