• Immeasurably More | Deb Burma

    In this episode of The Concordia Publishing House Podcast, author Deb Burma returns as guest to talk with host Elizabeth Pittman about her newest devotional book, Immeasurably More: 100 Devotions on God's Extravagant Grace. Immeasurably More features 100 devotions with journaling and prayer prompts to reveal God's immeasurable grace, love, power, provision, and more.

    Pre-order Deb’s newest book at cph.org/immeasurablymore. Available on September 24!

    Show Notes
    In Ephesians 3:20, Paul tells us that God can do “immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine” (NIV).
    Listen now as Deb Burma talks about her new devotional book that beautifully reveals what this verse means in her relational, conversational, richly scriptural words written for you.

    Across 100 devotions with journaling and prayer prompts, readers—individually or with their sisters in Christ—will discover God‘s immeasurable grace and so much more.

    Get Deb’s book on cph.org and Amazon!

    About the Guest
    Deb Burma is a sought-after speaker for women’s conferences, retreats, and ministry events. Her assortment of books and devotionals include best-selling Bible studies, JOY: A Study of Philippians and Living a Chocolate Life, along with Beautiful Feet, Stepping Out, and more. Deb is a follower of Jesus, a pastor’s wife, and a mom. She’s a blogger, a women’s ministry leader, and a self-proclaimed coffee/chocolate connoisseur. Above all, she is a grace-filled child of God.

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  • Haggai and Malachi - Newest Concordia Commentary | Dr. Brian T. German

    Listen to the latest episode of The Concordia Publishing House Podcast as Dr. Brian German joins as guest to talk about the newest edition in the Concordia Commentary, Haggai and Malachi, which he authored. In the newest volume Dr. German details literary themes, historical insights, and New Testament connections found in the books of Haggai and Malachi.

    Get the newest volume in the series at cph.org.

    Show Notes
    In this new episode, Dr. German joins host Elizabeth Pittman to discuss the Biblical books of Haggai and Malachi. In his new Concordia Commentary volume covering these books, readers will explore a rigorous analysis of Haggai's exhortation to rebuild the temple and Malachi's concern with the practices therein—both revealing the standard to which God calls His church.


    • What special challenges did God's people face in this time period after the return from exile in Babylon?
    • How did each of these prophets address those challenges?
    • How long was the time interval between Haggai and Malachi?
    • What particular events did Haggai have to address? How did he address them?
    • How did the prophet Zechariah's work overlap with that of Haggai?
    • What things had changed by the time of Malachi, and what did he have to address?
    • How did each prophet present the promise of the Messiah?
    • What were some of the pressures the people of Judah would experience during the intertestamental period - those 400 years between the Old and New Testaments?
    • How did Haggai and Malachi prepare the people for these pressures?

    About the Guest
    Brian German
    is an associate professor and chair of the Department of Theology at Concordia University Wisconsin and director of the Concordia Bible Institute.

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    44 分
  • Exploring God's Promises | Terry Zuehsow

    God’s Word is overflowing with promises for you yesterday, today, and forever. In this new episode of The Concordia Publishing House Podcast, author Terry Zuehsow joins host Elizabeth Pittman to discuss God’s promises that he guides readers through in his book, Exploring God’s Promises: A Guided Journey through His Word.

    Pre-order the book on cph.org now. Available September 10!

    Show Notes
    God earnestly wants you to grow to know Him and to more fully experience His promises in your life.

    In author Terry Zuehsow’s new book from CPH, Exploring God’s Promises, readers will journey through more than 200 encouraging and assuring promises in this devotional journal. Each promise contains devotional material and theological talk to help you see how God gives and keeps this promise. Then, there’s journal space for you to answer reflection questions and truly connect with the Savior, offering Him your thanks and praise. Listen now as Terry discusses his background, how he was inspired to write about God’s promises, what promises in the Bible have impacted him the most, and more.


    • Tell our listeners a bit about yourself.
    • What led you to write this book?
    • You give readers an “itinerary” for the book. Why is this important and what is your goal for it?
    • 228 promises of God are covered. Is this an exhaustive list?
    • What promises have you found to be meaningful to you personally?
    • What promise would you share with someone experiencing loneliness? Anger? Major life changes?

    About the Guest
    Terry Zuehsow is a certified physician associate, practicing psychiatry in a Christian outpatient setting. In the past he has taught high school and college science and religion, and has worked for decades as a computer systems architect, including in research and development. Throughout his adult life, he has led Bible classes in his local church. Terry has been married to his wife Angi now for 49 years (off to a great start!), and they have two daughters and six grandchildren. His hobbies include choir, family games, and long walks.

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    27 分
  • How the Light Shines Through | Chad Lakies

    In this episode, CPH author Chad Lakies brings a new perspective to the discussion about outreach and witnessing, one that makes us aware of the hurt felt on all different sides in society, and aims to find healing through what Christ brings His creation. Chad talks about this and more in his new book, How the Light Shines Through: Resilient Witness in Dark Times, coming soon in September.

    Pre-order his book on cph.org.

    Show Notes
    Will people meet Jesus in us if we aggressively respond in kind to the threats we feel in the world around us? Or are these people more likely to meet Jesus in us if we patiently endure the challenges that have been set before us constantly relying on Christ? In his new book, author Chad Lakies helps in this task by first acknowledging our reality and how the church has reacted to it thus far, then he helps us to imagine better ways that we can interact with the world around us - ways that will help the light shine through and reflect the life-changing love of Jesus to our neighbors.

    Listen to the episode as Chad dives into his book and discusses what it means to live in a secular age, engaging in political discussions as Christians, ways to thoughtfully discuss Christ with our peers, and more.


    • Unpack what it means “to live in a secular age.”
    • Let’s talk about some of the misconceptions covered in chapter 9.
    • As political discussions take over more and more of the national conversation and likely our personal conversations, can you share some tips for how we can “concentrate on sameness” rather than difference and preserve relationships despite disagreements?
    • Perhaps one way to summarize this book is to say that our reactions matter for our witness, and much of the book explores how we can react differently to the difficult situations we’re in every day to better witness to those around us. Do you have any tips or reminders that you use yourself to help you temper your reactions in the moment, especially if tensions or emotions are high?
    • “Authenticity” is thrown around a lot these days. Why is this problematic, and what is a better standard for authenticity?
    • What are three goals for a resilient church?

    About the Guest
    Chad Lakies (MDiv, PhD) is Vice President for Ministry Engagement within the United States at Lutheran Hour Ministries. His former life as a nonbeliever provides exceedingly relevant experience for thinking about how to engage with friends and neighbors outside the kingdom of God. He and his wife, Bethany, have two daughters, Anabel and Daphne.

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  • Embracing Your Lutheran Identity | Dr. Gene Edward Veith Jr.

    On this episode of The Concordia Publishing House Podcast, Elizabeth Pittman is joined by guest Dr. Gene Edward Veith Jr. as he talks about his new book, Embracing Your Lutheran Identity. Gene takes listeners and readers on a journey from the early church through the Reformation to Lutheranism today. Elizabeth discusses how his newest work helps us to see why the stories from these eras are important to our Lutheran identity.

    Embracing Your Lutheran Identity will release on August 27 and is available for pre-order now on cph.org.

    Show Notes
    In Embracing Your Lutheran Identity, Gene Edward Veith Jr. uncovers inspiring stories and characters from church history with whom you share an identity.

    Writing not as a scholar, pundit, or apologist, but as a teacher, Gene Edward Veith Jr. talks about how his new book will guide readers through the Holy Spirit's work from the early church, through the Reformation, and into Lutheranism today through engaging accounts, modern parallels, and thought-provoking questions. Gene also discusses why our baptismal identity is important to our faith lives, why we study connections to the early church and more.


    • How does having a strong Lutheran identity help strengthen our identity in Christ?
    • Culture today is preoccupied with ethnicity, social status, race, and identity. How does the Bible address these preoccupations?
    • Why is our baptismal identity so much more important than any other way we identify ourselves?
    • What parallels are there between the difficulties of Christians today and the Christians of the early church?
    • Why is it helpful for us to think of our church and ourselves as being connected to the early church?
    • What lessons can we learn from the medieval church?
    • Tell us about the rise of American Lutheranism.
    • You write that “Lutheranism offers the kind of Christianity that best speaks to the spiritual issues of today.” Why is this?

    About the Guest
    Gene Edward Veith Jr. is a retired English professor and college administrator, most recently at Patrick Henry College and Concordia University Wisconsin. He is the author of twenty-seven books, including Authentic Christianity: How Lutheran Theology Speaks to a Postmodern World; Christianity in an Age of Terrorism, and God at Work. He has a Ph.D. from the University of Kansas and currently lives in St. Louis with his wife, Jackquelyn.

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    49 分
  • Honoring the Sabbath with Work, Rest, or Play | Dr. Joel Biermann

    Dr. Joel Biermann joins as guest on this episode of The Concordia Publishing House Podcast to discuss his new book, Day: 7: For Work, Rest, or Play. In this episode, Biermann discusses how his book explores the sabbath and how it's all about living in the joy and celebration of God's good gifts.

    Get a copy of his book on cph.org.

    Show Notes

    The third commandment asks Christians to remember the sabbath day by keeping it holy - but how is one supposed to keep it holy? And how does work, rest, and play help us do just that? Dr. Joel Biermann joins the episode to talk about the sabbath and what it means for us in our daily lives.

    Listen to the full episode to hear Dr. Biermann talk about who he wrote his new book for, what his goal was when writing, how we can understand the sabbath’s implications for our lives, the significance of the sabbath in the Bible, and more.


    • You wrote this for a lay audience. How did you know that it was ready for a lay audience?
    • What is your goal for Day 7?
    • What do most people get wrong about the Sabbath?
    • What does the Sabbath have to do with God creating the world?
    • Is there any significance to Adam and Eve being created on the sixth day, and then resting with God on the seventh day?
    • How did the Israelites in the Old Testament understand and observe the Sabbath?
    • How did Jesus' teachings and healing miracles on the Sabbath help shape our understanding of what Sabbath means for us?
    • Does the Sabbath give us a glimpse into what our eternal life with Christ in heaven will be like?
    • What does it look like to live the vita receptiva?
    • In your introduction, you say that the biblical idea of remembering the sabbath deserves more attention. What do you mean?
    • What does it mean to follow the sabbath?
    • What do you think most people get wrong about the sabbath?
    • Why is called the sabbath?

    About the Guest

    The son of a pastor, Joel Biermann was raised in parishes in Alberta, Nebraska, and Michigan. After serving St. Matthew Lutheran Church in Holt, Michigan for 11 years, Dr. Biermann returned to Concordia Seminary to pursue graduate work. In 2002, he joined the faculty at Concordia Seminary in the department of systematic theology, teaching doctrinal theology with a special interest and emphasis centered on ethics and the correct role of the law in the life of the believer. Outside of his responsibilities at the seminary, Dr. Biermann serves actively at his home congregation, leading evangelism training, teaching an ongoing Sunday morning Bible class, and creating material for small group Bible studies. Dr. Biermann is a frequent speaker at district and congregational gatherings and conferences covering a variety of topics especially relating to issues of discipleship and sanctification. Dr. Biermann holds the following degrees: B.A., Concordia College, Ann Arbor, Michigan M.Div., Concordia Seminary, St. Louis, Missouri Ph.D., Concordia Seminary, St. Louis, Missouri. Dr. Biermann and his wife Jeannalee live in St. Louis where they enjoy staying active in a variety of ways in the outdoors. They have three grown children and 11 grandchildren.

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  • When Worldly Advice Fails | Faith Doerr

    Author Faith Doerr joins this episode of The Concordia Publishing House Podcast to discuss how we can turn to the Bible to find comfort, rather than modern self-help phrases. She also talks about how she addresses these issues in her new book, God’s Encouraging Word: True Comforts When Worldly Advice Fails, which will release on July 23 and is available for pre-order now.

    Show Notes
    "Just be positive!" "God only gives you what you can handle." "Others have it harder." People mean well when they say these phrases. They intend to offer comfort and help during difficult times. Yet, ask yourself, do these self-help phrases actually offer comfort to you, or do they make things feel worse?

    Author Faith Doerr has heard her fair share of these phrases during struggles in her life. And she knows first-hand how they feel like "nails on a chalkboard" from the receiving end. If these phrases don't offer comfort, then is there something that can? Scripture. God's Word is full of true comfort that can help you in times of trouble and distress. In her new book, Faith takes a look at eight self-help phrases to see how they can actually do the opposite of their intentions, then turns to the Bible to find real words of comfort you can offer to those who need it. Preview her new book by listening to the full episode.

    Find Faith’s book on…



    · Tell our audience a bit about you.

    · How did you get started with your blog and Facebook community?

    · How have you enjoyed the book writing/publishing process?

    ·What was it that led to you wanting to write about this topic?

    · You mention that you're an avid journaler in the introduction. Can you talk a little about how you got started journaling and what role it plays in your faith life?

    ·You include journaling prompts throughout your book. Do you have some tips to share for those who haven't been journaling much or at all?

    · What is the Doerr household approach to handling confusion?

    · If there was one saying you could delete from everyone’s dialogue, what would it be?

    · Of all the myths you cover in your book, which one do you think is the most convincing?

    · What is your response to hearing someone say “You are stronger than this problem/trial”?

    · While addressing myth 7 “Others Have it Worse”, you share some guidance on what makes a person safe or unsafe, helpful or harmful. Would you briefly explain why this is important and recap this guidance for us?

    About the Guest
    Faith Doerr is married to Preston and is a mama to two children: Lydia and Ezekiel. Faith received her Bachelor of Elementary Education and Lutheran teachers diploma, along with her Master of Education in trauma and resilience from Concordia Nebraska. Currently, she teaches first grade at Concordia Academy in Omaha, Nebraska. Faith writes for her blog Imperfectly Perfect Living and has the Facebook community Healthy Mamas. Here she, with the Holy Spirit working through her, teaches mamas to create a Christ-seeking life and a healthy well-being. Faith has published two mental health journals and speaks at wellness retreats and women's conferences. She is also the co-host of Seasoned Mamas: God's Grace for Every Season of Motherhood Podcast.

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    44 分
  • Journey through Church History | Christa Petzold

    In this episode of The Concordia Publishing House Podcast, Elizabeth Pittman is joined by Christa Petzold, author of the new curriculum Journey through Church History. Christa explores why we should study and teach our children church history and how we are a part of God’s family through our baptisms.

    Find out more about Christa’s new work at cph.org/churchhistory.

    Show Notes

    Just as you are joined to Christ in your Baptism, you are joined to a family of believers who have gone before you. In Journey through Church History, Christa Petzold helps us discover men and women from church history who witness to Jesus Christ—martyrs, historians, apologists, theologians, translators, and more. Listen to the full episode as Christa previews the curriculum and shows how we can dig in and uncover our family tree rooted in Christ.


    · Church history seems universal, why does it matter that we have a text that describes the history of the Christian church from a distinctly Lutheran perspective? How does church history look different when it’s written from say a reformed perspective?

    · How early is too early to start teaching children about church history?

    · Why is it important to start educating children about church history?

    · The new Journey through Church History book covers a lot of ground! Can you talk a little bit about some of the historical persons covered? Why were there so few women covered? How did you select the people and topics covered?

    · How does studying church history strengthen your faith and deepen your understanding of Biblical truths?

    · Some might think that this topic is too difficult or “above the heads” of younger children, and yet you included a coloring page in the Leader guide. How do you plan to use this curriculum with a broad range of ages in your homeschool situation? How might that translate for others doing the same?

    · Which theological ideas that people fought over in the early centuries of the Church surprised you? I.e. Are we still fighting over some of the same issues as the early church?

    About the Guest

    Christa Petzold lives with her husband and four children in northern Illinois. She has a MA in Theology from Concordia University Irvine, a BA in Mathematics and Lutheran Secondary Education from Concordia University Wisconsin and is currently pursuing a PhD in History of Exegesis from Concordia Seminary, Saint Louis. She is a coauthor of Male and Female: Embracing Your Role in God’s Design, author of Gathered by Christ: The Overlooked Gift of Church, and author of Journey Through Church History Curriculum. She spends her time homeschooling, teaching theology, writing, and learning as much as she can about church history.

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