• Your Struggle with Sin Part (7) | The Cure to The Sin Pandemic

    Titus 2:11 says “the grace of God that brings salvation has appeared to all men.”  The word salvation is synonymous with rescue, safety, deliver, health and save.  These words conclude that, no matter who you are or what your situation is, salvation is available for you.  In this final episode of Your Struggle with Sin, Apostle Shon gives you the cure to sin and shows you how to apply a formula to end the sin pandemic in your life.  

    To connect with and or financially support Shon A Mitchell Ministries, visit the following links:

    Give: www.paypal.me/samministries

    Website: www.sam-ministries.org

    KC Website: www.newcovenantlifekc.org 

    Facebook: Shon A Mitchell Ministries 

    Instagram: www.instagram.com/samministries1 

    Twitter: www.twitter.com/samministries1 

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  • Your Struggle with Sin Part (6) The Law Strengthens Sin

    Many Christians believe that God instituted the law to help believers live righteous and holy lives.  The bible says in 1 Corinthians 15:56 that the strength of sin is the law.  In this episode, Apostle Shon begins to not only explain the reason why God instituted the law; but also, how we have created laws for ourselves strengthening sin and causing us to continue to struggle.



    To connect with and or financially support Shon A Mitchell Ministries, visit the following links:

    Give: www.paypal.me/samministries

    Website: www.sam-ministries.org

    KC Website: www.newcovenantlifekc.org

    Facebook: Shon A Mitchell Ministries

    Instagram: www.instagram.com/samministries1

    Twitter: www.twitter.com/samministries1 

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  • Your Struggle with Sin Part (5) The Reason Why You Can’t Get It Right

    The bible speaks of a woman who had an issue of blood and exhausted all of her finances trying to be healed to no avail.  Perhaps, you have done the same in your struggle with sin such as being prayed for, counseled, or gone through a deliverance session.  Romans 6:6 says knowing this, that our old man was crucified with Him, that the body of sin might be done away with, that we should no longer be slaves of sin.  Have you ever wondered what exactly is the body of sin?  In this episode, Apostle Shon will explain the body of sin and why you can’t get it right in your struggle with sin.



    To connect with and or financially support Shon A Mitchell Ministries, visit the following links:

    Give: www.paypal.me/samministries

    Website: www.sam-ministries.org

    KC Website: www.newcovenantlifekc.org

    Facebook: Shon A Mitchell Ministries

    Instagram: www.instagram.com/samministries1

    Twitter: www.twitter.com/samministries1 

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  • Your Struggle with Sin Part (4) The Spirit vs The Flesh

    James 1:8 says that a double minded man is unstable in all his ways.  Does your journey as a Christian seem as like a riding a roller coaster?  One moment you’re up, strong and doing the will of God, and the next moment you’ve fallen and your walk is contrary to the things of God.    Join Apostle Shon in this episode as he describes the mind of the Spirit and the mind of the flesh, and why you struggle to do the things that are pleasing to God consistently.


    To connect with and or financially support Shon A Mitchell Ministries, visit the following links:

    Give: www.paypal.me/samministries

    Website: www.sam-ministries.org

    KC Website: www.newcovenantlifekc.org

    Facebook: Shon A Mitchell Ministries

    Instagram: www.instagram.com/samministries1

    Twitter: www.twitter.com/samministries1 

    Email: info@sam-ministries.org


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  • Your Struggle with Sin Part (3) Your Heart is Divided Against Itself

    The heart is a complicated topic for many believers.  Scripture tells us to guard our hearts with all diligence because out of it flows the issues of life.  This scripture addresses the important roll the heart plays in the life of mankind.  The bible says from the heart you can believe, doubt, commit adultery, and a host of many other evil things.  Have you ever wondered what the heart truly is?  Tune in to this episode as Apostle Shon answers this question and explains why so many Christians struggle with sin.

    To connect with and or financially support Shon A Mitchell Ministries, visit the following links:

    Give: www.paypal.me/samministries

    Website: www.sam-ministries.org

    KC Website: www.newcovenantlifekc.org 

    Facebook: Shon A Mitchell Ministries 

    Instagram: www.instagram.com/samministries1 

    Twitter: www.twitter.com/samministries1  

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  • Your Struggle with Sin Part (2) Freeing Your Mind, Will and Emotions

    James 1:21 says, therefore lay aside all filthiness and overflow of wickedness, and receive with meekness the implanted word, which is able to save your souls.  The soul consists of your mind, will and emotions.  Have you ever considered that your soul is in need of salvation?  In this episode, Apostle Shon explains how saving the soul works and your responsibility to cooperate with God in this process of sanctification.  So, tune in to be equipped with the necessary tools that will empower you to deal with sin, so that Christ will be formed in you.  


    To connect with and or financially support Shon A Mitchell Ministries, visit the following links:

    Give: www.paypal.me/samministries

    Email: info@sam-ministries.org 

    Website: www.sam-ministries.org

    KC Website: www.newcovenantlifekc.org 

    Facebook: Shon A Mitchell Ministries 

    Instagram: www.instagram.com/samministries1 

    Twitter: www.twitter.com/samministries1  


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  • Your Struggle with Sin Part (1) Understanding Salvation

    2 Corinthians 5:17 says therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; old things have passed away; behold, all things have become new.  Many believers know that there has been a change when they accepted Jesus as their Lord and Saviour.  However, for many it does not seem that old things have passed away due to personal struggles with sin.  Have you ever considered that your salvation affects your spirit, soul and body differently?   In this episode, Apostle Shon will give you an understanding of salvation and how it relates to your entire being so that you can become more than a conqueror in Christ Jesus.

    To connect with and or financially support Shon A Mitchell Ministries, visit the following links:

    Give: www.paypal.me/samministries

    Email: info@sam-ministries.org

    Website: www.sam-ministries.org

    KC Website: www.newcovenantlifekc.org 

    Facebook: Shon A Mitchell Ministries 

    Instagram: www.instagram.com/samministries1 

    Twitter: www.twitter.com/samministries1  


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  • Living By The Voice of God

    In scripture, the life of a believer is likened to that of a house.  Many in the body of Christ tend to fall once they endure the storms of wind, rain and floods due to a faulty foundation. Psalm 11:3 says if the foundations are destroyed, what can the righteous do? The answer to this question is simply rebuild the foundations.  In the word of God, foundation speaks of new beginnings or first things.  Did You realize that the first thing God gave mankind in the garden was His voice?  Tune in to this episode as Apostle Shon shares how the voice of God is the foundational principle to experience life more abundantly.



    To connect with and or financially support Shon A Mitchell Ministries, visit the following links:

    Give: www.paypal.me/samministries

    Website: www.sam-ministries.org

    KC Website: www.newcovenantlifekc.org

    Facebook: Shon A Mitchell Ministries

    Instagram: www.instagram.com/samministries1

    Twitter: www.twitter.com/samministries1 

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