
  • Leviticus: Holiness vs Sin

    Leviticus is well-known for being the most boring book in the Bible, because it's mostly just a book of laws for a people 3000+ years ago!
    But when you read Leviticus in it's context (Exodus & Numbers), and have read the whole Bible, you realize not only that the laws are practical and ahead of their time, but also that not only are there connections from it to the whole Bible and even Jesus Himself!
    Today, Zach and Michael talk about Leviticus, God's call for holiness vs. our sinful nature, and the connections between Leviticus and the whole Bible.

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    23 分
  • The Bronze Serpent

    Everyone's heard the story of the bronze serpent in the wilderness!
    The Israelites complain to God over and over again and are ungrateful, which God is not okay with! Because of this, God sends snakes to bite His people, and many of them died from the bites. But eventually, God showed Moses how they could be healed: by putting a snake on a staff raising it up for the people to look at. He told them through Moses that if they looked at the snake on the staff, then they would be healed; all they had to do was have faith in Him and look at the snake.
    Remind you of anything? Faith in One on a "post" which saves you from the death you would've otherwise suffered? If you don't understand by now, it's Jesus!
    Today, Zach and Michael talk about the comparisons and awesomeness of the story of the bronze serpent and the story of Jesus.

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    9 分
  • Sin: Confessing and Addressing

    Sin is a very Christian term, and it is not to be taken lightly!
    Sinning is doing something that God disapproves of. Sin is doing something contrary to the creative order which God put in place. So not only does God hate it, but in the long run, you will hate it too because of what it does to you.
    Sin is a big deal! It can only be forgiven totally by Jesus Christ and his death.
    Confessing your sins (to God AND to brothers/sisters in Christ) and Addressing sins are so important, because sin kills! If sin isn't confessed, it kills one with guilt and anxiety. If sin isn't addressed, it kills not only the person, but relationships also, and even churches!
    Today, Zach and Michael talk about confessing and addressing various sins in various situations.

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    28 分
  • Suffering and Interpreting

    Suffering is a part of this world (John 16:33).
    It is very easy to say and think that you will be faithful and godly during trials, but no one really knows what trials will do to one's character until they are truly faced with it.
    When Job, a "blameless and upright man" according to God Himself, endured suffering, He never once blamed or cursed God. He remained steadfast and faithful to God, being a great servant of God, and example for us. His friends, though, were very wild in their interpretations of why his suffering came, not knowing that Satan was behind it, and that God allowed it regardless of Job's character.
    Today, Zach and Michael talk about examples of suffering, and warn carefulness when interpreting suffering and trying to figure out exactly why it is happening.

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    13 分
  • Line upon Line, Precept upon Precept

    As deep cries out to deep; the prophet Isaiah describes understanding the mysteries of God by going “line upon line, precept upon precept”.
    To understand God’s Word and to draw closer to the Him, we need to learn how to ask questions and follow the answers through the entire Bible. This changes our relationship with the Father and leads us to the deeper truth that He is God Almighty, along with Jesus - our friend, brother and Savior.
    In this episode, Zach gives an example of a principle followed through from beginning to end and how to apply it.

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    13 分
  • Christian Charismaticism

    The recent movement known often as the Charismatic Movement is a movement which associates with Christianity, and in specific, especially loves to talk about the Holy Spirit.
    At it's extreme, those apart of the Charismatic Movement will incorporate many practices in their church services that are different from the average; some people scream, some get hit, some fall over in a claimed convulsion, all in the name of the Holy Spirit, healing, and a profound spiritual experience. Is this Biblical?
    In moderation, claimed charismatics often simply believe that the gifts of the Spirit are still active today. Many disagree with this; is it Biblical?
    Today, Zach and Michael give their thoughts on the Charismatic Movement and "charismaticism" as a whole, trying to determine what's Biblical, and what isn't.

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    45 分
  • The Truth about Forgiveness vs. Reconciliation

    Forgiveness is just one more huge issue that humans deal with. As Christians, we are commanded to forgive by Jesus (read Matthew 6:14-15; it's intimidating!)
    "But," one Christian may say, "I just can't forgive them. I can't!" The truth is, they only feel as if they can't. But this is a ridiculous idea for two+ reasons: #1 - Why can't you? (Think about that).  #2 - Jesus commands us to! Do you think he would EVER disable us from doing something that He commanded us to do?
    Or do we have forgiveness all wrong? Is forgiveness an eventual feeling that you are at peace with a matter? Or is it a decision to not act in return when you have been wronged?
    Today, Zach and Michael go deeper into what forgiveness is, and the difference between forgiveness and reconciliation.

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    16 分
  • Conflict is good for us!

    Conflict is such a common thing in this world. We have them almost every day, whether with people or things.
    When it comes to conflicts in relationships, there are seemingly two types of people: those who shy away from conflict by nature, and those who are too quick to go into conflict, and do it the wrong way. Surely some have mastered conflict, but can you think of anyone?
    Conflict usually has a stigma of negativity. Is that right? Why is it looked at like that?
    Today, Zach and Michael talk about conflict: why it's a good thing, how to rightly handle conflicts with people, and how Jesus was conflicted in His life.

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    15 分